私のファミリーは月に一度Japanese Partyを開きます。日本に興味を持っている人々が集まって日本料理を食べたり、お話ししたりします。その中でも最も仲が良い友達が出来ました。今はその方とジムやショッピングなどに行ったりして毎日がもっと楽しくなりました!日本に少し滞在していたこともあり、日本料理を食べると懐かしくなって号泣していました。私も日本食がとても恋しいです。日本に帰って来たら逆に体重が増えるかもしれないです(笑)このように美味しいものを探っている日々です。
Hi! How are you guys doing? I’m Mayuka Shinojima in PA. It is second time to write report. I’m wondering if you could read this report.
Canada Project was started on September. It was already passed three months. I had many experiences and encounters. So the time until today was passed like a moment. Minus 20 degrees is usual in my city, and I’m used to live with this temperature like that. Glee class trip is the most impressive things of the school event. Saskatoon where is this travel destination and also I had been with my host family. But there is a difference like merriment between family and friends to go with. First day, we hanged out to Game Center until 10pm. I didn’t have friends like a “especial friend”. Second day, we went to the mall and shopping. I came across with my friend and say ”Hi”. My friends would decide to go around together. We talked a lot and we’re getting more along. In Glee class, It is hard to make friends, cause we have only twice a week and just 30 munities. So I’m so glad that I could take part in this trip.
Next is about the three day with the worst experience that I’ve never felt before. I had a plan to go on a trip with my host family in Regina. But I got fever that temperature was like 39 degrees. So, I couldn’t go with them. I stayed at my coordinator’s boss’s house. Before she come see me, I felt so “lonely”. I just wanted to have the dishes that are made by my mom, Lol. I decided to be sick never ever. I’m trying to get enough water and healthy food.
My school was also started on September, and now I am comfortable at the school now. My school is a private integrated junior and high school and also Catholic school. There are so many people at my school.
I’m gonna write about class. I don’t like math and not good at. However, I had heard that science is more difficult than math from my friend who goes to same school. I have already learned about it. But I can’t cause there are some difference of somehow to solve the problems. Actually I didn’t know how to use calculator. However, my teacher always helps me. So, I’m fine.
That is what I talked it before, Catholic Studies is the most difficult to figure out and I got lots of homework and exam. These were about like prophets and what is the difference of covenant and contract. Eventually, I search the word “covenant” and “contract”, I just got the same meaning. However there are different of them. If you can’t find the answer, please search it! Then after. I had a exam about it, so I studied hard and I’ve got the good score.
My family have a Japanese Party once a month. Many people who guys are interested in culture in Japan come to my house and we have Japanese food as a supper. At this party, I’ve got a best friend who has a experience to stay in Japan for a while. We sometimes go to shopping, the gym and her house. I’ve been happier than before I’ve met with her. She and I were getting to miss Japanese food and she started to cry, lmfao. We always find many kinds of foods that taste are good like that.
Also, I tried one thing. That is what I’ve got cut my hair in Canada!!! You know this is a big happens for me. I had decided not to cut in Canada. But I just wanna get easier to take a shower. Eventually, the time to take shower has got shorter, so I’m satisfied with cutting my hair.
My life was all changed just for several terms. The things what I was not used to do is getting more used to do it now. The things what was hard for me is also getting easier and I can get to be fun now. I’m gonna keep to have fun in my life in Canada. Ant then, I’m gonna try many things from now on! That’s all what I wanna say to you guys at second report. Thank you for reading!