









Hello! This is Hinako from Colorado, and this is going to be my last report! I can’t believe I’ve spent more than 9 months in here and my exchange life is almost over. This time, I would like to talk about the trip, prom and what I’ve learned and experienced in here.


We have a week spring break last month, so we drove though Las Vegas and spent night in there and we went to Disneyland in California. We drove 8 hour each day and it takes totally 16 hours. I’ve never experience so long drive before, so I was like kinda excited but also tired. But I can say it was great experience to me because I could see wonderful landscape like canyon and stop to taking pictures. We had so much fun in Las Vegas and Disneyland. I didn’t expect that I could go there so I really appreciate to my host family. I would say this is gonna be one of my favorite memory of my exchange life.


And finally I went to prom last Friday. I was so excited to go my first and last prom because I wanted to go since I watched American movie or TV show about it before. I went to prom with my friends and we rode a limo. That was so much fun, we danced all night, and limo took us to the downtown denver to see night view after that. This experience is gonna be also my favorite memory. I wish we have prom in Japan tho.


I remember that when i first came here and had hard time, I always checked my calendar and count how many days do i have left even though i had more than 200 days left. When things were not going well, I had missed my home country, my city, my family and friends so bad. But things have been changing better little by little. Lately, time goes so fast because I am having great time. I love to go to school and see my friends and guess what, I am on school honor role and  been awarded. I was thinking what i am going to talk about in award ceremony and I realized I have learned so many things though my exchange life. I never forget this memory and I wanna say this will be my treasure of my life. I feel like I am excited to go back to Japan because I can finally see my family and friends, but i am also sad because I know I will miss my host family and friends in here. Anyway, I will have great rest of my time in here and do my best with my English!

Thank you so much for reading my report, see you in Japan!

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