それでは学校について話します。私は初日から必ず一番前の席に座り早く先生に覚えてもらうようにしました。そのせいか私がわからないとすぐ教えてくれますしいつも話しかけて。これは私の後輩のみんなへのアドバイスですね!最初の日はご飯食べる子がいなかったので2時間目のentrepreneurクラスで同じ子に頑張って一緒に食べていいか聞きました。それから今も一緒に食べています。そこから授業変更などしてほかの友達もできました。友達ができるのが嬉しかった1,2週目が終わり、3,4週間目はひたすら病んでました。友達ができてご飯を一緒に食べてもみんなが話してる内容がわからなくて次のステップに進めない虚しさと自分らしくいられない悲しさでいっぱいでした。この時はさすがに家で泣いちゃいましたね。ですが金曜日に教会のYouth group のパーティーに行ってたくさんの友達に会って色んな話しました。そのみんながいつも学校で助けてくれます。そして今日、友達とカフェにご飯食べに行った後、バイバイするときにハグしてくれました♥頑張って行動すれば絶対なにか結果がついてくるんですね☺
時間の流れが速く、もっと英語が話せるようになりたい焦りも感じますが今はカナダの地で毎日一つ一つ頑張っていきます!こんな素敵な経験をさせてくれた先生、両親に感謝と愛でいっぱいです♥ 次回のレポートでもっと進化した私をお伝えできるように頑張りますね!ではまた今度~
Hello! How’s it going guys? I’m Moe Fujinaka. I’m in Ontario, Canada now.
Finally, it’s the day that I post my report on Hokusei website!!
I’ll talk about my training time and my Canadian school. I will write a lot about my host family next time.
First, I’ll talk about my memorable days in Whitby. My teacher taught us English and Canadian culture. On week days, I usually went to school and then I went to a café and shopping mall with my friends after school. I talked about why I decided to be an exchange student and my dream with my friends. It was a wonderful time.
I sometimes hung out with my friends on weekends. We went to the CNE. This is a really famous festival in Canada. We rode the bus and subway by ourselves, it was exciting and made me nervous. Moreover, I’ve met my wonderful host family. My host mother believes deeply in her religion. I went to church with her, and then we went to the park in Toronto to give homeless and disabled people some food.
I asked her why she gave food to them even though she was not sure they had money. She said “90% of the people who come and receive food don’t have enough money”. I was surprised at her being so loving and generous.
I’d like to do something for people in need like my host mother.
She is hoping to come visit me next spring, I’m so excited!
Finally, I’ll talk about my Canadian school.
I’ve sat in the front seat since the first day. So my teacher remembers me and talks to me sometimes. This is the advice for students who go to America and Canada next year!
The first day, I didn’t have friends to eat lunch with, so I asked a girl who is taking the same entrepreneur class to eat lunch with me. We’ve eaten lunch together ever since. Then, I switched some classes and I made some new friends.
I felt glad because I could make some friends in the first and second weeks. However, after that I felt sad and lonely because I could not understand what they talked about. This made me cry.
However, I went to the youth group party at the church. I met a lot of wonderful friends and we talked and laughed with them for one hour. It surprised me that the time together with them gave me such great joy and was able to boost my confidence in my ability to make conversation and friends. Some friends I met at the church helped me in sociology class. Also, today I went to the café with my friends. When we went to each class, she hugged me! I was so happy. I believe if I am willing to do some new things, I will absolutely get some great results!
After I cried and experienced the hard time, I just moved on!! I will never give up!☺ Time flies and I feel stressed sometimes because I want to be able to speak English fluently. However, for now I will just try and work hard at each new thing.
I can experience a lot of precious things in my life because of my teachers in Japan and my parents. I do appreciate them. Thank you so much and I love you.
I’ll try my best to be able to share the improvement in my life as they happen. See you next time guys~~♥