


Hi this is Rina Fujine from Michigan. Time is going fast, this is my last report, so that mean my exchange year is almost over. This time I would like to talk about what I did these day and all the experience in here.

 I’m still busy from softball but I’m having fun. I have game every week and I have practice every day after school, but softball season will over 2 weeks later. How sad is it. This is second time I play softball and its different country, different team, but I still like to play softball.

About one week ago, I had last orientation at my coordinator’s house and this was the last time I could see my exchange student’s friends, because they are all go to different school. We ate hamburger and dessert then we made smore, and I talked with my friends a lot. I had really good time and I already miss them.

 I cannot forget first time I came Michigan. Sometimes I thought I want to back to NC, because I had great time in there. Also, I missed Japan, my friends, and my life in Japan too. I had a lot of hard time in here but also, I spend a lot of fun time too. My friends and teachers helped me a lot I cannot say thank you enough to them. I’ve never have favorite teacher before I came here, but now I have favorite teacher. That’s big change for me. My favorite teacher is super funny, and he helped me a lot. So, I like to go to school to see my friends and teachers.

I’m appreciate who helped my exchange year. I’m kind of excited go back to Japan, because I could see my friends, and I could eat Japanese food every day also I could back to my normal life in Japan, but I’m sure I’ll miss my friends, teachers, and my host school in here. I don’t know how to explain how I’m feeling now.

A lot of new experiences changed my mind and made me strong. My exchange year is the one of the best experience in my life. Again, I’m appreciate my family, friends, and teachers from Japan. 3 weeks later I’m going to back to Japan, and I’m already senior in there, I’m not ready for that.

Thank you for reading my report, see you in Japan.









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