出発前の気持ちは今でもとても覚えています。正直期待0で行きました。部屋はスーツケースも置けないくらい狭くて、食べ物は合わなくて、家族はずっと仕事でコミュニケーション一つとれないんだろうなあって思っていました。ほんとです。それでも、日本にいるときは、留学のことをなるべく考えないようにしていました。考えたら不安と行きたくないっていう気持ちばっかりでてきたからです。もちろん、楽しみにしていました。でも、3,4日前には楽しみなことも浮かばないし考えるだけでオエッてなるくらいでした。よくわからないけど、その時一番怖かったのは留学生活ではなく家族と別れることだったと思います。自分泣いちゃうのかなあとか考えていました。結局は、ばいばーいで終わりました。まじか。ですよね。話に戻りますね。私はテスト期間など不安になると全く寝れなくなります。留学前ももちろんそうでした。家族に寝なさい!って言われたけど寝ようとして寝られない時間が自分にとって一番つらい時間でした。出発二日前くらいだった気がします。すごく尊敬している先輩にすごく不安っていうことをLINEしました。そしたらすぐに電話をかけてきてくれて、もし本当に辛くて帰ってきたかったら帰ってきたらいいんだから、帰ってくることなんて一つもかっこ悪くないでしょ、ここまでの努力と勇気は消えないしここまでやってきたこと佳乃を本当にすごいと思っているよって言ってくれました。人生楽しんだもの勝ちだし、自分の道なんて自分以外他誰が決めるのか、自分の道は自分で決めるのが一番ベストだと思います。私は電話が終わった後すぐに寝れました。笑 自分にはずっと今不安になったってなにも変わらないんだから不安になる必要なんてないってずっと言い聞かせていました。それでも不安なものは不安です。ほとんどのみんな不安になります。ふつう、当たり前です。自分だけじゃないです。クラスメイトみんな一緒ですよ。だってこんなにビッグなことに立ち向かおうとしてるんです!!自信がある人もそうそういないと思いますよ。私もまったく自信がなくて今からなに勉強したらいいの?!どの単語覚えていれば生きていけるの、って考えていたくらいほんとに自信はなかったです。それでもここにきて英語が伝わらなかったことはありません。もちろん全部すんなり伝わるっていう意味じゃなくて、諦めないだけです!だから、出発前に無駄に不安になりすぎないでください!やる気ですよ、やる気!笑
Hello, I am Kano who live in Saskatchewan. This is my first report, but anyway I hope it will be helpful for someone who are interested in studying abroad or whatever. I’m going to write about things I wanted to tell me who will go studying abroad soon, because it might be helpful for the students who are feeling nervous to study abroad. That’s only 3 weeks ago for me, but I hope so!
I left Japan on Aug 25, so it is short time since I came here, but I have a lot of things I am thinking about studying abroad, so it might be a long report, but I am glad if you read my report through. I remembered that I really hoped to come new report wrote by students who was studying abroad early on Hokusei website. I had often read them during or before the classes.
I can still remember delicately that my feeling before I come here. To be honest, I had no expectation for studying abroad. The room is too small to put the suitcase, I would really miss Japanese foods, the family would be so busy that I can’t talk with the family at all. Really. I tried not to think about studying abroad when I was in Japan. When I thought about this, I became very nervous and I don’t want to go studying abroad. Of course, I was exited but it was changed before 3 or 4 days I go. I don’t know well, but I think that reason was the time to leave family, not to live in Canada. I wondered if I will cry or not. After all, that was like,” Bye!” with no tear. That was surprising, wasn’t it? Let’s get back on track. I become to be not able to sleep at all when I feel nervous like the exam week. I became it before I am gone. My family said to me, “Go to sleep early!” every day. I don’t like the time that I try to fall asleep when I can’t asleep. I think that was before 2 days I go to study abroad, I became so nervous, so I sent message to the person I really admire. She gave phone call immediately, and said, “It’s okay to go back to Japan if you became to want to go back. It’s not lame at all to do that, right? Your efforts and courage will never disappear, and I am very proud of you.” I became so pleased. I thought it is the best to enjoy. Who decide my way, there is no person expect me who decide my way. I think it is the best to decide our way ourselves. I could fall asleep immediately when I got off the phone. I told myself many times, no matter how much worry, it does not change, so I don’t need to worry about studying abroad. But I became nervous, it’s impossible not to be nervous. Almost of classmates become nervous. It’s not only me. You feel same feeling as your classmates. It’s usual because we are trying big thing. There are not a lot of people who have confidence. I didn’t have confidence, so I wanted to know the vocabularies for survival. I have never experienced that I couldn’t say what I want to say. Of course I need the time, I mean I never give up to tell my feeling or whatever. I don’t want you to be very nervous. I want you to bring big enthusiasms.
I didn’t have training in abroad for the exchange students, so I met my host family for the first time with big nervous. My mother took off a week for me, and she introduced a lot about here. I have mother, father, 2 brothers. My mother works at a big hospital, my father is a boss of the airport. My brother who is 20, he works in construction, and he had received the prize for the people who is good at studying every year. The other brother who is 19, he is a Canadian National gymnast and, also a coach at the gym. They are awesome. I often go to the gym to watch his practice, it is very cool, awesome, and crazy. Lol He showed me his medals and trophies, the number of them was so surprising. They love each other so much. They also do volunteers and recycling, and so activity. We often sit outside around the fire, it is my favorite, anyway, so I can lead a full life because of my family. I had been looking downward a whole time when I had a supper with family foe the first time. I thought it is so bad for me and my family, so I stopped it from second time. And then I could join the conversations during the supper. I thought listening attitude is so important. My house is not in town, so we need the time about 15 or 20 minutes to go shopping or whatever. I became to be able to talk with family a whole time recently, I mean silent time was disappeared. I was so glad because I already felt to improve my English skills, but I will try harder to improve it more. My host family have already had the exchange students 5 or 6 times. My mother told me that they are so nice, but you are the best I’ve ever had. You are not shy at all and going out, so we were so glad that you came our home. When I heard it, I became so happy and want to try harder. My family said to me many times “Don’t be shy here, you don’t have to be shy here. Just relax.”, the day I came here. When my mother introduces me to her friends, she says she is my Japanese daughter. It makes me very happy. I don’t want to go back to Japan already. I will write a little bit about my school. It doesn’t have a lot of students and small. But it is so organized and stuffs are so kind to me even the person who has no relationship with me, they say to me,”Hi, kano” and ask me a lot about Japan, and support me my studying. They are so welcoming, so it is easy to talk, and I can ask them anything easily. I think my success for studying abroad depends on my efforts, so I will try hard as a possible the other 9 months.
I hope you enjoyed my first report. Thank you for reading. I will write about my life in here in more detail.