春休みが終わってテキサスに帰ると学校の成績が届いていました。もちろん今までで一番良い成績でした!これは本当にうれしかったです。最初は、英語の授業が本気で嫌いでEarth and Spaceは毎日みんなの2倍くらい課題があって、何すればいいのかもわからないクラスもありました。質問しても何言ってるのか結局わからなくて、それすらいやになったこともありました。でも今は本当に全部大好きです。先生や友達のおかげだと思うし、あの時頑張ってよかったと思います。最近は友達が日本語に興味を持ってくれて、ランチの時間に教えています。友達は代わりにスペイン語を教えてくれます。やっぱり大変ですが、気づくことはたくさんあります。日本語と英語は本当に全く違う言葉なんだなと思ったし、日本語は変わってるなと思いました。日本人以外の誰かになって日本語を勉強してみたいです(笑)
Hi, this is Yuzuna from Texas! Probably, this is going to be my last one.
First, I’m going to talk about my spring break in Chicago. I spent whole spring break with my host family in Chicago. We drove for two days to go to there, but it’s not bored because I was watching movies while I was in the car. Also, I enjoyed those views from the window changed as I got closer to the north from the south. On Sunday, we had baby shower for my host sister, and next day we went to downtown. It was so cold and snowing, but I really like Chicago so much that I want to live someday!
When I got home in Texas, I received my grades from school. Of course, it was the best for me so far! It made me so happy. When I came here first, I really don’t like English class, and I used to get so much homework more than everyone in Earth and Space class, and sometimes I didn’t even know what to do. People always gave me help when I asked something, but I couldn’t understand even what they were saying. Then I was scared even saying I need help.
But I love everything now. I really want to say thank you to my teacher, friends, and host family. Also, I didn’t give up trying hard, that’s why I can have fun now. These days, my friends are interested in Japanese, so I’m teaching them. It’s actually hard, but I can find many difference between them. I think Japanese and English including Spanish are totally different in their origin, pronunciation, grammar, and something I can’t explain. I really want to be other person who speaks different language, and want to learn Japanese. I’m sure I would be so confused.
Anyway, only two month left already. Actually, I can’t tell it was long or short. Honestly, I have something that I regret, and struggled doing what I’ve ever imaged, and I sometimes couldn’t do my best. I can’t write all of them. But now I can say all I’ve done and felt here is my precious experience and important for me. I will keep thinking what is the best, and want to make every single day better!