



先週プロムがありました!私とダブルプレイスメントと他2人の友達と行きました。プロムは学校ではなく州都のデンバーで行われてホームカミングよりも盛大で華やかなものでした。会場には友達もいて一緒に踊ったりたくさん写真を撮ったり話したり、楽しかったです。何人かの友達から「日本の学校にもプロムはあるの?」と聞かれて「ないよ、だからこれが最初で最後」と答えるたび驚かれました。8時から12時前までやっていて私たちは11時半位まで会場にいたので帰りの車では皆疲れて爆睡してました() 正直アメリカにきた当初はプロムに行くつもりは全くなかったと言っても過言ではなかったんですが行って正解でした。日本の学校にもプロムが必要だと思います!()

プロムが終わった次の週にFinal Examがありました。American Literature, Spanishs1, ESL, Algebra2で試験がありましたがどれもすごく難しかったというわけではないので成績は大丈夫だと思います。American LiteratureESLはプレゼンテーションがFinalの課題だったんですがあまり緊張することなく終えることが出来ました。American Literatureのクラスでは先生がシニアへ花をくれました。渡されるときに先生が「頑張ったね」といってくれて少し泣きそうになりました。




Hi everyone, this is my last report, and when it comes out on Hokusei’s website, I might be in japan.

Last week, I had a Prom! It was held in Denver and I went with my friends. It was better and better than Hoco. I danced, talked, took a lot of pictures, with my friends. It was really fun. When I said that we don’t have prom in japan, most of my friends were so surprised. When I came to the US, I didn’t think I would go to prom, but now, I think we definitely need Prom in Japan!

A week after prom, I had my Final exam. I had American Literature, Spanish1, ESL, and Algebra2. I think my grades will be fine. My final exam was some presentations in American literature class and ESL class, I wasn’t too nervous and I did it well. At the end of class in American Literature, my teacher gave seniors including me the flower. My teacher told me that I did well in this class. When I heard it I almost cried.

When I came to school in August, I was afraid to everything even speaking English. I couldn’t catch up with some classes but I didn’t ask anything to other students, and I couldn’t catch up with the classes more. I was crying a lot because I disappointed with my English, but I realized just crying was useless. Comparing myself with others has no future in it. I realized it through my exchange year. It was not easy to spend 10 months with foreign language, and different culture, but the reason my exchange year became awesome was people around me. I’m really thankful to all of my families and teachers and friends, in the US and in Japan. Goodbye!

Ayana5-1 Ayana5-2 Ayana5-3