アメリカ合衆国ルイジアナ州 St. James High Schoolに留学中の 藤田 愛永さんからの第1回目のレポートです。
まずはオハイオ州での研修についてお話しします。研修では教会の一室を借りて主にアメリカの政治や学校のことについて学びました。これは今の学校の授業で役立っていると思います。勉強以外には、街の施設見学や観光をしました。ホストファミリーはマザー、ファザー、ブラザーです。また離れて暮らしている息子さん2人、娘さんがいます。一番年上の息子さんは音楽が好きで日本の曲も聴いているそうで、お気に入りの曲の動画を見せてくれました。そしたらなんと、私の母が好きな歌手の曲でした!そこから会話が弾み、さらには曲に合わせてダンスもしてくれたので楽しい時間を過ごせました。私はオムライスと卵焼き、西先生が教えてくれたSoy Dipをファミリーに作りました。卵づくしになってしまいましたが喜んでくれたので嬉しかったです。あ、ちなみにオムライスは日本の洋食です(笑)Soy Dipはかなり好評でしたよ。また私はファミリーと一緒に教会のボランティアに参加させてもらいました。トルネードの被害に遭った隣町の手助けをしに行き、ゴミを協力して片付けました。日本も震災の被害に遭ったとき世界の国々に助けてもらっていたので今回こうして活動できて、地域の方々と関わることができてよかったです。私は研修期間中、何度か体調を崩して一日中家で休むこともありました。私が体調を崩したときマザーはフルーツやラーメンを用意してくれて、ファザーは仕事を途中で抜けて家に帰ってきてくれました。心配して治るまで気にかけてくれたのは本当にありがたかったです。そしてファミリーとのお別れは辛かったです。いつかまた再会したいです!
Hello, everyone! This is Manami stay in Louisiana state. It has been more than two months since I came to America. Two months…It’s early. I have read my senior’s reports so far and its feel strange to write. In this report mainly introduces Ohio’s study training, Louisiana’s family and the most important future study abroad goal for me.
First, I’ll talk about Ohio’s study training. In the study training, we learned American government and school rules. I think this is helpful in my school class now. Other than studying, we visited the city’s facilities and toured. My Ohio’s host family is my host father, mother and a brother. Also, they have two sons and a daughter who living away. The oldest son loves music and he listening to Japanese songs, so he showed me to his favorite song’s video. And then, it was my mother’s favorite singer’s song! After that, the conversation became lively and had great time because he danced with the song. I cooked omelet containing fried rice, rolled omelet and Soy Dip taught by Ms. Nishi for my host family. Also, various kinds of egg dishes but my host family was happy, so I’m glad. By the way, omelet containing fried rice is a Japanese Western food. Soy Dip was a good reputation. I participated in a church volunteer with my host family. I went to the neighbor town where the tornado was damaged, and cleaned up the garbage. Also, Japan was helped by the countries of the world when was damaged by the earthquake, so it was great time to work in this way and worked with local people. During the study training period, I sometimes got sick and rested at home few times. When I got sick, my host mother gave me some fruit and ramen, and my host father got away from work and came home. They worried about me until my feel better, so I was very thankful.
It was really hard for me to say goodbye to my Ohio’s host family. I want to meet again someday!
The study training was finished, so I headed to Louisiana. I was with several students before change planes, but after that was the only one. On the plane, I was full of anxiety and tension because I was worried about could go and meet host family. At the airport, I was really relieved when my host family welcomed me. My Louisiana’s host family is my host father, mother and Anna from Ukraine in double placement. On weekdays, wake up at five o’clock because mother is a middle school teacher. It was hard at first, but finally getting used to it. I wasn’t good at get up early, but I might be a little good at it from now on. Also, difficult classes are really difficult. English is particularly difficult for me. Sometimes, we have discussion class. Almost students say their opinions, but I say… It took a while to understand the meaning of the question, so I couldn’t say anything, and the students also helped me. I want to be able to say my opinion firmly from my mouth.
Finally, I’ll talk about my goals. This year’s goal is to challenge everything and do my best until my feel done it. And, I really want to think glad to study abroad! Anna is speaking English fluently than me. Honestly, I’m envious of her. But from now on, I’ll try my best without frustrating. I think that’s why conversation with the host family everyday is important and indispensable. Always tell myself will not be frustrated whatever happens.
Thank you for reading until the end.
I’m glad you will read the next my report too.
See you next time!