早速少し話しがずれちゃうのですが、冬休み期間に旅行に行ってきました。フロリダを目的地にジョージア州やテネシー州に行ってきました。やっぱり一番の思い出はフロリダのデイズニーですがそれについては私が日本に帰ってからお話したいと思います。その旅行中に年を越したのですが、他のファミリーは分かりませんが私のファミリーは年を越すときにはもう寝ていて、次の日にあけましておめでとうの一言どころか、それについての話題が一度もなかったのが驚きでした。私の毎年している物凄く幸せな年越しが本当に恋しくなりました。今からめちゃくちゃ来年(?) の年越しが楽しみです。
Hey guys! I am Airin and staying MO. This is my 3rd report. In this report, I am going to write about different things between America and Japan. I wish you can enjoy this report.
Before I talk about it, let me talk about my winter break first. My winter break was awesome. My host dad, sister, and I were on a trip. We went to Georgia, Savannah, and Florida. We also went to Disney World in Florida. Just like I thought, Disney World was really fun place and it was the best memory in this trip. If you want to know more about my trip, I will tell you after I go back to Japan :). During the vacations, we spent New Year’s Eve at the hotel. However, we didn’t mention the topic of New Year Eve at all. I was kinda sad because New Year’s Eve is biggggg event to me and makes me happy always. That’s why I am really excited about next New Year’s Eve from now.
I am going to talk about culture differences between America and Japan. I think American people can tell everything and say clearly what they think. But it doesn’t mean they hurt someone’s pride. What I want to say is everyone has their own opinion and everyone respects them. I can’t tell how much I like this culture.
I will talk about food. I’m really missing Japanese food now. I get hungry easily so I always want to get something to eat. When I was in Japan, I could eat rice anytime. However, since I am in America, I can’t eat rice as much as I used to. That is kinda sad to me. TT
I will talk about school differences. Japanese school and American school are completely different. American students can change hair color, get drink and food during anytime, use cell phone, etc. I’m jealous of them. I really want to change my hair color!!!!
Class system is also completely different. In Japan, we can’t choose what classes we are gonna take, right? However, in America, we can choose classes whatever we want to take but that means we have to move classroom every hour. So, I like Japanese system better.
Since I finished writing about today’s topic, I will write about 3 things I did these days. First, I went skating with my friends Jessica and Julia. I was pretty good at it and we really enjoyed it. We will make it again! Second, my friend Jessica, invited me to prom!!!! She made a poster that says “do me a favor and come with me to prom” and gave it to me. I was soooo happy. We also went shopping for prom dress and I could find cute dress. Look forward to see a picture of prom! I will post it in the next report. Third, I spent night with my friends 3 days ago. We played some games and watched movie. I had fun night.
Finally, I want to tell you something!! My host dad decided to take me to NY on May. Yeaaaaah! I will write about it in the last report. Thank you for reading this report!! See you soon!