

アメリカに留学中の 中村遥さん から第1回目の留学報告が届きました。

オハイオ州ローガン高校に留学中の中村 遥さんから1回目の留学レポートが届きました。






Hello, everyone!!  My name is Haruka Nakamura.  I study English abroad in Ohio state.  This is my first report of study abroad.  I can’t believe that I write this report, now lol.

It has been just 8 days since I left Tokyo on August 15th to America.  I didn’t get homesick, and I enjoyed in American life.  However, I got a jet lag which I had headache, and I’m feeling sick.  So, it was very hard.  If I’m feeling a bit under the weather, I should solve by myself.  So, I missed my family.  However, I’m feeling so good now, and I can spend every day comfortably.

I’m staying the first host family at the orientation.  My host family member is mam, dad, old brother, two dogs., a cat, and Riho.  Riho is an exchange student, too.  My brother is 18 years old, and his name is Nick.  I can understand easily because they are talking slowly for us.  We went to the water park and the police office, and we learned Zumba, American cooking, and slang at the orientation.  Water park is the most of fun at the orientation because I did water slider with Nanami.  This is my first experience of water slider. It was so scary, but I want to recommend water slider.  I was going to get hooked on this.  I have a lot of memory with my host family.  Day 3, I went to watch the football game by my host brother’s team.  He is ace, so he is nice player. He scored two runs in the game. Moreover, His team won the game.  I didn’t know the football’s rule, but I enjoyed watching it.  Day 4, I went to host grandmother’s house, and I ate American food with them.  American food is good taste, but they are not healthy.  So, I think that it will takes me some time to get used to American food.  I want to eat my mother’s cooking.

The day after tomorrow, I’m going to move second host family’s house in lorgan, ohio.  I will miss my friends and host family.  However, I’m looking forward to meet my second host family.  I’m excited and terrified about high school at the same time.  I’m going to go to the school on August 27th.  I decided that I’m going to join the tennis club. I think I challenge anything.  My goal is “Don’t be shy.  Challenge anything.  Find my dream in the future.”  I’m trying to achieve my goal.

Thank you for reading my report.

See you again!!

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