

アメリカ合衆国ワシントン州 Prosser High Schoolに留学中の 荒井若菜さんからの第1回目のレポートです。






8月10日からはワシントン州プロッサーに来ました。私は、ワシントンD.Cしか知らなくて、すごく都会なところに行くんだなーと思っていました笑 そしたら出発の2、3週間前くらいにお父さんからラインが来てワシントンってワシントンD.Cじゃないからねときて、そーなのかと思い私の調べ不足ですね。来てすぐにDutch Brosというスタバのようなところに来たのですが、店員さんが私のことを知っていて次に朝ごはんなどの食品を買いに行ったんですがそこの店員さんも私のことを知っていてどうしてみんな私のことを知っているのと聞いたら楽しみすぎていろんな人に話したんだよと言われみんなで若菜は有名人だねと話していました笑 家族はマザー、ファザー、9歳のシスター、7歳のブラザー、4歳のシスターです。マザーとファザーは30代で二人とも核兵器を作っていた場所を安全にする仕事をしています。上の2人は小学生、下の子は幼稚園に入る前なので毎日がけんかで必ず誰かは泣いてます。特に一番上の子は泣き虫です。一番下の子は1日5回はほっぺにキスをしてきます笑 あとは、犬が2匹マザーの趣味で家畜と家庭菜園をしていて、馬、鶏、アヒル、羊、ヤギ、クジャクがいます。普通の家にクジャクはいないので新鮮なんですが一か月も過ごしていたら慣れました。











Hello, everyone! I am Wakan that stay Washington State. Until last year, I though senior was writing report! But now, I am writing my report for the first time! I am gonna write my goal of during abroad, and my recent happened.


First, I stayed in Arizona about 3 weeks. Because it was a training period. There were 22 people in the class, but we had HOKUSEI’s student more than half, so I felt like at my school. My family was father, mother, sister, cousin, and cousin. My sister lean soccer, she had game on weekend and I went San Diego of California, and we went Tombstone which is cowboy was stay there, I dressed like madam. I had REALY great and fun time!!


I came Prosser of Washington State on August 10th. I did not know about Washington State. I know only Washington D.C. A couple weeks before I left Japan my father told me it is not Washington D.C. It was my lack of investigation. I went to Dutch Bros where is like STARBUCKS. That customer knows about me! After that we went to grocery store to get m breakfast, that shop’s customer was know about me too, so I heard “why every one knows about me?” Mom said me “ I taught every one because I was looking forward to meet you!” And we talked Wakana is famous at Prosser!! Lol I have a dad, mom, sister, brother and sister. Older sister and brother is elementary school student, another sister is before the kindergarten. Older sister is crybaby and younger sister is kiss my cheek five times a day. And we have 2 dogs, horses, chickens, ducks, peacocks, sheep, and goats. There have not peacocks in a normal house, but I got used to living for a month.


In September we went Seattle to celebrate Dad’s grandma’s birthday. We left home at 6 am and arrived at 9 am. We went market, zoo, aquarium, after that we played at pool at hotel which is stayed hotel. On the second day we went to the Space Needle and then went to the birthday party. I don’t know everyone well, but I introduce I came from Japan, then guys said “I have been to Japan and watch the Sapporo Olympic” There were VERY kind. And last Saturday my school had a tournament it is like a parade. We got a second place among 22 schools!! The front and back school had a large member of people and performed well, so I thought if we have large member of people, we can play like these schools lol.

This month I have Home Coming, Halloween, and my birthday lol. I knew we don’t wear dress at Home Coming! I wanted to wear the dress.

In Japan, my sister became the manager of junior high school badminton club. Good luck and my brother too.


Finally, my goal of during abroad is become Yes man, try anything, strictly to me, class review every day. I tried yes man came to U.S but mom said me “ you don’t have to be a yes man” lol, but I would say yes expect for the something that I really don’t like, example pickles lol. I am trying to make Japanese club, and my friend invited me to volunteer club so I join 4 clubs. I found out that my admire senior wrote a goal to be strict to her last year then imitated it now. I will do my best to do what I like, but I will give up on things I don’t like so I will do my best to overcome it. And class review is for test preparation and my English proficiency improvement.


Thank you for reading it was long report from the first time. My next report is 2 month letter, please read the report too!!

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