





次はサッカーのことを話します。私は今サッカーをやっているのですが部活ではありません。まだ時期ではないので。なんか地域みたいのでサッカーをやっています。つい先週に初の試合がありました。コーチが試合には出させてくれたもの、納得いくプレーが出来ず泣きそうになっていました。() 北星のサッカー部5年の前では部活中ちょくちょく泣いて、その度に慰めてくれたり、部活帰りにアイス買ったり、オータム行ったりってサッカー部5年のことを思い出しました。本当に大好きな人たちなので早く会いたいですね~~~。




Hey guys! This is Airin from Missouri State. This is my second report. I hope you will read this report to the end. In this report, I’m going to write about my school.

I’m gonna tell you about my classes. I took band, music appreciation, American government, PE, alegibra2, English ll, and Earth science. I’m really enjoying my band class. I’m playing Euphonium which is like small tuba. I’ve played it since when I was 3rd grade. There is a guy who is playing same instrument as me. However, he is not good at it. That reminds me of my friend who played it very well in junior high. Music appreciation is not interested. We just learn music history. American government is not interested too. I’ve hated society since when I was in junior high school. However, my grade of government is not bad. So, I guess I’m doing pretty well. I’m enjoying my PE class. we play volleyball, basketball, baseball, etc. I like all sports but I’m sue that if I play these sports with 5G member, I can enjoy more. Math class is really easy to me. Because I’ve already learned these things when I was in Japan. My English teacher is really nice and she always kind to me so I like my English class. The most difficult class is Earth science. I hate it. It is really hard to me. Teacher talks very fast and there are many tests that means I always have to study for that. That is suck but I’m trying to do well. Next! I’m going to talk about my friends. I don’t have a bunch of friends. But I am proud of my few friends. Last week, I spent night with my friend. Early evening, I played with so many people. We played card game, watched American football, and sung many songs outside until 11 p.m. I could feel like I am in America. This experiens is one of my good memories.

Next, I am going talk about soccer. I am playing inside soccer this season. My school doesn’t have soccer club until next semester, so I don’t play soccer as a club. But my team has many people who go to same school as me. So, I feel like I join the club. By the way, last week, I had soccer game which is my fist game. It was really fun but I couldn’t play well. Then I was almost crying. That reminded me of my Japanese soccer team members because I’ve cried many time front of them and they always care about me. I really love them. I always think about them. I miss them!!!!!

I’m gonna talk about these days. Today is Thanksgiving Day!! So many people came to my house and we talked a lot. I didn’t like turkey, but I really liked other food. I hope Japan has Thanksgiving Day lol. This morning, I run 3 miles as an event of thanksgiving. There were thousands of people. I finished a full marathon and it took 28 minutes which is not bad. I had fun time and I wanna do again.

I have one more thing what I really want to tell you guys is …… My host family decided to go Disney world for Christmas. I am really excited!!!!!! And I can’t wait. We are going to use car to go there and it will be takes 11 hours. It will be long trip but I’m still very excited!!!!!!!

Thank you for reading this report to the end ♡♡ see you next report.


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