次に学校についてです。前回授業についてあまり書けなかったので今回書きます。前回も書きましたが今はearth science, algebra2, study hall, glee club, english11, us history, dramaticをとっています。earth scienceには日本に興味のある男子が何人かいて、よく日本について質問してくれます。Algebraは日本で習ったものが多いので簡単です。glee clubは私の一番好きな教科です。この前もChristmas concertsをやって、アメリカに来て一番楽しかったと思いました!そしてEnglish 11とus historyが私の嫌いな教科です。English 11は成績はそこまで悪くはないのですが、先生が一度にたくさんの課題を出してくるのでついてくのに必死です。もしかしたら来年先生を変えられるかもしれないので変わることを願いたいです。Us historyは二週間に1回テストがあり、そのテスト範囲が広くなかなかいい成績が取れません!!dramaticでは演劇の基本を学んでいます。次のセメスターに変わる前に小さな劇をやるので楽しみです。
Hi, everyone! I’m Momona Ogi staying in Chambersburg Pennsylvania. I cant believe this report is my third time report! Times flies!! This time, I would like to write about my host school, host family, the difference between Japan.
First, about my host family. Last time, I wrote that my host family are my host mother, my host father, double placement from Korea. But after few weeks ago, my double placement changed her host family. She usually stayed at her room and avoid to communication with us. She was not doing good at her school, and her study abroad was her parents decision. And she only told to her Korean parents that she has dissatisfaction about her host family so she wants to change her family, not to us. And then, we noticed that she is changing her host family 2 or 3 days before she leave our family. Maybe I have responsibility to not open up her heart but I pissed off and I was shocked. I wanted to come to America for a while ago, but she has different idea. After few days, I became alone so I felt lonely but I feel free now. So now, I stayed with my host mother, host father, 2 dogs and 14 cats. I often hear from the girls in 5G who stayed with double placement and they are straggling with them. So I realized that it is hard to stay with people from other countries moreover not from the local. This is one of the experience..
Next is about my host school. I couldn’t write about my class last time report, so I would like to write this time. I wrote last time too but I took earth science, algebra2, study hall, glee club, English, US history, and dramatic. At earth science, some boys are interested in Japan so they usually ask me about Japan. At algebra2, I mostly already learned about it in Japan, so it’s easy. And glee club is my most favorite class. I love singing and the other days, I did glee club Christmas concerts. And it was the most fun after I came to America. English and US history are the most hated subjects. MY grade is not bad of English but the teacher always gives me lots of homework in one time, so I’m having hard time following the class. Maybe I can change the teacher on next semester, so I wish I could change. And the US history, about every 2weeks, we have a test and the test covers a lot of stuff. I always can’t get good grade! At dramatic, I learned about the basics of play. And we will do a small play before I change my semester so I’m excited.
And the last is about the difference between Japan. I think if I list of it, it will be endless. But I think the most difference is about school life. Many students come to school by driving, but it makes me feel scary for just looking. I don’t think I can do like them. And the transit time between class to class is short and I hate to be rushed so it’s hard for me. But we can go home as much as the transit times are short. And I think it is a good thing that American people are get along well even they have different gender, ages, and race. In japan, women and men are separated and it is told that the younger should use honorific to older people so they always think about others than myself. I think it is a good thing as a Japanese polite but the thought that being good friends that you want to is good thought too. Even about the race, many American doesn’t care even they have different skin, eyes, figures. So I thought that it is country-specific. And even I met my host family’s friends and family, many people greet me and accept me. So I thought it’s interesting unlike to Japan.
My goal is to make more friends and get along well more. Of course, studying at school is important too but I only have 5 months so I want to use time effectual and I want to try many things. I will try hard to think everything in English not Japanese!!
Thank you for reading until the end. Have a nice year everyone!!
See you on next report!!