



日々戦っているそちらの皆様、こんにちは!! 私は今日本食が出てくる夢と日々戦っています。お元気ですか????元気があれば空も飛べるということで、日本食を食べに飛んでいきたいです。






来週はみんなが緊張するあのFinalがあります。Final は期末テストのことで、私も頑張らないといけません!日本の学生と違いアメリカの学生はそこまでFinalに向けて勉強している人もいなく、私にしたらみんなダイジョブか?って感じなんですけど、なんだかそこまで気合入れないもんみたいです。場所によってはFinalがない学校もあるみたいで、その人たちはほんと…。うらやましい限りです。以外に勉強はついていけますが、英語(国語)のエッセイは時間がかかります。Finalで3つの本につてのエッセイをテスト時間内に書かないといけないので1日かかるようなくらいのエッセイをこそ時間内に書けるか、不安でいっぱいです。めげずに、しっかり頑張っていこうと思います!


Merry Christmas&Happy new year






Hi!! How are you doing?? Are you eating the super nice Japanese Nabe right now?? I’m sure you are eating superr nice Nabe. You are such a lucky person. If I can fly, I will fly to you to eat Nabe haha

I’m Luluna and, I’m staying in beautiful California (Napa city). I though time is fast cause, I’ve already here for about 3 or 4 months! I don’t eat mom’s food for 3 or 4 moths!!! It’s impressive for me. Recently, I can feel it’s time to Christmas, because my friends and teachers are wearing the nice Santa sweater, hat, socks, beard, the kind of stuff and, the Christmas decoration is so pretty. The American people like to put on the bunch of decoration stuff at the everywhere. It is interesting for me and, I’m having fun about it:) During at the Christmas season, people are all happy. They are suddenly dancing, singing, giving some candies, I like it.

I did trick or treating and, I did Thanksgiving party with my host family! I cooked the Imomochi and, they liked it very much! I’m glad they liked it:) When we are holiday, I don’t need to get up early so, I’m glad I could sleep well. I visited many places at the Thanksgiving holiday with my host family. I appreciated to my host family and we had a wonderful time but, before Thanksgiving holiday, I had difficult time about my host family. I’m ok now and, I learned many things from it. I like my host family and, I want to spend valuable time to them. I change my mind and, I want to do my best more than before and, I decided to change my school on January. I have many reasons why I will change but, I think changing school is good for me and, good for my host family too. I hope I can spend nice school life! I have a confident to have wonderful school life at the next school but, I’m sad because I have to say Goodbye to my friends and teachers. I hope I can meet them even I left and, I hope I can make friends again at the new school.

Next week, I have a final exam. That’s why my report is short. Haha

I have no idea what going on at the final but, I’m sure it will be ok. I hope.

Everyone don’t study for Final very well. I wonder why they don’t study because Japanese kids will study superr hard for Final. I heard some American high school don’t have the Final. That’s really lucky. I mean I thought I will have difficult time about study but, fortunately, I am ok! I can’t do writing very well so, Essay, Bio, English are hard for me. I will take time for long time to do. I’m worrying about it. I will do my best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anyway, thank you for reading my report.

 This report is a kinda short because of Final and, thank you for understanding me and, sorry about that. Next time, I will write definitely more than this report.

I want to learn many things and, I want to be a good English speaker more than now!

I will keep trying my super best:)

Luluna2-1 Luluna2-2