
英語科の長期留学レポート  2019.05




     前、友達のイタリア人のホストマザーの親のビーチハウスに3泊4日で止まりました。おばあちゃんとおじいちゃんの二人暮らしで2人のことが大好きでした。帰るときに、そのおじいちゃんに”I love you “って言われて泣きそうになりました。このままの私のことを大切に思ってくれる人がアメリカににもいるなんてなんと幸せなことなんでしょうね。

     そして今日は学校最後の登校日だったのでMr.ブラウンという大好きな先生にありがとうとお別れを言いました。そしたら「また帰ってこないといけないよ!」って言ってくれました。超 見た目怖いけど超優しいんですよ〜(笑)

     私のことを大切に思ってくれてる人が世界のいろんなところにいるなんて本当にすごいことじゃないですか!?私が想像してたよりこの一年はすごく辛かったです。でもそんなことがちっぽけに見えるくらいいい経験ができた最高な一年でしたね。だからやっぱり楽しかった分お別れが辛い!!!! まあでもそのくらい濃い関係が築けたし、みんなに会えるのが人生で最後って決まったわけじゃないですよね!ありきたりだけど最後まで笑顔でいれたらなと思います。


          Hi! How are you all doing? This is Toko staying  in North Carolina.  I still can’t believe that this is gonna be my last report!!

      I’m going to write what has improved about myself through the exchange program.  Before I came here I didn’t have confidence in myself at all. I always thought like “I can’t be grown as a person”. But now I think the way I thought is rude to me and also to my parents who have raised me with love for 17 years. And plus I came here without any people I know and made friends at school. There are so many reasons that I can have confidence in myself, I mean “why not?”.  Mentally I was stronger and at the same time weaker than I expected. But I have a strong mentality now because I got over  tons of problems or stress. My English is so much better than before so that everyone will notice it.

       Last month, I started at the beach house with my Italian friend and her host mom to meet her grandparents for three days.  They are so nice and I loved them.  When I left them, Jack, the grandpa said” I love you” and I almost cried.

      Today was the last day of school, surprisingly. I told Mr. brown which is my favorite teacher goodbye and thank you to him. He said “Toko, you need to come back“ omg he was the best.

       Isn’t it amazing that there are many people who love me not only in Japan but also in some countries!!   This exchange year was much harder than I expected BUT I don’t care because I had so much precious time here. And now it’s really hard to say goodbye to the people who made my year. Who knows if this is not gonna be the last time to see them, so I’ll try to have good time with joy until I get in my airplane. Anyway thank you so much for letting me be an exchange student for a year, mom and dad!!!!!

        Did you guys enjoy my final report?  See you in a week in Japan!!

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みなさんこんにちは、アメリカのカンザス州に留学している瀬戸沙彩です。今回のレポートで私の留学レポートは最後となります。。 たった1年間、と意気込んで行った留学、終わりが見えなくてまだ帰れないのかと何度も泣いて悔しい思いも悲しい思いもたくさんしましたが今思うとやっぱりあっという間でした。今回は長くなってしまうと思いますが読んでくれたら嬉しいです。

