1個上のブラザーと同い年のブラザーは同じ高校に通っていて、学校の案内をしてくれたり学校について色々と教えてくれます。家でも笑わせてくれたり、優しい人だなぁと感じます。そして私は学校が始まる前からバレー部に入っていて、その練習の送り迎えも毎日してくれました。今はもっと車中での会話を増やせるように頑張っています。シスターは料理好きで、一緒にデザートを作ったりします。そういえば、アメリカに来てから料理ばっかりしている気がします笑 年下のブラザー2人とはカードゲームをしたり、鬼ごっこをしたりします。2人ともすごくやんちゃなので楽しいです!
Hi, I’m Kurumi staying New Hampshire. This is my first report so I would appreciate it if you read this to the end.
First, I had orientation in Colorado. To be honest, I don’t have many good memories with my host family in Colorado. My host family members are host mother, host sister, host brother, and host mother’s boyfriend. Host mother worked every day, every night. In addition, host sister and brother went on a trip for a week so I was alone in home after school. I got homesick at that time, and I cried alone. I think that was the toughest time.. but I could get along with my host brother after he came back so I miss him..
Now, I’m staying New Hampshire and living with new host family. They’re consisting of host mother, host father, older brother, same age brother, little sister, and two little brothers. They’re so big family so I don’t feel alone.
My host mother is so kind and very good at cooking. She makes dinner every day and that is very delicious. In addition, she is always concerned about me so I appreciate her kindness. My host father is so kind too. When I said “I’m nervous about first day of school” , he encouraged me. I also appreciate his kindness. Older brother and same age brother and I are going to same high school. They guided me and teach me about school. I think they’re funny and nice. In addition, I’m in the volleyball team before school starts and they took me and from the high school. I’m struggling about to talk with them in car more. My host sister likes cooking so we sometimes make desert. I think I cook in America more than I was in Japan. I play card games and tag with two little brothers. They’re funny and crazy so I can spend good time.
I think I will write about school and volleyball team at next report!
I will be busy and sometimes feel hard, but I will never give up. In addition, I will never forget feelings of gratitude for my host family and friends, and I will try to speak English more! Thank you for reading my report to the end. See you next report!