さて、まとめに参ります。最初は学校生活についてはなそうかしら。そうですね、初日に放り込まれてドギマギしながらここまで来ましたけど、途中相当悩んだしつらかったって言うのが本音です。前にもお話したんですが、この学校結構な量の留学生を毎年受け入れてるんですよね。して、昨年度の留学生にも日本から来た私の先輩にあたる方がいたんです。運がいいことに何らかの繋がりがあって、こっちに来る前からその先輩を知ってたんですけど(なまらいい人なんですけど)、その方がここで成し遂げたものが相当大きくて、学校中がその人をいい印象で知ってるみたいな。悔しいことに、最初の方はギラギラアメリカンティーンエイジャーにどうやって話しかけたらいいかわかんなくて、その先輩の名前を出して「~って知ってる?」ってフレーズを連発してて、でも聞いたら聞いたで、そのあと95%の確率で帰ってくる「もちろん!あの人は世界一だったよ」って言葉になぜかグサッと来たり。その先輩のインスタを見てもたくさんの友達とキラキラ輝いてる投稿しかなくて、今の自分は部屋で一人で親指くわえてみてるだけなのに、すごいな、そんな風になんて慣れないな、とかってずっとその壁を乗り越えられないままでいました。多分ずっと嫉妬してたんです。でもある時思ったんですけど、その知名度とか印象とかってその方が死ぬほど苦労して作ってきたもので、頑張りに頑張ったからその場にいなくてもこんなに深く学校中の印象に残ってるんだなあって気づいたんです。だからそんな努力の塊に嫉妬なんて失礼でしゃーないなあと。相談に乗ってくれた友達からは、「自分でいなよ」っていうその通りなアドバイスをもらったりして、人と自分を比べすぎることの無意味さに気づきました。今だから言えることは、留学経験者のインスタとかを見て夢を抱き過ぎないようにするってことです。実際それをやりすぎて苦しんできたのは私なんですが、そういうメディアには失敗とか後悔の投稿ってあんまないじゃないですか。それを考えないで羨ましいなとかって思ったらだめですよ、裏では必死こいてるからキラキラした投稿ができるんだって、自分もそうなってやろうって思うべきだと思います、経験者面です。あとは、これ私だけかもしれないんですが、最初の方カメラロールの写真が一向に増えなくてやべえなって思ってて。ばかばかしいですけど、結構本気で焦ってました(笑) 誰かと写真を撮る勇気がなかったのか、友達がいなかったのか、なんだったんですかね。でももし未来にこういう謎な現象に陥る人がいるとしたら、絶対大丈夫です、最後には友達と飽きるくらい写真撮ってるから。
Hello from Mississippi, it’s Miina. Last, this is my LAST report! I don’t know how can I feel about this situation, time past toooooooooo fast. Also I don’t know hoe to start this last report, but ya, I will make it clear and present y’all my “study abroad summary”. (It will be pretty long)
I wasn’t sure if I will write my “myself report” in here again, but I feel like I’m writing jut a bit. The Heisei period is over! I don’t feel like it because I’m not in Japan though… I watched the ceremony for the new name of the new period (idk how to say) on the Instagram’s live, but like, is it possible? I felt human development for the technology. But I know technology is gonna be way more greater when the next era come. Feel scared a little, where is human’s limit???
Anyways, here my “study abroad summary” come. Let me talk about the lifestyle at the school first. I was put at the school first day and I’m here mow, but on the way here, there were tons of hard things. So I think I talked about this before, but this school is accepting pretty large number of foreign exchange students every year, and there is one girl who was here as an exchange student last year. Fortunately, there was some connection between her and I, so I already knew her before I came here (She gave me some advices and stuff, she is super nice). However, the things that she has done in here were super great, and so like everybody in the school know her with super good impression. Me, who was straggling with these new environment, didn’t know how to talk to these shiny American high schoolers, so I used this “hey, do you know (her name)?” phrase a lot a lot. But after I asked this to people, 95% of them said “ya of course. She was the best exchange student in the world” and for some reason I got shock by that word. By seeing her Instagram, there were just tons of success, so I was like “she was doing really really great job and enjoyed with a lot of her friends, but now look at me I am alone in my room, what am I doing here?”. I was just super jealous about her freaking shiny situation. But I realized that those great situations that she was having were all from her effort. So it was really rude to feel jealous about her because she did really hard work. Some of my friends who listened my saying gave me a strong advice, “be yourself”. I noticed that it was really meaningless thing to compare me and someone else. I can say this now, but you shouldn’t have too much dream by seeing somebody (who experienced study abroad)’s Instagram or those stuff. Actually I did it too much and tight my neck, but I think those social media have not much posts of failure of regret. So I don’t think it’s a good idea to feel jealous without thinking about their minus part. You should think like “I will do really hard work and in the future I will be like that”. It’s way more positive, I like it.
Next thing is about my host family. I was really really lucky to be hosted by this family. My host mom is a great comprehension and has a wonderfully big heart, my host dad has really funny stories and he is also a great chef, my host brothers love to do crazy things even they are adults but they also have really really kind and sweet heart, my host sisters (brothers’ wives and girlfriend) have really sweet tolerant and youthfulness, my host niece is freaking cute and she calls me Nyanya, my host dog is sometimes kinda smelly but so smart and good girl, I played this wood piano tons of times, the big kitchen which I used when I cook with everyone, veranda with grass, the swing which I really liked, my sweet room with all these cute furniture, my fluffy bed which has miracle power to cure my heart pain, the bi8g TV that shows the murder show forever (it’s just because we loved those shows and not because it was broken), counter that I used with my brother when we were studying, hallway, the atmosphere of dining table when we are eating, family member’s smile, everything, all things. Even if I couldn’t accepted by someone in the outside world, when I go back to home there are always my family members who listen to my story and opinions. They taught me to do things that I really have to do, do things for someone else. They taught me common sense and love. If I didn’t meet this family, my life couldn’t change in great way like me now, so yes, this family is really really important family for me, they gave me turning point for my life. I don’t feel like, I can’t believe that I will leave from them. This 10 months with them were really precious and this is my treasure for life. I don’t believe this is the true “good bye good bye”, so in the close future, maybe brothers’ wedding, I will force them to invite me and go and see them again.
Met tons of new people, be happy, had fun, worried, suffered, made a lifetime relationship, and had tons of people’s support and kindness, I ended my exchange student life. For my family in Japan, I made them worry about me so many times, but they just supported me quietly and watched my growth. Thank y’all so much for doing that I really appreciate all of them and can’t wait to see y’all in Japan. For my friends who are (or were) in the same situation as a exchange student, y’all gave me freaking power to stand in this different environment than I’ve experienced in Japan for 17 Years, and made me think “I can’t stop, I gotta work harder like them” by seeing y’all’s reports or something like that. So thanks for that and great job for y’all, too. Can’t wait to see y’all and talk about everything. For everyone who are reading my reports, I have never turned in my report by the limit day, but y’all forgave me (lol) and sent me lots of comment on my reports. Thank y’all for doing things like that and all the comments y’all gave me lots of power. The 3 people (me, my mom, and interviewer) interview that I took when I was in 10th grade, my mom told me that my saying had no passion or meaning, so it was “thin”, and I got shock by that word, and decided to be more meaningful human. I think I could get little close to my perfect imagination of myself. I really don’t feel like I am going back. I CAN SEE EVERYBODYYYYYYYYYYY! I will do my best even if I am in Japan, of course. Ok so, thank y’all so so so so sooooooo much for supporting me and my progress for about 11 months. See y’all in Japan!