


              皆さんこんにちは、ニュージャージー州Metuchen に留学中の田中美羽です。アメリカに来て早くも2か月が過ぎました。前回のレポートではあまり書く内容がなかったのですが、今回は逆に書くことがたくさんあって困っています。前回はニュージャージー州にもまだ来ていませんでしたからね。






              学校については、私の学校は結構遅めのスタートで9月5日から始まりました。部活(マーチングバンド)は学校が始まるより先に2回ほど行っていたし、あんまり緊張していないつもりだったのですが、いざ学校へ行ってみると日本とは違う景色に少し怖気づいてしまいました。しかしホームルームで、学校が始まる前から参加していたマーチングで知っていた子がいて話しかけてくれたので安心できました。また、私の学校にはESLというネイティブ             ではない生徒向けの英語の授業があったのでそこでも友達を作ることができました。ESLがある私の学校ですが、留学生は今まで来たことも無いらしいです。代わりにといいますか、MetuchenはNYCに近いところなので海外からの移民がたくさんいます。また、生徒本人はアメリカで生まれていても、親は他の国の方だったりと人種が本当に様々でこれも1つ、アメリカならではの文化なのかなと、思います。おかげで差別など全くなくて留学生の私にとってすごく心地良い街でもあります。なので、もちろんアメリカに来たばかりで英語が完璧ではない人もいますが、逆にバイリンガル、トライリンガルが全く珍しいものではないのも事実で、日本人だから英語ができないというのはあまり理由にするべきではないと感じたというか、すごく劣等感のようなものをここにきてから感じてしまいました。









                                                                                                                                            5年G組 田中美羽







              Hello everyone. This is Miu Tanaka staying in Metuchen New Jersey. I have been here already for 2 months. When I wrote my last report, I didn’t have stories I wanted to tell you. However, now I am little confusing because I have many things I want to tell you. When I wrote my last report, I had not come to NJ yet.


              October 25, I flew by myself and arrived in Metuchen. Houses are smaller and narrower between house to house in this town as compared to Ohio. There are some cafes or some stores in downtown. My first impression of this town is so pretty. I could associate this town with Ghibuli movies. There are many squirrels instead of crows. My host family is so nice to me and cheerful. They take me to various places, and they make me experience many things. I really appreciate them  always. However, I would like to get to know them more. The fact is that I am not real family of them, but I hope we don’t feel it. Especially, I want to talk with my host sister more.


              My school started September 5th that is a bit late in America. I went to marching band 2 times before starting school. So I believed I was not nervous. But actually I went to school, I felt scared of the different scene from Japanese school. However, when I went to homeroom, there is a student that I met in marching band and he talked to me. So, I could feel relieved. Moreover, my school has ESL (English as a second language) class. I could make friends there. Even though my school has ESL class, my school has never had exchange students. But, we have a lot of immigrants because Metuchen is near to NYC. Also, even if the children were born in America, the parents were from another country. Like this, we have various race and culture. I think this is one of peculiar experience in America.  According to these reasons, there is no discrimination around here, so it is comfortable for me as an exchange student. So, of course, some people can’t speak English well. However actually many people are bilingual or trilingual. I felt ashamed that I can’t speak English because I am a Japanese. I though I shouldn’t use being Japanese as an excuse.

The classes are difficult in general. However, I told my teachers that my English is not good my first school day. So that helped because they are understanding and students are also kind and help me. I’m happy that the number of my friends increasing. I don’t have friends that close like my friends of Hokusei still… After I came to America, I can’t do things that I could do naturally when I was in Japan. Besides, I often feel impatience why I can’t express myself so far. However, I can feel glad when I just can greet students whom I have never talked to, or be called my name by my friends.  I can feel happiness with small daily things. If I didn’t study abroad, I couldn’t notice these joys. This is thanks to spending time alone in another country with not good English.


              I haven’t seen everything yet. There are many things left that I want to or I have to do. I must do things step by step.


              I’m sure Hokkaido is very cold. Here also is becoming winter. Not defeated by cold, try our best each places!!

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