まず、前回のレポートから今日までにあったことについて書かせてください。 1つ目は、私のダブルプレースメントの子が違うファミリーの所へ移動しました。もう過ぎたことなので思い出したくもないですが私の留学の体験談をシェアできるのは今回で最後なので書きたいと思います。これは私の留学生活一番の難点でした。留学前は自分がダブルプレースメントだと聞いた時、アメリカにいながらその子の国についても学べるなんていい機会だな、と思っていました。でも実際一緒に住んでみると思い描いていた生活とは全く違いました。違う文化、違う常識、違う価値観を持っている人と過ごすのってそれだけで少し大変なんですが、その子はそれ以前に私の事が大嫌いだったので本当に一緒に暮らすのが苦痛でした。そもそも人にここまで嫌われた事がなかったので私の何がいけないんだろう、って本当に何日も何ヶ月も悩んで、それでも私はその子に本当に何にもしていないので自分のダメなところが見つからなくてそんな自分が自分でも本当に大嫌いになっていきました。私は人に助けを頼るのが苦手だったのとファミリーに私とダブルプレースメントの子が仲悪いって知ってギスギスした状態にもなって欲しくなかったので本当にひとりでずっと悩んでいました(ダブルプレースメントの子は私の悪口を全員に言っていたのでもうみんな知っているって知ったのは結構あとでした笑)でもやっぱり病み過ぎて耐えれなくてファミリーとコーディネーターに相談したらみんな親身にたくさん相談に乗ってくれて私はあなたのことが大好きだからねとたくさん声をかけていただいて、この時に人に頼る大切さ、周りの人の大切さを痛いほど学びました。彼女が私の事が嫌いな理由は、ホストファミリーや好きな先生をシェアしたくない、とのことでした。え?ってなりますよね。私もこんな理不尽な理由でずっと傷付けられてたのかと思うと正直すごく腹が立ちました笑 今はもう全部のSNSを彼女からブロックされていますが彼女はSNSにすぐ私の悪口を書いたりするのでそれで学校の人も沙彩はそんな人なのかと思われて本当に大変でした。今も私のことをそう思っている人はたくさんいると思います。それでも私のことをちゃんと正しいことを信じてくれる人もいますし、人から嫌われる辛さ、孤独の辛さ、人に頼ることの大切さ、周りの人の大切さ、自分で問題を解決しようとする行動力、自分を好きでいること、価値観、考え方など彼女のあの心無い行動で私はたくさんの事を得ましたし、精神的にひとまわりもふた回りも成長した自信があります。 感謝。。は流石にできませんがこれも日本にいて大好きな人に囲まれている環境ではできない事でした。いつまでもネガティブな思い出にするんではなく、自分のためにもプラスの経験として受け取ります。笑 

次にあったことは、プロムがありました!最初で最後のプロムでした。私の学校は友達と行く事ができなく男の子とデートじゃないと参加できない仕組みになっていたので、私も男の子と行ってきました。最初は緊張し過ぎておかしくなってましたがみんなで音楽に乗せて踊ったりとっても楽しかったです!一番楽しかったのはアフタープロムだったんですけどね笑 朝の4時近くまで友達みんなと遊んでました。これは私のアメリカ生活の中で絶対に1番のハイライトです笑 日本にもあったらいいのにな!


次に、私は自分がすごくシャイだという事に気がつきました。日本にいるときは友達が大好きで喋るのが大好きで友達と1分でも会えるならってどこにでも行くフッ軽だったし自分でも元気でうるさくて授業でも発言するの大好きだったっていう自信があるんですけど、ここにきてからは精神ズタボロ学校嫌いひとりでいたい喋りかけるの怖い誰かが私に話しかけてよって思う事がたくさんありました笑 言葉の壁を理由にすごく消極的になってしまったことは私の留学の反省点です。皆には私と同じ道を進んで欲しくないので、最初から緊張していても明るく元気にみんなと接しに行くのをオススメまします

色々書いてきましたが、1番に伝えたいことは、家族、友達、先生、ここで出会った人すべての人への感謝の気持ちです。私の家族は最初北星に入るなら短期留学、と言っていたので勝手に長期留学を選んで家族はこんな私の自分勝手な行動にすごく困ったと思います。それでもここにきても尚一番私を今も支え続けてくれているのは紛れもなく日本の家族です。手間もお金もかかる子で申し訳ないです。親孝行できるように精一杯頑張ります笑 そして辛い時にたくさん相談に乗ってくれた声をかけてくれた友達、この子たち無しじゃとっくのとうに日本に帰ってました。本当にありがとう帰ったらたくさんハグします。そして先生。日本にいながらたくさんサポートありがとうございました。会うのが楽しみです!ここで出会った人たちにここで愛を伝えても見ることはできませんがたくさん笑顔にさせて成長させてくれて受け止めてくれてありがとうございます。
みなさんあっての留学でした。本当に本当に心から感謝しています。大好きです。帰国まで5日間もないですが残りの日を精一杯楽しみます。本当にありがとうございました。日本で会えるのを楽しみにしてます。 バイバイ!

