まず、メリーランドに来る前にオハイオ州で10日間台湾?タイ?の子と日本人の20人くらいで研修をしました!1日2時間も勉強せずにお昼前からいろんなところに連れて行ってもらいました!まだ同じ学校の人がいたのでほんとに楽しかったです!!研修中のホストファミリーはマザーとファザーと2才?3才?の小っちゃい女の子のCaitlinでした!すぐ私に慣れてくれて、私のことを指さして” My Dory! Mine!!!!!!” と毎日叫んでいました!(笑)可愛すぎ!!!!Caitlinにとても会いたいです。。。
そして、10日間の研修の後1人でメリーランド州に行きました。本当のホストファミリーは8月いっぱい日本にいるのでその間コーディネーターさんのおうちに5日間泊まらさせてもらいました!もう最高にたのしい5日間でした!!ファザーイケメンで、マザー最高に面白くてたくさん“I love you, Dory” って言ってくれて、6才のIzabell、7才のElizabeth、8才のKristel、のめちゃくちゃ可愛い女の子がいて、もう3人ともいい子過ぎて…さいっこうでした!!!!3人の名前がやっとわかったのは、バイバイする1日前でしたが、、(笑)本当のホストファミリーの家から徒歩5分なのですぐ会えますが、バイバイするの悲しかったです。。。
ご飯は毎日日本食です!!!最高ですほんとに!世界で一番おいしい食べ物だと心の底から思っています!I love Japan!!!
留学の目標ですよね。たくさん考えて決めました!車の中で聞いた洋楽の歌詞に出てきたFace Myselfにします!私は今までたくさん数えられないぐらい現実から背を向けて来ました。現実に向き合わないように簡単な道を選んできました。なので結果もその程度。これからも、今も現実から逃げたくなるときがあります。そんな時はFace Myself を思い出して現実に向き合っていきたいと思います!
最後に、日本にいるmy love babyに会いたいです(T-T)(アメリカではbabyというみたいなので笑真似してみました)
Hello! I’m Midori from Glen Burnie, Maryland
I cannot believe that I’m writing this report now!! My host mother is Japanese, so I always eat delicious Japanese food! Japanese food is the best!! I didn’t know what theme should I write. But I found the theme from my classmates’ report! There are two topics that I have to tell you. First, lifestyle in my new country. Second, my goal of this studying abroad.
Let’s start writing♪
First, I’ll tell you about my life in Ohio. I stayed ten days to receive training with about twenty Japanese and three Taiwanese. We studied only two hours. So I can go to many tourist spots!! These ten days are soooo fun!!! My host family in Ohio is my host father, host mother and little baby! Her name is Caitlin! She got used to me soon, and she always shout “ My Dory! Mine!!!!!!!!!!!” to me. How cute she is! I miss Caitlin so much…
And than, I went to Maryland by myself. But real host family is in Japan at the end of the August. So I stayed in my coordinator’s house in five days. It was wonderful five days!!! My host father was very cool. And my host mother was so funny. She said to me “ I love you, Dory” many times. And six years old sister, names Izabell, seven years old sister, names Elizabeth and eight years old sister, names Kristal. They are really cute girls!! Those three girls are so nice!! I love you, Izabell, Elizabeth and Kristal! Of course Courtney too! Finally, I knew three pretty girls’ name one day before I said bye…. It takes about five minutes on foot to get to this house from real house. But I was sad to say goodbye…
Second, I want to write about my real host family! My host father is in submarine now. Do you think “What?!?!” ? My host father is Navy!!! Wow! I ask my host mother that when does he come back to home, but she doesn’t know. Because it is classified information! It’s cool!!!!! But I want to meet hi as soon as possible. As you know my host mother is Japanese, but we speak only English. If I cannot find my word in English, she always wait me! So, I can talk about college entrance exam in 2020 to her!!!!! yeah!!!! And I have six years old sister! Her name is Hanna! We look like sisters soon! When she comes back to home, she always shout “Dory!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” and come running toward me! When we go shopping, we always hold hands! When we ride in a car, we sing a “Irotoridori”!
I always eat Japanese food at home! It’s very very delicious!! I think Japanese food the most delicious food in the world! I love Japan so much!
Third, I want to write about my goal. It was so hard to choose but I ended up deciding! It’s “Face Myself”. I’m always run away from the reality so many times. I always choose easy way for me, so ultimately failed to produce result. If I want to escape from reality, I remember “Face Myself” and I face myself!
In the end, I really really really miss “my love baby” that is waiting me in Japan… (Boyfriend call “baby” in America, so I copy they!) I want to meet him so much…
Next report is November! Thank you for reading my report! See you soon! byebye!!!