



最初にSpring breakFloridaに旅行に行きました。3日連続でUniversal Studio, Disney World, SeaWorldのテーマパークとBeachに行くことができました。正直、Disneyは日本のほうが狭いけど楽しいと思いました(笑)キャストの人があまりいなくて、歩いているときにキャラクターに2人?ぐらいしか会わなかったんですよ!ユニバは初めてだったのでハリーポッターとmarvel好きの私には最高でした♡ Beachは3つの場所に行けて、どの海岸も見た海は透明で青いより青と緑が混ざったような綺麗な海でお気に入りの場所になりました。(日焼け止めしてもめちゃ焼けてしまいました(笑)






Hello! I’m Kana Shimoyama. I’m staying at springfield in Missouri. This time, I’m going to talk about “what can I grow up in this my study abroad”, and my memories in this month.

At first, I went to Florida in spring break. I could go to Universal Studio, Disney world, and Sea world three days in a row that week, and I went to beach too. Actually, I thought Disney in japan is small, but it is better than Disney in America, because I couldn’t meet cast, and character when I walked in there. I went to Universal Studio at first time in my life, and I love MARVEL and Harry Potter. So, it was so fun! I could go to 3 beaches, and I thought all of 3 beaches has so beautiful clear water. The water has mixed green and blue color, and it became my favorite place. (I got sunburned)

I had my birthday in March twenty third. My friends told their friends about my birthday, and many students who I don’t know them celebrated me when I walked. My favorite teacher and my same class students celebrated my birthday, and my host family hold my birthday party

I’m going to talk about “what can I grow up in this my study abroad”. First, I think my English skill grow up. I think I could grow up myself too. I really don’t like to ask question to my class teacher when I stayed in japan. I am not good at to talk with other people, and I was so shy. I can rise up my hand and say anything in my class. I don’t nervous when I met with other people who had never meet each other, and I can talk normal. I love to talk about something with my friends in our lunch time, and after my club practice, I and my friends of girl talk about girls talk at our school’s gym. I thought I can get a laugh when I and my friends are talking. I and my friends often send messages each other until night.

When I am thinking about my study abroad, I think it is only 2 months. I want to go back a little, but I have feeling about I don’t want to go back to japan.

This time’s report became short, but Thank you for reading my report.


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