次に学校生活の話をさせてください!特にこれと言って難しいことは無いのですが、たまに英語の時間に3ページくらいの文章を読んで要約するみたいなやつがあってそういう時にやっぱり現地の学生との差を感じて、まだまだだなわたしって思います…。他の授業は、例えば生物は、日本で習ったことをもう一回ちょっと深くやっている感じなので、ああ三浦先生から習ったところだーははは懐かしいなーって思いながらしんみりしながら授業受けています。でも!!たまに?みたいなところがでてくるんです!!これ習ったことない!みたいなところが!!例えば最近はcodominanceみたいなやつを習いました。最近はよく生物の先生にお世話になっています。放っておいたらすぐ置いてかれるので、先生にはガンガン頼ろうっていうポリシーでいっています。幸運なことに生物の先生がいい人なので何回も質問しても嫌な顔せずに教えてくれます!!US Historyは基本的に教科書か時事の要約で、2ヶ月に一回?くらいのペースでエッセイを書いています。その授業の先生が小テスト全く出さないので、あれれ?という感じです。しかもfinalsもエッセイで、先生が採点するのに時間かかるからってことで、エッセイ今書いてます。finalsの内容は映画見て感想書く?らしいです。逆に不安になります、、。みんな数学簡単!algebra1とったら天才になれる!!って言っていて、いいなーって思いながら笑私はfinancial mathというお金のことに関する数学を取っています!基本的にはとても簡単なのですが!!お金のことに関する情報とか言葉とかを勉強するのがたまに複雑なので苦戦していますが、頑張ります。
この前は友達のお家に行って映画見てMexican foods食べました!!すごい美味しかった…。
Hi everyone!! It’s Tamami staying in California and this is my second report!!!!! I hope u read it until the end….. but I know it can be boring, so I hope you like this report!!
Honestly I don’t know what to begin with in this report, so….. first let me talk about the importance of being sociable or active!! Being active is very important,,,,, it’s easy for us to say that I’ll be active!! or sociable!!, but it’s difficult for us to do it. I was very stressed out with not being able to show my real character and every time I took a shower, I was thinking something negative. However, I stopped to think things in such a negative way and decided to do my best with being who I am. Also I realized that what I have to focus on is to work hard play hard. If I work hard and play hard, I think a good consequence will come up. I thought that I just have to follow the flow, I don’t have to be stressed out.
Next let me talk about my school life. There’s not so much hardship to be honest, but sometimes in English class, we have to read an article of 3 pages and summarize the contents of it, it’s a little bit hard for me, I still take more time than others and feel disappointed with my English. In other classes like biology, now I’m learning about Mendel’s model and recently I’ve just learned the word “codominance” which I had never learned at Hokusei by Mr. Miura, so because it was a little hard for me to understand the new thing, I asked my biology teacher more than usual and now I got it. In America if we have something we don’t understand and just leave it, we’ll be in trouble with it, so I try to ask teachers what I don’t understand and not to just leave it. Though it’s an important thing not only in Japan but also in America, it’s especially important for us to ask teachers or rely on them. Also I take US History, but I have never had taken a test except semester exams actually. Instead, I have written essay of what we have summarized on textbook twice. I know many other 5G members have taken many tests or quizzes, so let me say not everyone take lots of tests or quizzes at school. It sounds like easy, but actually it can be hard because I don’t have so many tests or quizzes and my grade can be decided by only essay and homework and semesters exams!! I can’t get graded by tests or quizzes!! Besides I take financial math, I know it doesn’t sound familiar for most of them, it was made recently actually. It’s a class to learn about finances and its jargons. Sometimes it can be hard for me to learn such words, but it’s quite fun and often easy lol since I don’t take Algebra 1, I cannot be a genius lol
Anyway school is so fun for me and I sometimes with I could stay here longer. I talk with my friends what I used to talk about with my friends in Japan and often eat cucumbers which is free I don’t know why though. However I changed my host family due to some problems about finances and their treating me as if I was a university student. I had never imagined that I would have to change my host family, so it was quite a big surprise for me. Now I believe that this choice is correct 120 percent correct. It was quite hard for us to find another new host family, and many people including my friends helped me to find them. My counselor sent an email which says that an exchange student from Japan is looking for a new host family at EC to many parents of the students. Honestly I was surprised about it at first, but eventually I could find a new host family, so I really appreciate what many people have done to help me. Actually I still haven’t moved to a new host family’s house, but I’m very looking forward to starting a new life for with them!!
Here let me talk about my hanging out with my friends. Last day I went to Mexican supermarkets and went to my friend’s house to watch a movie eat a Mexican food called conchas which is like sweet bread covered with powder like sugar. It was very delicious and I hope I could eat it in Japan too.
There are only 6 months left until I go back to Japan and moving forward to when I go back to Japan, I feel more and more impatience and I have to brush up my English while enjoying this student abroad 🙂 since I came here, I’ve realized the importance of “work hard play hard”!! Otherwise I might waste time!! I’ll try hard and do my best not to regret after I go back to Japan!
I’m really sorry for being late to submit a report to Mr. Tanabe,,,,, I can’t make an excuse anymore,,,,, next time I try not to be late to submit it. Anyway let me say thank you to everyone who support me any time. I love 5 G members, my family, and my friends so much;);) I do my best to show everyone my growth. We got this! See you on next report!