



 まず学校では1月から後期が始まりました。これはみんなも同じかもしれないですけど前期に比べたらもっと楽しいです。後期はEarth scienceEnglish I art II、そしてAmerican history IIをとっています。earth science は中3の頃に習った内容なのと、その範囲が得意なので、宿題の量は多いんですけど、困った時は隣の席のソフィア(優しくて大好き)が助けてくれるし、今のところ苦労はしていないです。この前のテストで平均点が悪かった中81%とれて、よっしゃァァァ!って感じでした。何より先生が超超超優しくて教えるのが上手なんですよね〜。そのほかの教科もなんとか付いて行っているので今は勉強面では問題はないです。あ!今日サッカーのトライアウトがあるんですけど、ワクワクというよりか緊張しています。ミーティングで他にトライアウトを受ける人と会いました。本当は優しいんだろうけど、みんな怖く見える現象わかります??それです!まあとにかく、入部できればいいな、、、





    さて、私のレポート読んでくれてありがとうございます!楽しんでいただけたでしょうか!ではまた次のレポートで 🙂

 Hi guys! How are you all doing? It’s Toko staying in Clayton, North Carolina. I’m sure you guys have sooo much snow in Japan. In this report I’m going to write some stuffs.

 The second seminar has started since January. Maybe everybody feels same way but the second semester is much better than the first one. In this semester I have earth/environmental science, English I, art II, and American history II. I’ve learned earth science when I was in 9th great and I like to learn about it, so it’s not that hard. When I have a question, Sophia who sits next to me, she helps me a LOT. So far I don’t have any problems with this class. I got 81% on my last science test, so I was like “Yesssssss Toko”. All my teachers are super nice and helpful so I’m fortunate to have them. Oh by the way I’m going to try out for soccer today and I’m so nervous. I’m trying to be excited but I can’t. But I really want to play soccer so I hope I can make it, even if I don’t make it, I’ll still be proud of myself.

 About my friends, I’m very happy with them. Especially Cora and Megan, they are nice, amazing and wonderful. Megan and I went prom dress shopping and it was soooo much fun. I try to go somewhere or do something with my friends at least once a week. But since my city is outside of the big city, so it’s not very easy to find somewhere to go.

 I’m getting with my host family. I feel really comfortable to live with them. But in December I made a trouble and my host parents and my coordinator stressed, so I feel sorry for them.  But any way, we went to Washington DC in December, and the Florida Disney world last month!!!! They are just amazing. I’ll never ever forget.

 I’m happy my English has been improved I’m not satisfied with it though. Especially when I get jokes or when I make people laugh, I’m so happy.

 I have only four more months left so I want to make more memories with my host family and friends.  One of my goals is to become confident. Talking with people who have confidence with them is very fun and inspiring. I think it’s cool so I want to be like that. I’m going back with huge self-confidence.

   Anyway did you guys enjoy my third report? I hope so. See y’all on next which is last report:)

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