私の今までの留学生活の中でも思い出は数え切れない程とてもたくさんありますが、中でも最近一週間程旅行に行ってきました。私が住んでいるサスカチュワン州にあるReginaと、隣の州にあるCalgaryやEdmontonなどに行ってきました。車での移動は計24時間程で走行距離はおよそ3000キロでとても疲れましたが、疲れを忘れるくらい楽しめました。West Edmonton Mallは特におススメです!北米一広いモールで、たくさんお買い物できます。また、とても広いウォーターパークや、ウォータースライダーなど様々なアトラクションがあります。ホテルにも色々なコンセプトがあり同様に楽しめました。ちなみに私達の部屋のホテルは海と火山でした。船の上にベッドがあり、火山のホットタブがありました。とてもとても楽しかったです!!
卒業が近づいて来ています。三週間程前に卒業写真を撮りました。Graduation Clothが着れるとは夢にも思っていなくてとても新鮮でした。また卒業式とプロムに出れないかもとコーディネーターに言われてたのですが、帰国日がなんと卒業式とプロムの次の日でした!!奇跡的に出席出来ることになりました。楽しみです。4回目のレポートも読んで頂きありがとうございました。
Hi guys. This is Mayuka Shinojima from PA in Canada. I would love you guys to read this forth report either.
This program which is Study Abroad in CA has just 1 month and few days which means It’s almost done. Especially after the half term of a year passed soon. I could feel it was like a moment. We had some days which were -50 degrees. Finally spring is coming!! There’re still snows though…
I have so many awesome experiences of my life in Canada. Nowadays I went to Regina where is in Saskatchewan, Calgary and Edmonton which are in Alberta for one week as a trip. It took about 24hours to get there and come home. I had so much fun even though I was exhausting. I recommend that you would go to the West Edmonton Mall. This mall is the hugest mall in North America. I’ll bet you guys could have so much fun. There are huge water park and it has lots kinda water sliders, theater, bowling , skating and so many shops. I stayed at the hotel in this mall. This hotel has many kind of concepts in each rooms. Our room’s concept was Ocean and Mountain. There’s a mountain’s hot tab and a bed on the ocean. It was actually really really fun!
I’m having fun at the school as well. Every reports let me remind me how worse my English skill was when I came here. I sometimes thought speaking English is could be kinda embarrassing things. I couldn’t show myself like my personality because of my English skill. But now, I can talk without thinking and tell everything exactly what I want to say. If you discover English more, you would have more communication. If you could have a communication well, you could even more enjoy talking with your friend. Now I realize learning English is kinda fun. I feel grateful when I talk lots with my friend in English.
I’ll almost have a graduation. I took grad pics already. I actually felt great when I put the grad cloth on, cause I had never thought I could wear grad cloth. My coordinator said I might not to be able to attend the graduation and prom party. Almost students went back to Japan earlier. Fortunately, the date to go back to Japan is gonna be after the Graduation!! I’m so excited and I can’t wait for it. Thank you guys all for reading my fourth report.