私の学校は生徒数2100人くらいの大きい学校で、1科目90分の4時間授業です。私はmath2、art、civic/economic 、そしてAmerican history Iをとっています。90分って本当に長いんです。だから、どの授業も最後の方はみんな(先生も含めて)疲れていますね。
math2にはブラジルからの男子の留学生がいます。彼は面白くて人気者です。彼とは比べないようにしているけど、やっぱり比べてしまって凹むこともあります。math2 は2年前に習った内容なので単語さえ理解できれば大丈夫です。それで、聞いて欲しいことがあるんですけどね、毎日のように「宿題見せな」って偉そうに言ってくる上に、見せてあげてもありがとうさえ言わない嫌いな生徒がいたんですよ。でもちゃんと3回目で(2回も見せたんかい)、「自分でやりな」って言ってやりました!よくやった自分!artとmath2では評価Aを取れました!
Civic/economic は覚えないといけない言葉が沢山あって大変です。でも最初の頃と比べたら4ヶ月たって理解度がグーーンと上がったのが自分で分かるのが嬉しいんです。テストは電子辞書を使っても40~50%くらいしか取れないんですけどね。私が64%とった時は「みんなよりいい点とってるよ」とクラスメイトに言われたので驚きましたね。みんな勉強してないんかい(笑)だから期末テストをもっと頑張ります。でもそのかわりノートを取るのを頑張った甲斐があって、ノートチェックでは満点とれました!最初の頃、隣の席の女の子が怖かったんです。でも勇気を出して質問してみたんですね、そしたらその子超優しい子でした。だから、話しかけてみることって本当に大事です!前1人の男子にノートを見せてもらったんですけど字が汚すぎて全く読めなかった時は超焦りましたね(笑)
私のお気に入りの教科はAmerican history です!最初の2週間は臨時のおじいちゃん先生(ミスターS)で、ミスターSに会ってなかったらやさぐれてたんじゃないかって思うくらい、私の人生の中で一番の先生です。ミスターSは90分間ずっと生徒の意見とか聞きながら喋って、ノートを取るということがありませんでした。新しい先生が来てから授業がガラリと変わりました。その先生の授業はノートの量が半端なくて、一人でワークシートに取り組むことが多いです。だから最初の頃は全然ついていけなかったし泣きそうになったこともありました。でもやっぱり人間って慣れるもんですね。書くスピードがすごい速くなったし、みんなと同じタイミングでワークシートを終わらせられる時もあります(その時は超嬉しい!)。それで一つ大事なことを発見しました。この新しい先生は全然笑わなくて一見怖そうに見えるけど、それは違いました。そう見えるだけで、私の事情とかを考えてスコアつけてくれたり、サポートしてくれたりしていました。そしてこのクラスメイトが面白くて大大大好きでザイアンっていうベスフレできました。みんなとたけのこの里をシェアしたこともあります(笑) テストでは 頑張っても50%くらいしかとれません。だから私は「絶対civic/EconomicsとAmerican history は絶対Fだ」と思っていたんですけど、テスト以外を頑張ったらなんとBをとれました!先生方優しいありがとう!
からかわれたりされたことは一度もありません。正直学校初日がとても怖くて、傷付かないように悪い想像ばっかりしたんですね(笑) 案の定予想通りでした(笑) 学校の1日目はすごく大変で、家に帰ってから初めて泣きました。日本にいた頃は友達とどんな話しして笑ってたっけな〜なんて悩みましたね。慣れるまで1ヶ月半くらいかかりました。最近ようやくクラスメイトと馴染めてきたのにもう12月で前期が終わります。あんなに、学校始まる前に頑張ろうって決めていたのにやっぱり勇気を出しきれなくて後悔しています。本当にあっという間だから後期は一瞬なんだろうなあ、だから後期は同じ後悔がないようにします。言い訳できないように今ここに書いときますね。ランチタイムは最初の2ヶ月間くらいは、いろんな友達と食べていました。1ヶ月前くらいにようやく毎日一緒に食べる友達ができました。私はボランティア部に入って結構友達が増えました。彼女とそこで出会ったので、やっぱりクラブとかには入った方が絶対に良い!学校が始まったばかりの頃は、優しい人なんて誰もいないや、、と本当に思っていたんですけど、いました!どの学校にも優しい人は絶対います!これ私が自信もって言えます。でもそれを見つけるのが正直難しいんですよね。わかりますよ。私が感じたことは、みんな怖そうに見えるけど、話してみると親切だし面白い人が多いです、先生も生徒も。ノート見せてって頼んで、嫌な顔する人はほとんどいないし、そんな人は友達にならなければいい話ですよ!あと、質問されたら出来るだけたくさん答えるようにしています。私的にこれ超大事です。
ファミリーにのこともちょこっとお話ししますね。私のファミリーは優しくてあったかくて大大大好きです。私がこの家に来てからデザートを食べる頻度が増えたらしく、マザーが、「ズボンがきつくなってきている」って言ってて可愛かったです(笑)私の誕生日には、私がカラフルなケーキいいなあ〜って言ってたらなんとマザーが紫と水色のケーキを注文してくれていました。1人のブラザーはクラリネットでバースデーソングを演奏してくれて、もう1人は日本語で書いた手紙をくれて、シスターは削りかす入りの鉛筆削りをくれました(笑) マザーとファザーは、私は猫が欲しいけど、家で飼えないのをしっていて、だから猫柄のパジャマをくれました!!あとなんと帽子と手袋とミュージカルのチケットも!ブラザー2人とシスターとも最近ようやくすごい仲良しになれて、ビデオゲームも教えてもらったりして、5人全員大好きです。マザーとファザーに嫌な気持ちを抱いたことが一度もありません。2人のことをとても尊敬しています。あと、最近、日本にいた頃みたいに家で鼻歌をするようになりました(笑)家が居心地よくなっていっているのが嬉しいです。なので、ファミリーに関しては私は本当に恵まれました。
Hi! How are y’all doing? It’s Toko staying in Clayton, North Carolina. It’s hard to believe It’s already December, Isn’t it. In this report, I’m going to talk about my school.
