おはこんばんにちは!アメリカのオハイオ州に留学している村中希です!北海道は早くも雪が降り始めたと聞きましたが、こちらも今日雨交じりの初雪(?)が降り、少しずつ寒くなってきたので最近コートと靴を冬仕様に変えました。私は日本にいたとき秋頃からすでにマフラー、手袋、耳あて人間だったので、やる気や根気だけではどうにもできない寒さだけには弱いです(笑)アメリカに来てから早くも約3か月が経過しました。このレポートを書くのも2回目ですが、つい最近レポートを書いたばかりなのにもう!?と驚いています。このレポートを書くにあたり色々なことを振り返ってみると、この3か月間で色々な変化があったなあと感じています。最近はずっと忙しく暇な時間があまりないのですが、忙しいと生きてる!!って感じがするので私的には暇と感じるより嬉しいです(笑)私は今回のレポートで大まかにSchool and Friends, Events(Homecoming, Halloween)についてお話ししたいと思います!
まずEventsについてです!この2か月間にHomecomingとHalloweenがありました。Homecomingとは友達やboyfriendと行くダンスパーティーみたいなものです。私は行く人がいなくて友達を誘おうか考えていた時に、同じマーチングの男の子に誘われたのでその子と一緒に行きました!彼は“本当にアメリカ人?“って思うくらいわりと静かでcoolな男の子なのですが(笑)優しいし穏やかでとても楽しかったです!エスコートとかされたことなっかたのでドキドキしました(笑)行く前は楽しみではありましたが、初めてのドレスにダンスパーティー、静かなパートナー、どんな男かチェックすると言い出したfather(笑)、と色々悩みの種があり、英語が上手く話せない私が3時間も男の子と会話を続け空気を保っていられるか心配で、とても緊張していて少し行くのが怖かったのですが、行ってみると心配していたようなことは全くなく他の友達ともダンスを楽しめました!(きっと会場が暗かったのと、ばかでかい音量の音楽のおかげですね笑)約3時間ビートなダンスやパートナーとのスローダンスを踊り、途中でヒールを脱ぎ私のグループだけ手をつないで輪になって踊ったり、あまり体験したことのない独特の雰囲気を感じ、友達と最高の時間を過ごしました!すごく楽しかったし一緒に踊ることで友達とより仲良くなれた気がします!こういう機会でもないと、”実は私こんなにうるさくて爆笑したりふざけられるんだよ!“とアピールできないので、ありのままにはっちゃけました(笑)日本にないこういうイベントはアメリカ!って感じがして大好きです!Halloweenでは日本と同じく仮装したり、家や外装をデコレーションし、カボチャをアレンジカットしました。Halloweenの数日前には「Trick or Treat!!」と言ってお菓子を集める、日本でいう“ろうそく出せ”のようなイベントがあり、私は友達2人と一緒に街を歩きたくさんのお菓子をもらいました!色んなキャラクターの仮装を見れてとても楽しい時間でした!
次にSchoolとfriendsについてです!もう授業や色々なシステムの違いにも慣れ、毎日American school lifeを楽しんでいます!授業はまだ完全にではないですが大体のことは理解できるようになりました。私はもともとリスニングが苦手で絶対アメリカで生きていけないと思っていたし、先生の言っていることを理解できなくてテストで素晴らしい点数を取ってしまうのではないかと不安だったので、そんな以前の自分と比べると少しは成長できたのではないかなと思います(笑)私は暗記が得意なので単語テストはほぼ完ぺきなのですが、英語の授業で物語を読んでそれについての問題をといたり、読んだ感想や自分の意見をレポートにしなければいけない時は、長い物語を理解するのがハードで苦戦しています(笑)ですが最近今期の成績が渡されたのですが、思っていたより結構良くてparentesに褒められとても嬉しかったしやる気もでました!先生は本当に優しいのでこれからも助けを借りながら頑張っていきます!
友達については一番大きな変化がありました。なんとbest friendsと呼べる友達ができました!私のことをすごく好いてくれていて、私を見つけると必ず「nozomi!!」と言って手を振ってくれたり駆け寄ってハグをしてくれます!休日にはお泊りに誘ってくれたり一緒に映画を見に行ったり、その子の家でdinnerを作ったりゲームしたり、google translationを使って“のぞみ大好き、日本に帰らないで”と翻訳して見せてきたり、彼女らのおかげで毎日楽しく過ごせているし、本当に毎日助けられているなと感じます。日本に帰りたくないと心から思います。周りには流暢に英語が話せる生徒がいるのに、そんな中でも上手に話せない私を一番気にかけてくれて、どれだけ優しいの!!と毎日思います。彼女のファミリーもとても優しくて、ここが自分の家だと思っていつでも好きな時においでと言ってくれました(泣)でも仲良くなった子や日本に興味のある人と会話をしていると、話したい気持ちも伝えたいことも山ほどあるのに言葉が出てこなくて相手に対してのリアクションだけで会話が終わってしまう時があります。自分の英語力のなさを痛感し悔しい時もありますが、いかにその悔しさを燃料にしてtryするかで残りの日々も変わってくると思います。もう3か月も経ってしまったので、そろそろ“まだ時間はある”ではなく“もう時間がない!”と考えなければなりません。なので一日一日をただ過ごすのではなく、貴重な一日を素晴らしいものに自分の努力で作り上げようと思います!私たちは英語を学ぶために、異文化交流のために、新しいものに出会い学ぶために、困難を乗り越えて自分を成長させるために、こんなにも遠いアメリカという国へ来たんです!その目的を忘れないで、すべてのものを楽しみつくしたいと思います!授業はめんどくさいですが友達に会えるので学校は大好きです!そう思える素晴らしい環境、人々に出会えたことに感謝して後悔のないように邁進いたします!!
