こんにちは、コロラド州に留学中の北山茉優です。 心も体も大きくなった私達が帰国まで4ヶ月!?4ヶ月なんて足りないです。心はもっと大きく、体は極小にできるように頑張ります。でも私小師先生との勝負に勝てる気がしています。5Gの中で今のところ勝てそうって言う人どのくらいいるんだろう?この勝負の内容、次にアメリカ、カナダに留学する子たちは来年きっと知ることになると思います(笑)話が初っ端からズレてしまいましたが、今回のレポートでは主にアメリカと日本の間にある違いについて書きたいと思います!いつもより短いと思うので良ければ読んでください!
まずは学校の違いから話したいと思います。私の学校は1クラス95分、1日に4クラスあります。4クラスと言っても、1人1人にoffピリオドがあるんです。図書館で勉強してもいいし、カフェテリアで寛いでいてもいいし、家に帰ってもいいし、、、。自由、ユルイ、最高です。学校が始まったばかりの頃のこと、友達が言いました。「先生、今日Phone breakもらえますか?」先生も言いました。「そうね、今日みんな頑張っているからあげようかしら。」(Phone breakとは携帯を使っていい時間のことです)私、内心「、、、は?」北星との違いが大きすぎて開いた口が塞がりませんでした(今は満喫していますけどね笑)
前回のレポートの後すぐに2学期が始まって、クラスも少し変わりました!陶芸と心理学がIndividual sportsとヨガに変わりました。留学前から楽しみにしていたラクロスのプレシーズンも始まり、本格的なシーズンが始まるまでの間体力トレーニングとスティックトレーニングが毎日あります。ラクロスは絶対にお気に入りのスポーツになると思います!楽しい!!二つのPEクラスが同じRed dayにあるので、Red day +トレーニングの時はクタクタですが、毎日が充実しています。学んだことは自分次第で周りを変えられるということです!二学期になって運動が大好きな私はPEのクラスで友達をたくさん作ることができました!1学期は2500人の生徒数に圧倒されていたし、友達と言っても20~30人くらいしかいませんでした。でも自分が笑顔でいれば、友達の輪が広がって、今は廊下を歩けば誰か友達に9割の確率で会うくらい友達や知り合いができました!朝学校についてからクラスが始まるまで友達とだらける時間も、ランチの時間に誰と誰がどうとかマシンガントークする時間も、休日に友達とモールでショッピングする時間も、練習後に友達の車の中で熱唱することも全部大好きです。1学期から自分の考え方を変えたら、環境もガラッと変わりました。親友と呼べるくらいの友達もできました。やっと、やっとできました。長かったなぁ、7月にアメリカに来た時には本音で腹割って話せる友達ができるなんて想像していませんでした。ラクロスでも大大大好きな友達ができました。ある日の練習の後、宝物とも言える言葉たちをくれて、私は涙が止まりませんでした。嬉しすぎて、号泣していたらみんながハグしてくれて、言葉で表せられないほど嬉しい気持ちでいっぱいでした。1学期の時はバレーボールのトライアウトを逃して、友達作りに苦労していたことや、意地悪な人にもあったけど今こうやって素敵な友達を持てて幸せと泣きながら伝えました(笑)留学してよかった!!!!!みんなが、ここが、大好き!!!!感謝する気持ちを忘れずに、大切に残りを過ごします!次のレポートでもっと進化した私をお伝えできますように!(進化した私とは)
Hello everyone. I’m Mayu and currently staying in Colorado. Can you believe that we have only 4 months until we go back? In this report I will mainly talk about differences between Japan and America.
Since I came here, I have received more questions about Japan. I’m not an expert on all parts of Japan, but I do try to tell American people what I do know about Japanese culture and what I am unfamiliar with. Also, I’ve quickly realized how poor my knowledge about Japan is even though I’m in the United States as an exchange student from Japan.(I know I should’ve noticed this before studying abroad lol)
First, I’ll talk about school differences. In my school, we have four classes which have ninety-five minutes each per class. Every student has an off period we can do anything we want. We can study at the library, talk with friends in the cafeteria, or go home. At the beginning of the 1st semester, one of my friends said, “Ms, can we get a phone break?” and the teacher said “Yeah, you guys are doing good today.” I was like “What…?” Though I’m enjoying it, I was totally speechless at that time.
Fewer American students have pencil cases than Japanese students and some people come to school with just a mechanical pencil. The boy who is in my French class took a test by using a half-broken pencil. If I were him I worried about taking such a significant test with the broken pencil.
Another school difference is the American school rules are completely different from Japanese rules. They can dye their hair, do make-up, get piercing, and tattoos. Also they can eat, drink and use phone during classes; although, it depends on the class. Even teachers always have their phone in their pocket and eat something during class. When I said that I prefer American rules to Japanese rules my friends asked me how different Japanese rules are. And then I explained how strict ours are. My friend just said “I definitely don’t want to go to school like that. I’m spoiled by these American rules here and I don’t want to go back:(
I feel it’s easy to get good grades here because there are more assignments students have an opportunity to receive better grades. I guess they give us a good grade if we keep turning in those assignments and correcting our work. Even me I could get straight A’s in the first semester.
Secondly, the American environment is dirtier. I often see a lot of trash like a package of fast food or other stuff on a road. On my day off, I was running and I found a dumped bicycle. I didn’t know what to say. I was speechless. It’s like we don’t need this anymore and dump it here. Also, I see used chewing gum on the wall or everywhere. My friend said to me “You can’t touch anywhere in America.” with a smile.
I got used to avoid stepping on scattered potatoes at the cafeteria lol I’ve experienced 4 out of 4 toilets had no paper, when I went to restrooms. oof:(
Thirdly, I will talk about how much I love American people! I think they are direct and tell everything they think. One day a girl I met at a restroom said “I like your-shirts.” one other day a woman walking on a road said “Your hair is beautiful!” And the other day, when I was sitting at Starbucks, a woman said “I like your jacket.” I really like the culture. It’s a nice culture, isn’t it?
They cerebrate events like Thanksgiving, Halloween, and Christmas on a grand scale, which I really like. I think Easter is same as these events and I’m really excited!
After the last report I submitted, the second semester has started. It’s changed significantly from the first semester. I got two new PE classes which was really helpful to make friends. Since I came here I’ve met mean people but I have also met nice, loving, and supportive people. I really appreciate my friends who make my every day, host family who give make me comfort, and teachers who teach me English and other stuff. I’m happy that I have them in my life. A thing I learned is “everything is up to me.” I changed how to think and try not to take everything for granted. It makes me have a wider friends circle. I could make many friends through new classes and lacrosse practices which started in January. I really really really love them!! Though I’ve met mean people and had difficulties, now I can thank even them and those things. I’m very satisfied with my everyday life. I have a lacrosse practice every day and I’m enjoying it! Also, I’m really excited for games! I believe this sport is going to be one of my favorite sports.
The thing I want to say is I really love it here!!!! Though I don’t want to go back, I’ll do my best and enjoy the rest of months!
Thank you for reading!:)