Hello everyone. This is Saaya and you know what? This is my last report.It’s a sadly thing that I have no chance to share my experience anymore on here, but Im always welcoming to talk with anyone else who is interested in studying abroad, so come ask me if you want!
anyway in this report, im planning on to talk about what i have got through this exchange year. I hope you guys like it:) 

Okay first of all, let me write about what happened to me after I turned in my 4th report. The biggest thing is my double placement changed the host family. And I would say this was the most difficult, I mean, challenging thing to get over  in my exchange year. When I heard I will stay other exchange student for a year, I was like what a precious thing! Omg I can learn Thai  culture even though I’m in U.S.! BUT, my exchange year wasn’t going what I expected. To spend a time with having different culture, point of view, common sense, value, and life style is effortful thing to get used even though the people is nice. But in addition, she literally hate me. Oh my goddess I have no experience something like that, so I was really confused. I was thinking why she hate me so much but I seriously have no idea. And It makes my mind soooo hurt. I really wanna  ask for help to someone, but Im always hesitate to ask and that’s why It literally takes for about 8 months to solve. I knew it after she left our house, but The reason why she hate me is just don’t wanna share the people, like host family, teacher friends…. OMG when I heard it, I was like what the fuck  are you serious? I was struggling all the time just the only such a reasons???  Of course you know I was extremely mad at her at that time lol She blocked me on instagram, line, facebook, I mean every SNS, so I don’t know what she saying about me, but Im sure she is still complaining about me because my friend ask me “why did you do such a thing( which is not I didn’t) to her? I saw her story on instagram”. … I laughed so hard b/c I seriously didn’t do it lol and that’s was funny. I was sad that there is the people who trust her fake story, but I know there is also the people who trust, help, and love me and that’s why I can still keep smiling. My double placement hurts me lots of time, abut through this, I definitely can say I became more strong and grew up than her. Throughout this experience, I leaned, and notice that I was wasting a lots of time because of I didn’t ask for help. So all I want to say you guys is don’t hesitate ask for help. There’s nothing shameful thing If you don’t know what you gonna do by yourself. You came here to learn it! The most important key to achieving great success is to decide on your goal and get started, take action, move, and if you don’t know what can you do, just ask for help to someone. There is always the people who you can trust. I learned lots of thing which I would’ve never know if I didn’t come here by her acting, and I will receive it as a good experience.

Second of all, I had a prom!! This was my first and last prom, and I would say it was extremely fun. My school doesn’t allow to go to prom without date, so I went to prom with boy. I was so nervous, but it was a dream night. I strongly recommend you guys to go to prom if you have a chance!  I went back home at 4:00 am, and I was so tired lol I wish I could have prom at Hokusei:( hey teachers, please consider it. 

Next, I’m gonna write about what I noticed and felt through my exchange year. Here is two stuffs I want to talk. 

First of all, if you are going to have double placement, you are gonna get in trouble. I’m serious. The students who have double placement in 6G, I think most of people had some problems with them. I know if I say such a thing to you guys, you guys come to don’t wanna have double placement, but I would say if you can get over this problem, you will be definitely strong more than other people. And grow up. But it’s your choice. Everything depends on you that your exchange year is gonna be precious or not.

Second of all, I noticed that I am really shy person. When I was in Japan, I love to talk with people, and I was a person who If I have a chance to meet my friends even though a short time, I would go anywhere for my friends. And I was a person who extremely loud when I talk. And I was a person who have lots of confidence to do something. But, since I came here, I couldn’t be my self in front of  Americans. And this was so stressing thing. I am really regretting that I couldn’t be myself for a long time, so I recommend you guys that don’t be shy even though it’s your first day of school. Remember first impression is important. So don’t be afraid. 

