最後に、私は最近クリスマスと新年で気づいた違いを紹介します。クリスマスはアメリカで最大の行事とも言えるでしょう。多くの人が家の中と外に飾り付けして、家族や友達にクリスマスプレゼントを買って、全部ラッピングして、クリスマスのクッキーを焼いて、家族で集まって豪華なご飯を一緒に食べます。アメリカのクリスマスは日本のお正月みたいな感じです。私はホストマザーの家族とクリスマスをお祝いしました。七面鳥やハム、マッシュポテトやパイなど食べました。そして、沢山のプレゼントをもらいました。たくさんもらえてとても幸せでした。そして私もみんなにプレゼントを渡しました。とても幸せで楽しいクリスマスでした。しかし新年はクリスマスほど大きなイベントではありません。大晦日にパーティーに行く人がいたり、タイムズスクエアのBall Dropをテレビで見たりする人もいます。休みの人は多いですが、特に特別なことはしません。なので、日本のお正月が恋しくて仕方がありませんでした。本当に家族で美味しいご飯を食べて、お正月番組を見てというのがしたくてとても憂鬱な気分になりました。
Hi it’s Aresa, this is my 3rd report. I will introduce cultural differences between Japan and the U.S. Five months have passed since I came to the U.S., and I noticed a lot of interesting things in here, so I will share with you.
Firstly, food is really different from Japan obviously. American people eat really a lot of cheese. They put so much cheese on everything, and everything has too much sauce on it. When you order six pieces of chicken nuggets at McDonald, you will get two sauces and many people ask extra sauce in addition. It’s usually too salty and too sweet.
Secondly, it’s motorized society in the U.S. There is no public transportation unless it’s in the city, so it is easier to have a car. You can return your book to the library without getting off the car, and you can use ATM without getting off the car. You can do everything like a drive thru. I think it’s one of the reasons why high schoolers can drive in the States. In the school, some people go out of the school during lunch, and get something to eat from the fast food restaurant or go home.
Thirdly, I realized Japanese people consider others well. I’m not saying Americans don’t consider other people, but I realized that Japanese consider others more. Japanese people tend to be very self-conscious about what people think of them, and we sometimes stuck something up for the others to be comfortable. Most American people don’t care about that, and they usually care about themselves not to be stressful. In the classes, I feel like most students have their opinions, and can tell them very well. Many Japanese students cannot state their opinions with their own words because a lot of people are afraid of telling something to the others, so that’s the point I’m impressed at American students. To consider other people can be good, but sometimes it can be negative thing.
Lastly, I’m introducing Christmas and New Year’s Day I spent recently. Christmas can be the biggest event in the U.S. A lot of people have decoration inside and outside of their house, everyone gets Christmas presents for family and friends, and wrap they all, bake Christmas cookies, family get together and eat something special. Christmas is like New Year’s Day in Japan. I went to join my host mother’s family. We had turkey, ham, mashed potatoes, many pies and all knida stuffs. Then, I got many presents. I was so happy that I could get many, and I also gave presents for them. It was pretty happy and fun Christmas holidays. On the other hand, New Year’s Day is not that much big event like Christmas. Some people have party on New Year’s Eve, and some people just watch Ball Drop on TV, so I really missed Japanese style of celebration for New Year’s Day. Literally, I wanted to eat a lot and watch TV with family, so I was depressed.
I realize some differences by staying here, but basically we are the same, and it can different from each person. However, it’s still interesting to know about the differences between Japan and other countries.