There are about 2,100 students in my school, so it’s pretty big. We all have 4 classes every day, and each classes are 90 minutes long. In this first semester I’m taking math2, art, civic/economics, and American history1. As you know, 90 minutes is too long for the students and also for the teachers. So everybody gets tired at the end of the classes.
The first 2 weeks of school, I was taking PE instead of art class because I’ve heard that It’s easy to make friends in PE. There were about 40 boys and only 8 girls in the class. I noticed that the most of the girls who take PE have boyfriends who also take PE. We were made into some teams, but there were no other girls in my team. I didn’t enjoy my classes at all, so I switched it to art class. I was worried about be in a same situation, but fortunately I could made some friends who live in my neighborhood.
In math class, there is one other exchange student from Brazil. He is very friendly. He is more outgoing than me. I try not to compare myself with him, but sometimes can’t help getting disappointed with myself. I’ve already learned math2 2 years ago, so it’s not too difficult as long as I understand the words. I want to tell you something. There was one girl who asked me to pass her my homework every day and she didn’t even say thank you. I showed her my homework few times but on third time I was asked to do so, I sad “Do it yourself”. I’m so surprised that I said so. She is the only one person who I don’t like in the United States but she made me brave. I appreciate her. Anyway, I got an A on math2! Hooray!
I also take civic/ economics. For me, maybe this class is the hardest in this semester. I have so many words to remember that I don’t even heard of them. But now, it’s much easier to understand the class compared with the beginning of the school. Normally I only get 40 to 50%of the tests even my teacher lets me use my electronic dictionary. Once I got 64% on the test, two of my classmates told me that I got better than most of them. I was surprised because they didn’t study as hard as I expected. So I’ll try to get good scores on the final exams. Since I can’t get enough grade on tests, I tried hard to take notes, and it worked! I got 100% on note check. The first 1 month of school, the girl who sits next to me, she looked unfriendly and I hesitated to talk to her. But one day I asked her to let me copy her notebook, I knew that she is nice. Talking to somebody is really important. Once I asked one boy to show me his notebook, but his handwriting was too bad for me to read. Something unexpected happens every each day. That’s why our lives are amazing.
My favorite subject is American history. It’s surprising isn’t it? Mr..S taught us the first 2 weeks of the school. He was old and the most amazing teacher I’ve ever met. He changed my view of the world. In his class, he mainly talks listening to the students’ opinions. However the new teacher came and his class was completely different from Mr. S’ class. We take so much notes and most of the time we have to work alone. So the beginning of his class, I really couldn’t keep up his class and I have almost cried. But now I’m totally fine. I can take notes faster than other students, and sometimes I can finish my work as fast as they do. Through his class I discovered one thing. Here is the thing. Many people don’t look friendly but they are not as unfriendly as they look. This is what I learned so far. He understands that English is my second language and supports me a lot. And guess what! I made a best friend in this class!! His name is Zion and for me he is the funniest guy in my school. I have shared Takenoko no Sato with my classmates and they loved it. In American history class, I only get 50% on the test as well as civics ones. But my civic teacher and history teacher gave me Bs! I’m so fortunate.
To be honest, I was really afraid of the first day of school. As I expected, it was really tough. I wasn’t made laugh by someone but when I got home I cried. I forgot how I enjoy conversations with friends. I made some friends in the classes but the first semester is almost over. I regret not being myself and outgoing. The first semester passed so quickly, and I’m sure that second semester will pass more quickly. I have to make friends all over again but I try to think its good chance to meet new people.
In lunch time, I eat with my friends who met on a club meeting. I made some friends through the club so I highly suggest you to Join clubs. The first few days of school, I thought nobody is nice to me but I was wrong. I’m sure that there are some nice people every school, finding them is quite hard though.
4 months have passed already and I got have experienced many stuffs including hard one. On the first day of school, I talked to one girl, and she ignored me, or me and my friends went to the football game but I couldn’t join their conversations at all. Then actually I gave up joining the conversations. But This was totally bad idea. It’s still hard to keep conversations but not impossible. I was ignored one, yes ONLY once. So I try not to think negatively. There’s no Japanese family or friends nearby but we’re still living even we’re living with our host families. I want to be able to make conversations as well as American teenagers. Any way I like my school!!
I’m going to talk about a little bit of my host family. First of all, I love my host family. I want to tell you about my birthday. My host mom ordered a birthday cake with purple and blue frosting since I have never tried it. One of my host brothers Thomas, he played birthday song with his clarinet. The other one William, he gave me a letter written in Japanese. My host mom and dad know that I want cats but I can’t take them to back to Japan, so they gave me pajamas which cats faces on it. They also gave me a hat, mittens, candy corns, and a musical ticket!! Words can’t explain how much I appreciate them. I’m pretty much getting along with my host siblings. My host brothers train me playing video games called fortnight. I really respect my host parents and they gave me good impression of the United States. It’s getting really comfortable to live with and I often ham at home like I was at home in Japan. I’m super fortunate to live with wonderful, amazing, and fantastic host family.
Anyway, that’s all for my second report! I hope y’all enjoyed it. I’m going to enjoy the rest of my days in the United States cause It’s my first and last experience in my life. See you on third report!!