And this is the last. I wrote a lot of stuff in this report, but all I want to write is the appreciation for my family, friends, teachers, and the people who I met in here. I couldn’t stay here without everyone’s supports and encourages. I can’t say thank you enough. And next, This is my turn to work and support for you guys in many different ways! Thanks for giving me awesome experience and I promise do not waste it. Honestly my current feeling is do not wanna leave here yet, but also I can’t wait to see my people:) I love you guys so so much to the moon and back<3 

Thank you for reading my 5th report. And see you in JAPAN

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私のホストスクールは大きいのでプロムにはシニアしか行けないことになっていたんですが、(私はジュニアです笑)シニアの友達が誘ってくれてなんとか行くことができました。ホームカミングとは全く違って、ホテルでディナーがコースで出てきて。ダンスは前よりも長時間でした。他には、私の友達の誕生日パーティーがあったりgraduation パーティーがあったり、パーティーがすごく多かったです。こっちの人はパーティーを開く回数が日本よりも倍ほど多くて、イースターはクリスマス並みにお祝いしました。でもこっちには成人式だったり七五三など歳を祝うパーティーなどはないので、ホストファザーに教えたら、驚いてました笑







Hi! I’m Kana Shimoyama from Missouri in America. I think this report is my last report. I can’t believe that, and i felt that i took ELTIS test a few month ago. Time passes so quickly;( I always think i don’t want to go back home lol. I don’t have subject this report. I will write about to did something in this month. I’m glad that you read my this report.

At first, this is so big event. I had prom a few days ago. It was so fun, and i spended so good time there. My host school is so big, and in prom only senior can go to there, (but i’m junior). So my senior’s friends invited me, and i could go to prom ♡  It was so different with homecoming. I ate dinner in hotel, and i was dancing longer. I had so many party in this month. Like the my friends birthday party, graduation party, and others. In America, they held the party so many time. They celebrate Easter like Christmas. I told to host father about we have celebration about age like coming-of-age and seven-five-three, and he was surprised about that.

My host family recommended me about join the team activity, and i joined the team all season in this year. In last summer, i joined tennis team. In last winter, i joined swimming team, and in this spring, i joined track team. The track team was done a few weeks ago, but i could get the medal same with swimming season. That season was so fun for me. I think i have many friends more than other classmate in japan, because i joined the team activity all of season

Especially, my swimming team was a big team in this season, and there were so many swimmer. I practiced swim with other school swimmer, and i got friends who are other school. I had many tournament in my team, and i got friends in the tournaments too:) i met them in track meet too, and i competed with them. i love to go to school, and sometimes i became don’t like weekend, because i can’t go to school.

Next week, it will be last week. I will have final test from this week. My subject is Art, Choir,  Aerobics, algebra 1, Culinary Arts, US history, Earth Science, English 2, and i will have test 6 classes, and i’m worried about test, but I will be best to get the 80% or more.

I’m so sad about i can’t come this school again. I really want to go to this school more. I think this school is the best school and my favorite school in my life. I’m 100% sure… My friends asked me “ are you really sure to go back japan?”, “can you come back here?” i am so happy that my friends said me that. If i can come America again, i really want to come here again. I will come here 100%  i want to live here too.

At first, i was so worried about can i make friends. It is my problem for me more than my english. Because i can’t talk english, if i don’t have friends. I was so shy, and i was hard to make friends at first time, but now, i am not shy, and i can make friends.

I couldn’t say my opinion to other people and friends, and i was worried about other people’s feeling like if i said this, she will angry me, but i stay here, and i can tell my opinion to other people, and  i can tell to other people about it is not true, if i think that is not ture. I think i could grow up.

I think i could feel big about different of culture between japan and america, because i am high school student, and i can grow up by other people, because it is easy to affect to me. I think i could do good experience. When i went to high school from junior high school, my juku’s teacher said me you should go to other country, and watch the big world. I think i can understand about that meaning now.

I think i am so glad about i could go study abroad. It had so many bad things and good things, and i cried many time, but i think it is so good memories for me.

Thank you for reading my report.

See you next time in japan.