Hi, I’m Nozomi living in Ohio! How everyone doing? I heard that the snow had already piled up in Hokkaido. It snowed today in Ohio for the first time this year, but little bit. It’s getting cold these days, so I changed my clothes and shoes for winter. When I was in Japan I’ve usually worn a scarf, gloves and earmuffs before winter came, because I’m sensitive to the cold. I can’t help being colder. It’s hard for me to get up around 6o’clock every morning. Well, it has already been three months since I came here. Writing a first report is still fresh in my memory. I can’t believe it’s already. There were a lot of change in my circumstances when I look back on the first semester. I have a lot of work right now, but that is better than not having work. I have a life worth living now. Well, I’ll talk about friends, school and events in this report!
At first, I’ll talk about evens that I had in 2 months. I went to Homecoming with my friends 1 month ago. It’s like a dance party that held at school on the night. It’s tradition to go with a loved one such as a girlfriend or boyfriend or someone you really like. At first, I didn’t have a partner to go with, but my friend who play the cymbal in the marching band invited me to go with. He is quiet person and always keep him cool, so sometimes silence made me nervous. However, he is kind and a mind -mannered person. He always leads the way and escorted me to a dance. I was excited to go there before going to homecoming, but something made me nervous to go. For example, wearing a dress at the first time, dancing slow dance with a quiet partner, and my father especially made me nervous, because he said that we have to see him to check how does he look like. I worried whether I can keep talking with him during the homecoming. I was afraid of going to there. However, there were nothing happened I’ve expected. We all enjoyed many kinds of dancing at the gym for three hours. We danced hand in hand with took off our high heeled in the middle of the homecoming. I think we became close more by dancing with. I tried to impress them with my sunny personality. I had very fun time with my friends. It was best night ever! Well, I decollated my house and cut a pumpkin before Halloween. When I went to trick or treat with my friends I wore the costume of Minnie. Then I got many candy. There were many people who are wearing varied costume. It was good time!
Next, I’ll talk about school and friends. I’ve gotten used to some differences of system in the class and at the school. Not perfect but I can almost understand what my teacher is saying during a class. I wasn’t good at listening to English before came here, I’ve expected that I can’t understand what teacher is talking about and I always get not good grades on the test. However, I think my English listening skill is better than it used to be. I’m good at memorizing something, so I usually get good mark on vocab test. However, it’s very hard for me to read a long story on the textbook and answer some questions about that. I sometimes made a report which I wrote my opinion and some idea about a story. I honestly don’t like English class, because I feel the lack of my English ability. I got a list of my grades recently. The grade is better than I expected and my parent praised me for it. I’m very happy to be praised and got good result. I’ll keep studying harder with teacher’s help.
Some big changes occurred in relationships to my friends. I’ve made friends whom I can call best friends. When she finds me, she called my name and hugged me! On weekend, she invited me to go her house. When I went to her house, we played the game and made pizza with her mom. After that we went to movie theater to watch a movie. She has sometimes tried to talk to me in Japanese or showed me Japanese sentences that was translated by google translation. It’ almost like “Love you. If you leave here I’ll be so sad. Don’t go back to Japan.” I was glad to hear that, but I’m a bit sad. I don’t want to go back to Japan. She make my everyday great. She has been always helped me. There are so many students who can speak English fluently around her. However, she always cares about me and take thought for me. How kind she is! I cannot enough thank you. Her family is very kind to me. They said “you can come my house whenever you want. You can think it’s your house” I have many things that I want to convey to them, but I don’t have enough confidence to try to talk more from me. I usually just commented on what my friends said. I keenly realized my lack of English ability. I feel disappointed with my English, but I’ll make more efforts, driven by regret. It’s good experience to improve my English. It has been 3 months, so although I thought that I still have plenty of time, there is no time to lose. I’m running out of time! Therefore, I want to live life here to the fullest and have no regrets. I’ve came here to improve my English, enjoy intercultural communication, experience new things I’ve never been, overcome some difficulties I faced to matured. I’ll never forget it, and I’m going to try harder. It’s lazy to take lesson, but I like school that I can meet my friends! I’m grateful to all the people I’ve met, and a situation in which something is proceeding favorably.
Lastly, I’ll talk about my feelings and impression after three months passed. On my first report, I wrote like I’m worried about whether I can speak English well with my friends, and use my pronunciation or grammar completely before I speak English. I’ve kept my goal in my mind but still can’t overcome that. I sometimes can’t even say easy word what people who isn’t good at speaking English well can understand. It’s because I don’t have confidence to say something. Am I timid person? lol I already know the reason why I can’t talk too much. It’s because I don’t want them to realize that the lack of my English abilities. I think it’s many times better to regret doing something than it’s to regret not doing something, and also even If I would be said something about my speaking skill, I can live with full of confidence. It’s because I made my best endeavor. Challenging myself to something new things is always needed to summon the courage. It’s hard for me, and I’ve sometimes made mistakes. However, it’s said “failure is a stepping – stone to success.” I think making repeated mistakes which only proves is good for improvement. I need to try more! When we faced problems, I usually tend to take things too seriously, but we don’t have to compare with other people. I think It’s necessary to grateful for the small things in our life. I’m just grateful to wake up every morning to realize that I’m still alive today. I’m doing something at my own pace. I’ll do my best!
Thank you for reading my report! See you soon!