



それは置いといて、まず最初に最近の出来事を紹介しますね。10月22日から12月22日までには、ハロウィン、ホストママの手術、日本についてのプレゼンテーション、友達の誕生日パーティー、クリスマスコンサート、Youth Group、ホストシスターの娘の一歳の誕生日、クリスマスパーティーがありました。


私のママは、昔バイクでシカと衝突して体のあらゆるとこを手術しています。手術をした回数といえば、10回以上だとか、最近膝に異常が出ていたのでママはまた手術をしました。その間、私はLeachファミリーにお世話になっていました。彼らの家族構成は、両親そして同い年の娘2人と中学生くらいの息子です。彼らの母は私のママの親友で父は私の数学の先生です。それはそれは賑やかな家庭でとても楽しかったです。私の日本の家族に雰囲気が似ていて居心地がよかったです。一緒に、バッカイというピーナッツバターがチョコレートでコーティングされたお菓子を作ったりしました。彼らには、5日間くらいお世話になりました。家に帰った後も、彼らがElfというミュージカルに連れて行ってくれました。ママは、手術してから2ヶ月経ってもやはり痛むようです。私は、5Gの誰よりも自信がある事があります笑 それは、家で家事をしている事ですね。みんなの洗濯や食器洗い、荷物運びや装飾、ママの足の装置の準備、介護らしきものもしています笑 たまに、私に甘え過ぎじゃないかと思いますが足が痛いのも知っているし私の居心地を良くしようとしてくれていることも知っているので苦は全く感じません。私は、日本の家で祖父母と暮らしていたので、介護の仕方もなんとなく知っていました。これが、アメリカでも役に立ちました。お母さんとばあちゃんに感謝。家族のピンチは、みんなのピンチですね。そのおかげで、私はママにこう言われました。あなたみたいなできた子がきたら、もう留学生はあなた以外今後受け入れられないわと。なんか、とても嬉しかったです。ママは、私含めて5人留学生を受け入れていました。私は、極たまに代々のママの留学生と電話をします。私には、血は繋がっていないけど日本のファミリー以外に世界のあちこちでそれぞれ支え合える本当のファミリーができました。



私は、友達に誘われ友達の教会のYouth Groupに行きました。毎週月曜日に同い年の子たちと教会でゲームをするんです。かくれんぼみたいな遊びを久しぶりにガチでして本当に面白いので、毎週月曜日に行くことに決めました。





Hello, everyone. About four month has passed since I arrived in America. I can’t believe it because time passes so quickly. I’m often sick in the two month. I’ve been tired lately lol

Anyway, I’m going to introduce about some topics in my life. From October 22nd to December 22nd , there were Halloween, Mom’s Surgery, Presentation about Japan, My Friend’s Birthday Party, Xmas Concert, Youth Group, My Host Niece’s Birthday Party, and Xmas Party with My Friends.

I became a witch for the Halloween. In America, they have many individual costumes. It’s very interesting. Of course, I wore the costume. A boy wore tha Sasuke’s costume of Naruto. He had big sword. He was conspicuous.

My mom did many surgeries at her body by the accident in long ago. She had to do surgery again. So, she did it. I stayed my friend’s house for five days. Their family member is parents, two sisters, and a son. Her mother is my mom’s best friend and her father is my math teacher in high school. They are lively, I had a god time with them. Their personalities are like my family in Japan, so I felt comfortable. I made Buckeye with theme. After I came to home, they took me to Elf musical. It was lovely. My mom still feels pain. I often do housework, I have confidence at this. Sometimes, I think that they depend on my kindness. However, everything is fine because they are nice for me. They told me that you are so nice. I might not accept another exchange student after you. I was so glad to hear it. I sometimes talked with their old exchange students. We are not blood relatives, but I can have another family in the world.

I found my dream in America. It is that I want to tell about Japanese attraction to foreign people from other country. I did presentation about Japan for my classmate. I was so excited. When I passed four month, I noticed how wonderful it is. So, I want to study about Japanese culture now.

I have Choir, so I did Xmas Concert. There was a big audience in the hole, it was snowy in there. Before Xmas Concert days, we practiced singing from 3:35 to 9:00 and Saturday and Sunday were Xmas concert. It was so hard, but it’s good memory. Next choir’s event is musical of Shrek. I’m going to make costume and sing. I’m so excited.

I went to Youth Group at church. It is to play game by same age’s friends. I did hiding game after long time, so it was so fun. I did refresh. I decided to go Youth Group every Monday.

I also did Xmas Party with friends. We did gift exchange, play UNO, and make cookies. I really love them. I have many Christmas parties from now on. Moreover, Winter Formal is coming soon, I can’t wait to dance.

I think if anyone do study abroad, we worry about many things. It’s important to do face them. When I introduced about study abroad by company. Study abroad is stuck in my head. I taught that I have to make friends a lot and talk with everybody. I was thinking that these are true, but these were stressful for me. I have been worried about best, but I was not sure which is the best. I couldn’t enjoy from the bottom of one’s my heart. In high school, they have different value, opinion, and economic. They don’t have reason but they hate, feel jealousy, and do bad behavior to me. From their viewpoint, I’m foreign people and exchange student. They are interesting at my change and action. They are really stressful for me. I have never done bad things and hurt their heart. I just changed schedule because I want to change my situation, however they said “She is weird because she is exchange student.” It’s not fair. I heard that American people is not shy. However, they are also nervous to new people and things. I often think, why they are so mean to me. I don’t hate them. However, they make me sad. So, I changed my thinking. I think that I have good personality, so I have to be honest for myself.

I’m going to cherish my important persons, and show them my smile. My important persons has never done mean to me, they give me nice words and smile.

I’m going to ignore mean people. I’m not scared of everything. I’m going to get my American life.

They are my real words and life. See you soon!! Have a nice Xmas and New Year.

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