Good bye! Have a good summer 😉

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 こんにちは、あと一週間で日本へ帰国をする中村遥です。留学って本当にあっという間ですね。辛いことも楽しいこともたくさん乗り越えたからこそ、今はやりきったという気分です。いまの自分なら、どこに行っても生きていけるような気がします。この留学を通して、私は自信をもつことができました。それも、私がいろいろなことに挑戦する機会がたくさんあったからです。今は残された時間を充実させるためにだけfocus しています。




Hello. I’m Haruka Nakamura. I have 1 week left to back to Japan. This study abroad was really short. I could get through hard time and good time, so I’m done to this. No matter where I stay, I think that I can do very well right now. It is because I got confidence by these experiences. I had a lot of opportunities to try, it makes me strong and independence. Right now, I’m focusing to spend time with my family, friends, and teacher.

When I get back to Japan, I have to get through new things. Therefore, I’m kind of scared to back to home LOL However, I could meet my family and friends, so I will be alright.

To 5G, you guys are going to experience hard time. Bad things tend to happen one after another. I sometimes think that I’m done and lonely, but there are always nice people around us.  When you want to cry and talk, you should share your feelings with them. You don’t have to keep it by yourself. When you shared it with them, you are going to be feeling comfortable, so it’s also going to be good way. I have an advice to you. It’s smiling. You should smile no matter when. People likes positive people, so you should just smile. Smiling attracts everyone.

Finally, I got most important things through this study abroad. It’s relation with people. I can’t tell how much I appreciate to my families, friends, and teachers. Thank you for supporting me.

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次は私の留学生活を振り返りながら、次留学する方達にアドバイスを送りますね、、参考になるといいですが、。まずアメリカに来てすぐは、皆んなが何を言ってるのかほとんど分かりません。でも、必ず耳が慣れてきて聞こえるようになるので焦らなくて大丈夫です。もし私だけかもと思ったら綾音も全然聞こえなかったから安心してください笑 私が1番やだなーと思ったのはスラングです。本当にめんどくさいです笑 普通の文章を言ってても速すぎて何言ってるか分からないのにスラングまで入っちゃうと余計に混乱するんです。だからあんまりスラング知らないという方は少しでも覚えておくと会話が楽にできると思います。次は友達のことですかね、。登校最初の日、友達が出来るか心配で心配で緊張していたのをまだ覚えてい ます。私はとりあえず質問しまくって、英語話してる!という安心感とと満足感を得ていました。だから今友達がいて楽しく暮らせているのか、そんなにしなくてもいつか友達ができていたのか私には分かりません。でも登校3ヶ月4カ月くらいの時は1人になったらどうしようとか、こんな変な英語話してる自分のこと皆んな思ってるんだろうとかすーーごい考えていました。自分に自信を持つって凄く大変です、自分には話してくれる友達がいる、とか自分の英語力は絶対上がってるとか、比べるものが自分しかいない分その自信の源を見つけるのは凄く大変です。でも、理由がなくても信じるしかないし、それでいいと思います。あと友達が絶対必要だなんて私は思いません。ランチだって1人で食べていいと思います。私は今でもたまに1人で食べています(ほぼ宿題や先生に質問しに行ってますが)、だからそこまで絶対に友達を作らなきゃいけないとか思わなくていいと思います。自分がどうしたいかに従うのが1番いいと思います、自分のことをジャッジしないであげてください。勉強は学校のことはほぼ宿題をやるだけで大丈夫だと思います。私は最初の方先生が何言ってるか分からないのでランチタイムや学校終わりに先生に質問して理解したり、YouTubeの授業をみてついていきました。でも私が1番大切だと思うのは、アメリカの成績ではなく日本で英語ができるかどうかだと思います。1年後には日本に帰って、英検やTOEICを受けるんです。だから、私はそれの予想問題集を持っていって“日本英語”の勉強もしました。そして、それは自分の英語がどれくらい伸びたのかを点数で示してくれるので成長を感じられて、自分の英語力の自信へも繋がりました。




Hello, I’m Ayane Yamamoto. It’s going to be my last report though I still can’t believe that I’m going back to Japan. I’ve been trying to imagine when I arrived Japan and meet my family, but I’ve never been able to imagine that clearly, so I’m kind of nervous now. This time the theme is not decided, so I’m just going to talk freely.

