


Hello! I am Hinako Nakao ,stay in North Bay, Ontario. First, I have to apologize to Steven because I forgot to write the report at all. I am sorry about that.

Anyway, I have a lot happenings these days ,so I gonna tell those.

I joined a drama festival in my area as one of staffs of my high school. It was really fantastic time because that was the first time to see other high schools’ plays. I could know characteristics of each high schools though the times. We could go region competition ,but could not go to Ontario competition. That was kinda sad ,but I experienced such fabulous times as a one of stuffs of the drama club for about  7 months. I finished my drama club so, now days I joined girls’ soccer team in my high school. To be honest, I am not very athletic ,so I thought It was not possible to pass the tryout ,but I did because of super miracle. I cannot believe it even now lol. However, sometimes, I have felt uncomfortable when I spend times with my girls’ soccer teammates because some of teammates are so mean. For example, Even if one of people is next to me while making a pair in practices, they try to escape me. That is not funny and It makes me alone. Of course, some of teammate is friendly, but you know, I just want to tell about the kinda discrimination for you guys especially, 5G students. But, I really do not wanna give up making a good relationship including some of mean people.  However, actually, I have had fun with friends ,so don’t too worry me lol.

Do you guys remember I was suffering form my host family. I told my problem to my local coordinator but I couldn’t change. However, now is fun so far ,so don’t worry me again lol.

 Next is about Florida. I went to Florida while a spring break. It was so fun ,but you know I always live in cold places ,so Florida was too hot place for me to be honest. Florida was complete different place compared with Canada. The place was like a movie.



まず、ドラマスタッフの裏方としてドラマフェスティバル(高文連みたいなもの)に参加しました。他の高校の劇を始めて見たり、各それぞれの高校のドラマクラブの特徴などが知れて本当に楽しかったです。地区大会は突破出来ましたが、オンタリオ州の大会出場には出場出来ませんでした。もう、このドラマクラブの活動が無いと思うと悲しいですが、ドラマクラブのメンバーの一員として約7ヶ月間、とても良い経験をさせてもらいました!本当にドラマクラブのみんなが大好きです!!ドラマクラブの活動が終わってしまったので、今は、運動音痴のくせに奇跡的にサッカーチームのトライアウトに合格したため、サッカーチームに所属しています。でも、正直、サッカークラブのチームメイトの中に意地悪な人がいて、居心地が悪いです。でも、日本に帰るまでに、その意地悪な人達にも「日向子やるやん!」みたいな感じに挽回してやりたいですね。負けたく無いです。笑 でも、普段の学校生活は無茶苦茶、安定して楽しいのでご安心を笑


 そして、最後にホストファミリーと春休みの間、フロリダに行ってました!! 正直ずっと寒い所に住んでいるので、なんだか、新鮮でしたね笑。あと、行くと事どころが、映画みたいで、無茶苦茶楽かったです!!!


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