Englishの授業についてほとんどの人がこの授業で苦労すると思うので少しアドバイスしておきます。まず最初のうちは、授業でやった題材の日本語訳がないかネットで調べるといいと思います。全ての日本語訳がなくてもウィキペディアなどであらすじを読むだけで次の日授業を受けた時の理解度が大きく変わります。慣れてくるといちいち日本語訳を探さなくても間に合うようになります。それでも私が欠かさずにやっていたことは、その日読んだ部分のまとめを英語で読み、その次のチャプターも前もって予習するということです。検索するときは“題名 Analysis または Summary”と調べるとよほどマイナーな本でなければいろんなサイトが出てくるので何個か読んで理解を深めておくと良いと思います。それを徹底すればいきなり先生がPop quiz (抜き打ちテストのようなもの)するよ〜なんて言ったときにもとんでもない点数を取ることはないです!学校によって色々違うのでウィリアムシェイクスピアの作品を読んだりするクラスもあれば現代の小説や詩を中心に読むクラスもあります。でも大丈夫です!なんとかなります(笑)
英文法について、これについてはアメリカの学生も勉強中です。文法の勉強をクラスでしているときはおいていかれることはあんまりなかったです。それでも知って置いて損ではないし唯一アメリカ人に勝てる部門が英文法かもしれないです…私の学校が頭の悪い学校ではない限り! 生活しているうちに自然と仮定法だの何だの考えずにいろんな表現が身につくようになります。
学校も最初は本当に苦労しますけど慣れってすごいです。慣れればなんてことなくなります。手の抜き方もわかるようになります。色々試行錯誤してみるといいです。アメリカでの勉強も全部英語で…ってすごく難しく聞こえるかもしれないですけど、コツさえつかめば成績 A を取るのも難しくはないです。日本で良い成績をとるよりむしろ簡単だと思います。
Hi! I’m Ayane from Mississippi! This is gonna be my last report. I’m finally done with my Junior year, and I’m fixing to go back home in two weeks! I can’t’ believe how fast time flies. Throughout my exchange year, I made lots of friends and memories which I cannot replace with anything else. Looking back from here, I had hard times most of my exchange year but everything was necessary for my huge progress. Now I can tell I made it, I did it, and I am full of accomplishments. I’m so glad that I got to experience lots of new things in here.
I went on a little trip during a spring break with other two exchange students and their host family. We went to the coast and stayed there for three days. I had so much fun! There were lots of Casinos, I took pictures in front of entrances cuz I couldn’t go in. But they looked so fabulous and made me wanna go in. I don’t think I’m gonna be a gambler or something like that in the future though. We rode go-cart, went to aquarium and souvenir stores. I got some postcards there and I sent those to my grandmothers in Japan, they both were surprised to hear from me. Hehe
Oh I really wanna tell y’all something! There was an assignment of research paper in English class, and I chose The Attack on Pearl Harbor for my topic. That was really hard, I had to read through some articles and books to support my research paper and I had to write seven pages in total with my own words, no plagiarism. Eww but I think that was a good opportunity to learn about significant history between Japan and the U.S. And also that was a good opportunity to improve my writing. If anybody wants to read my paper, I got a copy of my paper so just let me know. I did really good job on my paper hehe. (I made a score of 98 even though class average was like 70 or somewhere in there.)
And next is about one of my precious memories in the U.S. PROM!! I went to Prom with a group of girls. It was literally amazing, I can’t tell in a word. I really wanna go back and do it again from a dress shopping. I’m gonna put few pictures from my prom on the end of my report!
Next! Band trip to Atlanta, Georgia!!! I had three-day band trip on the end of April, I had competition on the first day, our band got the highest prize and we went to watch baseball game that night. Believe it or not, that was the first baseball game I’ve ever watched in my life. That game was Atlanta Braves vs. New York Mets. Ehh I forgot which team won. I had to leave before the game end because of hotel check-in. I went to the Six Flags (theme park) on the second day, but it was crazy with bunch of people… I only rode two rides. I had dinner at Nights Show on that evening, I saw white horses for the first time there. I went to The World of Coke on the last day. I found some Japanese people there. There was a taste booth in the coke museum. They had some drinks from all over the world, and there was Japanese one too. But that was some kinda vegetable juice which I had never seen in Japan. And it tasted nothing, with no color, no smell, just like water. FAKE! My friends asked me why Japanese people drink no-taste vegetable juice, and I kept telling them that’s a fake, I’ve never seen it before.
My best friend asked me to go to New Orleans before I go back to Japan, so I went there with her and her parents in the beginning of May. Y’all probably have heard of New Orleans, it’s really famous with music. That city is an origin of jazz and blues. There was music everywhere or course, crazy people everywhere, bad smell everywhere (I guess this is one of problems the U.S. is facing, big cities are not usually clean and neat like big cities in Japan are.) But it was really pretty to see some old buildings from the nineteenth century.
I only got 14 days left till I go back home, till I leave here. Am I ready to go home? YES. Am I ready to see my friends and my family? YES. I’ve been dreaming the day I get to see them again. And it’s finally only two weeks away from now. But the thing is that I have friends and my second family here. I don’t know about my future but I will get to see my Japanese family and friends more than I see my American family and friends. I don’t know, I might not be able to see some of my friends here anymore. That’s just sad, to promise to come back even though I’m not sure about my own future. I don’t know when I will be able to come back, I don’t know how late it’s gonna be. I wish there’s a dokodemo door(どこでもドア) so that I can go and come back and forth anywhere and anytime I want to. I just cannot make my mind, I know I have to leave and I do wanna see my family and friends but I just don’t wanna leave my precious friends and family here who made me smile even when I had a hard time understanding English and adjusting myself into American life. One year might be long enough to improve English, but it’s obviously too long to make friendships. If I’m only staying only like six months or less, it wouldn’t be this hard to leave here.
Anyways I’m finally coming back in two weeks! I’m so excited to see you all again!! This time is not “see you in next report!” It is time to say see you in Japan!!