まずはfamilyについてです!私は研修も本拠地もオハイオなので研修終了後も移動はなく、familyともすぐに仲良くなることができ、家にもすぐに慣れることが出来ました。Familyはmother, father,2dogsで、motherもfatherも優しくていつも私のことを気にかけてくれるのが分かり、とても居心地がいいし安心できます。Fatherはよく”Give me fine”と言ってハイタッチをしてくれます!そしてあまり野菜を食べなかったり日本食もあまり得意ではない(笑)という家族なのですが、この前“今度日本食の作り方を教えて”と言ってくれたり、ちょっとしたことですがfamilyの優しさを感じることができ嬉しいです。よくFamilyとアイスを食べたり、広い庭でおしゃべりしたり、キャンプファイヤーをした後スモアを食べたり、犬とじゃれたり、毎日ゆったりと充実した時間を過ごせています!何といってもオハイオ州はのどかで空がいつも綺麗なんです!夕日夕焼け星空が最高で、どれも自然大好き人間の私にとってはとても嬉しいです!ついつい空の写真を撮ってしまいます(笑)これからもっとfamilyとコミュニケーションをとってより深い関係を築けたらいいなと思います!
Hi, I’m Nozomi living in Ohio! How is everyone doing? Another month passes by quickly since I came here. There are a lot of things I never saw or experienced before that surprised me; moreover, I enjoyed it and learned from it. I cannot fully convey my valuable experience to you in this report. Fortunately, I didn’t get homesick or illness and I’ve gotten use to life in here. I’m able to enjoying my life in here! I’ll talk about family and school that divide it into friends and classes in this report!
At first, I’ll talk about family! It’s the same state as the place where we were given study camp and host family house are built. Therefore, I didn’t need to migrate to some distant country from here, so I could be close with family soon and I’ve used to this house and something like that. My host family are mother, father and 2 dogs. They are always kind to me and I’m feeling their kind consideration. It’s comfortable house and I’m relieved when I’m in there. My father often said to me “Give me fine” and ask for high touch! My parents hardly ever eat vegetables and doesn’t fond of Japanese foods. However, they asked me how to make Japanese traditional foods and they said “If you can do it, please teach me how to make Japanese food for dinner” It make me happy to be able to find small happiness in my life. I often eat ice cream with my mam and sometimes dad, and talk with them outside, made a camp fire with eating smore, and muck with my lovely dogs. I’m live s fully life now! After all is said and done, the sky I can see in here is always awesome! Sunset, sunrise, stars, all tease is super beautiful. I like nature, so it makes me relax. I often took sky pictures. I’m going to try to communicate more with family to get closer!
I’ll talk about school! The study camp was canceled due to various reasons and I went to school earlier than other Japanese students. I wanted to join the study camp more, because of friends. Looking back, it’s good for me to be able to use to school early! My host school is near my house, so my father pick me up to school in the morning and my mother pick me up after finished the school. When I went to school at the first time, I was surprised at the many differences between Japanese school and American school. The teachers and students get close and there aren’t a strict rule or tough controls in American school. I think it’s very good things for not only students but also teachers to aren’t bind with rules. I like this systems and culture. In my school, a period is fourty three minutes long. It’s shorter than Japanese school, so I feel time goes by quickly. It’s not easy for me to conduct a class entirely in English. However, my teachers teach me what I should do during a class and It is possible for me to do my best, so I’ll stick it out! I took the matching band class at the last period class, so I joined it as a club activities. There are many people that cannot finish counting in this class. They are kind to me and teatched me how to play or dance in a graceful manner. I like this class better than another class! I’m practicing the clarinet and want to play it with them soon!
Lastly, I’ll talk about my feelings and impression after one month passed. I think it’s the most important things for exchange students to try as many things as possible. However, I’m worried about whether I can speak English well with my friends or use my pronunciation or grammar completely before I speak English. I sometimes missed perfect chance. I tend to take things too seriously. It’ s too bad habit, so I have to get over it. Frankly, I’ll be able to alive in here without speaking English a lot. However, I might regret what I did and I won’t be able to speak English well if I won’t try. Practice makes perfect! Don’t care what others think! I want to overcome it and must do it! Ten month isn’t long time for me, so I’m going to grasp an opportunity so as not to regret. I’m glad to meet wonderful friends and family. I’m going to enjoy my life including hardship!
Thank you for reading my report. See you soon!