







 あとこの家庭では飲み物=ソーダらしく、私が夕食で水を飲んでいたら5歳のシスターに「え!?水飲んでる!?」みたいな感じで驚かれました。 たしかにこの家族が家で水を飲んでいるのをみたことないかもしれません()


     ノースカロライナのローリー空港で初めてホストファミリーにあった時、マザーが泣いて喜んでくれたのを見て絶対素敵な人たちだと思いました。私の長期のホストファミリーが住んでいるクレイトンはとても自然が豊かな街です。車から見える景色は高い木か、とうきび畑か煙草畑です() ここに着いて学校が始まるまで3週間くらいあって家族とのんびり過ごしました。


     彼らは朝9時ごろに起きて10時くらいに朝ごはんを食べ、2時ごろにお昼ご飯を食べるという、比較的私の日本での生活に似ているのでとても過ごしやすいです。日曜日には教会に礼拝に行きます。マザーは知り合いが多いので、色んな人と会う機会があります。どんどん知っている人が増えて行くので嬉しいです(顔と名前を覚えるのが追いつかないんですけどね!())  夜ご飯はマザーかファザーが作ってくれて、ほとんど毎日みんなで一緒に食べます。1人ずつ楽しかった事と、そうではなかったことを言ったり、家族でしたいことを話したりします。夜にみんなでアイスクリームやポップコーンを食べながら映画を見るのがとても楽しい時間です。私のホストファミリーはとても優しくてあったかくて居心地が良いです。

     長くなったんですけど、読んでくれてありがとうございました!学校生活についても書きたいことがたくさんあるので楽しみにしていてください()   ではまた次回のレポートで!

           Hi! it’s Toko staying in Clayton, NC.  I’m going to write about English prep in Arizona and my life in North Carolina.

            There were 5 people and 1 dog in my host family, my host mom, dad, the 15-year-sister, the 9-year-brother, and the 5-year-sister.  My host parents had a lot of tattoos in their bodies, so when I met them for the first time at the airport, I was surprised.

            My host father drove me to the church every day.  In the car, we sometimes didn’t talk and sometimes talked a lot.  One day he showed me a picture that made me super surprised. It was a picture of him before he lost 220ld! It was one of the unforgettable pictures.

            My host mom works full-time job.  She  leaves home at 5 am and comes back home early because she wants to spend her time with her children as much as possible.  She told me that when she was a little, her parents were so busy that she couldn’t spend with them. She doesn’t want her children to feel lonely as she did. She is a great parson and also a mother.

            I got along with my host sisters and brother. Especially I played with the 5-year-sister almost every day.  One day at the dinner, I was drinking some water, and she got surprised and said “Why are you drinking water?”  I was very confused because water is something to drink! I have never seen people in this family drinking water in their hose. What they drink is soda. It’s very American culture I felt.

            I went to a pool, garage sale, Mexican food restaurant, lake, and etc. Sometimes I couldn’t join their conversation at all but I loved this family. This English prep was very valuable and gave me special memories. I hope people who I’v met in Arizona (including my friends) are doing well!

           When I met my host family for the first time at the Raleigh airport, my host mom cried because she was happy to meet me. I was sure that they are great family. Clayton, the town my host family live in is very nature. All I can see from the car is tall trees, corn fields, or cigarette fields. I had 3 weeks until my school started, so my host family and I went rock climbing, and camping.

           There are 5 people in my host family, host mom, dad, 13-year-brother, 10-year-brother, and 7-year-sister, and 2 cats. Both of mom and dad work from home so usually they are at home all the time.  My host dad likes to tell a joke. He went to a boys high school when he was young, so I felt affinity with him. My host mom has good manners and she is interested in foreign countries’ culture. She is respectful and really kind. The oldest brother likes to make us laugh. We sometimes bake together, and every time, he adds extra sugar. The other brother is humorous, too. He always shows us magic tricks. He wants to study in Japan! I got so happy to know that. My host sister says “I wanna show you something!” to me every day, and we play together. It’s fun. One day host mom showed me a print which host sister wrote about her family. She wrote “I have a big sister” which means me! I almost cried when I saw it.

           In weekends, we wake up at 9 o’clock and have breakfast around 10 am. We have lunch  at 2 o’clock.  Every Sunday we go to the church. My host mom has many friends and introduces me to them. I’m happy to meet new people, but it’s not so easy for me to remember their names and faces. Either mom or dad makes dinner and we have dinner with family almost every day. We talk about school and friends. After dinner we often watch a movie eating popcorn or ice cream together. It’s my favorite time.

           I can tell easily how much they love each other. My host family is super nice that words can’t explain. I feel happiness every single day to be a part of this family.

           Thank you so much for reading my long long report!  Actually I want to write more about everything. Next report will be about my school so maybe it’ll be longer than this one. See you next report!IMG_0750 IMG_1211 IMG_1547 IMG_1567 IMG_5061