Hello! It’s really really really cold in Texas these days. I am regret because I did not bring my winter clothes from my home. I didn’t know Texas is so cold at winter. I only know this year’s Texas.
I am going to write my fourth report about what I learned through this exchange student program. Ummm, I am literally getting bigger, hahaha. Also My mind grows up. I thought my mind is really strong, but I was influenced a lot by other people in America for better or worse. Sometimes I regret by influenced by other people. I think I should have what I like and my opinions wherever. And I am not influenced by other people easily anymore now. For example, when I just came here, American teenager looked like so big. Of course, it’s physically and mentally. I was really really scared X. But I can see them normally now, especially people who throw apple to me looks so small like I can knock down. Also, I can be strict on myself. When I was in Japan, I woke up, ate my mother s healthy breakfast, prepared for my school, went to schools, also ate good lunch, I didn’t have to study really really hard cuz I was not going to fail, Talked with my friends, came back to home, ate my mother and father s delicious dinner, and I stuck with my bed forever. Be honest, I thought I studied, and did some choir. I didn’t do anything what I supposed to do at that time. I am kind of busy recently and I try to do everything I can do. So I think I can be more strict right now. This program has limited time and I have to try harder than other people. By the way, it is getting warmer during I write this report.;)