アメリカ合衆国 アーカンソー州 Atkins High Schoolに留学中の村越 陽さんからの第1回目のレポートです。
私の生活は月~金曜日は教会で一緒に来た日本人と授業、土曜日は家でゆっくり、日曜日は教会に行くというスタイルでした。平日の授業は9:00~14:30までで、主にスラングや単語、発音の練習をしていました。ELTiSも2回受けました。授業の内容はそんなに楽しいものではなかったですが、今思えば大切なことを教わってたのかなと思います。また週に1回息抜きのような感じで観光もしました!グランドキャニオンとセドナは圧巻の景色だったし、ホテルでは3時まで起きていたり、JACE’S UNLIMITEDでは食べ遊びまくったりと、どれも最高な思い出です! !あたりまえですけど、日本人と一緒にいるのが一番楽しい時間でした。アメリカに来て何回もあ~日本人に生まれてよかったなと思えたし、日本のことがより一層大好きになりました!!日曜日の教会は日本とは全く違うスタイルで、とても新鮮でした。なにを言っているのかはほぼ理解できませんでしたが、良い経験になりました。
リトルロックの空港に着いたときは、どの人がホストファミリーなのかわからなくて少し戸惑いました。私の勝手な想像ではwelcome to America!みたいなプラカードを持ってるかなと思っていたので…その後すぐに見つけられ、家族全員とブラザーの奥さん計6人が迎えてくれました。
平日は朝7時くらいに家を出て学校に行っています。学校のことについては次回書きたいのであまり触れないでおきますね。休日の過ごし方は、土曜日はどこもいかないで家でゆっくりしています。ファザーとマザーはガーデニングやDIY的なことが好きなので、いつも外に出て何かをしています。なので私も一緒に外に行って手伝ったり、映画を見たり、宿題をしたりという感じですかね。この前は庭の草刈りの手伝いをしました。日本にいたときにも似たような機械に乗って手伝っていたので、役に立てたかなと思っています。最近はバドミントンのラケットとネットのセットみたいなのをわざわざ買ってくれて、ほぼ毎日ファザーとブラザーとブラザーの奥さんと遊んでいます。私がバドミントン過去にやってて、アメリカでもしクラブあったらやりたかったと言ったら、いつの間にか買ってくれたんです!もしあったら入りたいだけだったので、本当に申し訳ないです。ファミリーは私のことをバドミントン大好き少女みたいな感じに思っています(笑) ちなみに日曜日はファザーの教会にマザーと一緒に行っています。
Hello everyone! This is Hinata Murakoshi from Arkansas, U.S.
How’s it going guys? I lead a full life and I’ve gotten used to life here. I feel the day finally has come that I write my report. I am confident that I spent the longest time in class writing this report!! It’s doesn’t matter.
This time the topic is home life and goals while studying abroad, so I’ll write about my lifestyles in Arizona and Arkansas. I think there are a lot of mistakes, but I would be glad if you can read through this to the end!
First, I’ll write about my lifestyle in Arizona.
I stayed in Arizona for about 3 weeks. My host family is father, mother, Daphne who is granddaughter and Elena who is an exchange student from Germany. Also, there is a parakeet and 2 dogs. My mother is the coordinator of group with Greenheart, so this family is experienced who has accepted about 100 exchange students in the past. The long-term family was decided 3 days before departure, and I think it was thanks to my host mother. I emailed that my next family wasn’t decided yet and then my host mother contacted the office. I appreciate my mother.
Daphne who is granddaughter likes Japanese anime, so I gave her an anime character T-shirt and she was very happy. Elena who is an exchange student from Germany can speak English very well and she speaks actively with family, so I was stimulated by her. They were so kind to me and I was happy. I watched movies, went shopping and played games, and so on with my family. I had a good time with them!
I took a class at a church with Japanese who came to America together from Monday to Friday, relaxed at home on Saturday and went to church on Sunday. The class was from 9:00 to 14:30. I was mainly learning slangs and words and practicing pronunciation. I had ELTiS test twice. The content of the class was not so much fun for me. Now that I think about it, I think I was learning something important. Once a week, I went to do some sightseeing. The Grand Canyon and the view of Sedona were great and we were up until 3 o’clock at the hotel and we ate and played at JACE’S UNLIMITED.
All of these are the best memories!!! Of course, it was the best time to be with my Japanese friends.
The church was a very different style from Japan. I almost couldn’t understand what they were saying, but it was a good experience.
The impressive memory in Arizona was that the air conditioner in my house was broken, so I spent about a week in a room over 30℃. The chocolate that I brought from Japan was melted. What surprised me more than that was eating out almost every day. Sometimes we ate out all meals. Thanks to that, I could try a lot of new foods, but I had a heavy stomach. Because all American food is fried!! I think it’s really bad for my health! I thought that Americans who eat this kind of food every day are amazing.
Next, I’ll write about current life.
My host family is father, mother, 28 years old sister, 25 years old brother and 19 years old sister. However, everyone have already married, so they don’t live with us. Except for 19 years old sister, they all live near my house, so I often meet them. By the way, my father is a minister and my mother is an elementary school teacher. They are kind to me! They have a lot of animals. For example two dogs, cats, horses, a rabbit, and chickens. Sister and brother like dogs, so they have their own dogs. I was really surprised that brother has a Shiba!! I don’t know that Shiba is popular in America. I live in a rural area and the atmosphere is similar to my hometown. There are cows, there is rich in nature, it is quiet, so here is a good place for me. The temperature is not as hot as Arizona, but it is over 30℃ almost every day. Recently it has become cooler.
When I arrived at Little Rock airport, I didn’t know who my host family was, so I was a little confused. In my imagination, I thought they had a placard like Welcome to America! Soon after, I could find them and everyone welcomed me with smiles.
4 days after I arrived in Arkansas, the school started, so I went shopping to buy clothes and I went to the creek to swim! I jumped into from about 4 meters rock. It was really scary, but I could enjoy. I had a great time with them!!
On weekdays I leave home at 7:00 and go to school. I want to write about school next time, so I won’t write this time. On Saturday, we stay at the house and relax. My father and mother like gardening, so they always go outside and do something. I sometimes go outside with them. I helped my father to mow grass in the yard. I have driven a similar machine when I was in Japan, so I could drive easily. Recently I play badminton with my family. I told them I like to play badminton, they bought it for me. I appreciate them! On Sunday, I go to church with my mother.
I miss Japanese food since I came here. I have already gone to a Japanese restaurant three times, but the taste is fake. The person who makes it is not Japanese, it can’t be helped. I was surprised that Japanese foods are very popular in America! My brother likes sushi, so we made California roll. My father likes udon, so I will make it for him. I think that it will become very popular if a Japanese restaurant is launched in the US in the future. I think it is good business. I want Americans to eat a real taste, so I decided to make a lot of Japanese food for this family! Maybe I just want to eat that. I made curry and rice the other day. I’m glad they liked it!!
Finally, I’ll write about my goals. My goal is having confidence in oneself. It might be surprised to be too simple, but this is what I need. Usually, I don’t have confidence in oneself, so I’m struggling with that in America. However, I will not be here this time next year, so I don’t care what other people think about me. I am not going to regret it later, so I want to do my best little by little every day.
Thank you for reading through this report! See you next time!