


みなさんこんにちは!ミズーリに留学中の久保田彩月です。これが3回目のレポートですね~ほんとに時間が経つのが早く感じます ( 笑 ) 今回のレポートのテーマは文化の違いですね、、、、このテーマ書きたい事がいっぱいあるんです!!全部はさすがに書けないのでみなさんに1番伝えたいことを2つピックアップして書いていきます!!


そして、食事の面でも驚きました。アメリカの人はファストフードやカロリーの高いものが好きというステレオタイプの考えを持っていたのですが、私がいっしょに暮らしているファミリーたちは違いました。実際に私の研修中のファミリーはビーガンでしたし、今のファミリーもファストフードが嫌いなんです。今思うと日本にいる時の方が食べてましたね~友達と放課後にマックとか行くじゃないですか、、、、あ、研修中のファミリー、ビーガンって言いながらたまにお肉食べてましたよ( 笑 ) ( 笑 ) そんなことは置いておいて、みんな自分のスタイルがあるし、それを受け入れてますね。今のファミリーは特に日本のように3食毎回はい、どうぞって出るわけではなく、自分で冷蔵庫の作り置きか冷凍庫のピザを温めて食べるのが主です。(日曜日はファザーがご飯を作ってくれるのですが)最初はこの生活に慣れなくてほんとに大変でした。日本食のバリエーションってほんとすごい!神!って思います。お母さんに感謝ですね、、、


次に学校生活で感じる違いを書いていきます!まず学年の壁がなく、友達の幅がとても広いです。なので、友達になった子とかにあなたグレードなに?って聞かれて、シニアだよって言うと、えっ??年下だと思ってた~とかありますね!その反対もめっちゃありますが ( 笑 ) みんな大人っぽいです、、、そんな感じでみんな年とか気にせずフィーリング!って感じなんだと思います。私日本では年上に見られる事がほぼなので新鮮ですね~


授業中携帯いじっていてもなんも言われないクラスがほぼだし、普通に授業に遅れてきた人がウェンディーズの紙袋片手に教室入ってきたり、、、すごいです。最近授業で映画(ゴットファーザー)を見たときは教育上悪いだろっていうなんとも言えないシーンが満載でした ( 笑 ) 人がどんどん撃たれるシーンとか、、、、でもみんな笑い飛ばしてました(私は悲鳴)日本だったら見たくない人は目潰ってて~とかこれはちょっと見せられないからなぁ(主に山川先生)とかあったのにそれが0ですね ( 笑 ) あ、でも真面目なことを書くとしたら、自分の意見を述べる機会が多いです。これが私にはとても難しいことですが、意外にもみんなちゃんと意見を持っています。例をあげると、ディベートなどでいつもどちらかというとふざけてるキャラの子も自分が属しているチームが勝つようにがんばっていたりします( 笑 )  そして私が取っている授業では結構シリアスな歴史問題や人種の問題を取り扱うのですが、なんでみんなそんなにいろんなこと知ってるの??ってすごく思います。いつも私ってほんとに無知だなぁ、日本ってどれだけ戦争とかそうゆう危険が身近に感じないんだろうと思います。平和ボケしすぎなんだろうなぁと思いますね。特に銃が身近過ぎて怖いです、、、ファミリーに日本は銃持てないよって言ったら、え?じゃあどうするの?って言われました ( 笑 )






Hi, guys!!!  This is Satsuki, staying Missouri.  I am so surprised because I have only 4 monthes left until I come back Japan…..  Anyway, this is my 3rd report, and the topic is culture difference between US and Japan.  I think it’s good topic for me, because I found a lot of differences already.

First, I’m going to write about culture differences that I feel interesting to living with my family.  I guess most of the American family think time that spend with their own family is the most of precious and important.  That doesn’t mean Japanese is not.  I just think they love party like big celebration.  In fact their celebration is very big and also many people come, especially their relatives.  Actually my family has relationships, but anyone doesn’t matter and worry that.  I think my family help each other.  I was raising country town and my Japanese family is also big, but their family relationship is very strong.

And my family doesn’t like fast foods, like Macdonalds.  I thought American likes fast foods, but it is not all American.  I had stereotype.  I was eating those kinds of foods in Japan than now.  Also my family who are in Arizona and they hosted me 3weeks, they are vegan.  However they eat meet and some not vegan foods.  That was very weird.  My family doesn’t have meal on typical time, most of time I heat meal from refrigerator.  It was hard to understand for me the first I came here.  By the way I think Americans eat pizza too much.  Sometimes I remember the meals of my Japanese family, and then I always think Japanese food is amazing.

I don’t know those things are culture differences but I kind of shocked of those things as culture differences.

Next I will write about the culture differences that I feel those in my school.  The American school doesn’t have big difference of the age.  We separate the class of age in Japan, but American doesn’t matter of that.  In fact, many people has friends who are not same grades.  It often makes surprise for me, because ithey look very older than their exact age.

 In addition, American school has a lot of freedom.  I really want to tell that for Japanese school students, because it is so amazing.  Basically my school accepts use phone anytime, so the students can use phone in most of classes.  I usually work like write essay with listening to music actually.  And we can eat something during class, many students go to store and grab that in class.  I often watch the movie in my popular culture class.  Those are very interesting, but those include violence seen too much.  It scary for me, and I think we can’t see this kind of movie in Japanese class.  However I can explain American school otherwise.  I think they love their country basically, and they think that is so proud.   I guess their patriotic is very big than Japanese.  In fact they know a lot of knowledge of America.  I usually discuss about history in class, most of people have own idea and they argue that very well.  It is surprised for me too.  And also the gun is very familiar, because some typical store sells gun.  One day my family asked me “Have you shot in Japan?”  I said “of course I haven’t.  My family thought Japan can use gun.  After this conversation, I explained we can’t have gun in Japan and why we can’t have.  And my family said it is dangerous, but in my perspective, Japan(no guns society) is the safer than America.

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Finally I’m going to write about LGBT.  I have couple LGBT friends, they are all nice and very good person.  However, I was not familiar of that in Japan.  When I went to school first, one of my friend asked me “Are you straight?”  It was so surprised happen for me.  It’s because my first experience that I feel LGBT is very popular in here.  A lot of people don’t hide of this, they are so open mind.  Anyone doesn’t tell anything and say bad thing.  Actually my host mother’s sister is married   a women.  I have met them, they look happy.  I think Japan is more strict for the LGBT.  I could experience very big difference through this.




The culture difference is very difficult, but very interesting.   We can get good experience and improve our independence  for feel a lot of cultures.  I remind again, I am in America as foreign exchange student when I am writing this report.  Next report is my last report, I already scary of that, because time goes by so fast…….



Thank you for reading my report♡

See you next report soon!!