

アメリカに留学中の 村山 ひなた さんから第三回目の留学報告が届きました。

Hello, everyone! This is exchange student report from Nevada states by Hinata Murayama. How are you doing? I’m great and having fun every day with my favorite people. My daily, I keep writing every day till I arrived to Las Vegas, is already yesterday. I feel after Christmas the time passed by two times faster than before. Honestly, I don’t want to back to Japan yet. I have three reasons. First, my English improved finally, so I want to study in here more. I can do most of the school works without teachers or friends help now. English 11 is still hard for me, and I need teacher’s help little bit, but if I watch the movie about the story and read it by myself before the class, it help me, I can understand what the teacher are saying. This is a big improvement for me. These day, I am enjoying English books which I didn’t expect that I can be like this. It take a long time to finish a book, but I found the joy of reading. Second,because I could not jump the 7feet pole vault bar at last Track and Field FAT meet. I practiced so hard and became close to go over the bar. If I had a one more chance… I’m still in pain. I wish I could pole vault next year, too.

The club activity was a one of big thing in my exchange student year. Third, I have a lot of things I want to do with my host family or friend, but it’s not enough to do everything with 2 months. Even I keep whining, the reality would not change, so I’m trying to spend and have fun with my host family and friend as much as possible. This is the only thing I can do now. I have about 2 months. I accept the reality and enjoy my life in Las Vegas.

Thank you for reading .my report.

By Hinata Murayama





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