First, I’m going to tell you guys about Alaska which I think only I can describe in Hokusei High students. Everyone think Alaska is cold, yes it is cold but not that much where I’m living now. Of course Fairbanks is freaking cold in winter, but not whole year. Alaska is very similar to my home town Hokkaido, I guess that’s why I didn’t miss there a lot. I love outside activities, but I didn’t do those stuff that far when I was in Japan because I was busy and I had to go somewhere to do some activities. However, here has many natures so we could do those stuff by like 10-20 minutes driving which is so cool, such as kayaking, hiking and fishing. Also, I could see tons of wild animals like moose, rabbit, and eagle. They are so pretty, I love them. I know many people has prejudice in Alaska, and they discriminate Alaskan people. When I went watch national championship hockey game in Texas, some people was abusing our hockey team like “ You’re not American people.” such heartless words really hurt us. I determined that I will never prejudice anything.

Second, let’s look over my American life and what I recommend to do before you come here. When I came here first I couldn’t understand what they’re saying, because they talk sooooo first lol, but you’ll get used to it. Then what made me confused are slangs, ok, when my host sister said “I’m gonna take nap.” so I asked “ What does nap mean?” I know it’s so funny, but I was serious. There are tons of slangs, and they use them a lot, like a looooot so that will be very helpful to have conversation if you know some slangs. I was really worried whether I can make friends, actually you’ll think about friends most of the time like “what they’re thinking about me who is speaking words that are unintelligible.” What you only can do is not to lose your confident, and believe yourself, that is it. However you can say “Hi” or “How are you doing?” If you want to do something to make friends faster. I know it’s wired to say hallo to people whom unknown, but it is not in America so let’s be “friendly” lol. Speaking of how I studied, I just did home work and sometimes I watched YouTube, they sometimes explains more interesting way. However, I also studied for “Japanese English” which is like grammar, eiken, and toeic. I think it’s really important to study them because we’re going to go back Japan anyway and tons of tests are waiting for us, but unfortunately they are not “American English.” So I recommend to bring a grammar text book, and workbooks for either eiken or toeic. They also will show you how much your English gets better.

Lastly, let’s talk about host change cuz I know some people are curious. So,

The people who already did studying abroad told me I should do host change if I had negative feeling, but actually it’s not that easy. I really hate my roommate, I was living he hose which is far away from my friends house and school, and my host family is so busy to play game and phone, so I didn’t speak English so much. Those could be the reason to do host change but I couldn’t decide it, because my classmates may feel more hate in their situation, and then I thought it’s same to escape from my situation if I do host change. That’s why I could fight with my situation though it was hard. Then my host sis who were adopted children were gone because their biological parents came and took them. After that, of course the home is covered with sad, no one talk, and I felt I should not be here anymore. So I asked my coordinator to change my host family, and she told me she is not sure weather she could discover the people who wants to host me and I have to keep living here if she couldn’t. That was too much for me, because I finally decided and she told me that. I called my mom and asked her why I feel I want to go back Japan that I should not feel, and told her I wanna quit studying abroad and I’m not enjoying it. Then she said “ It’s okay, come back Japan whenever you want.” I couldn’t believe what she said cuz she already paid a large amount of money for me. I was so impressed. Also she told me that I should feel I don’t wanna do studying abroad never cuz that means I’m trying really hard. Those words gave me much confidence and energy. Then fortunately I found my friends are able to host me, so I’m living with my friends house now. It’s very comfortable here. I’m speaking English a lot, and it’s definitely good for me. Also, I don’t cry, feel sad, and eat too much that’s so healthy. I’m so glad that I could do host change.

My first studying abroad will finish in a week which is unbelievable. It was so fun and so hard. This each moment is definitely unforgettable. I can’t thank you enough for my both of countries teachers, friends, and family:) I couldn’t go over through it without you guys. Already, see ya letter!!

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さぁ〜もう少しで私も日本に帰ります!日本で当たり前にしてたことが、今はアメリカで当たり前になってるなんて信じられません(笑)アメリカに来てすぐの時は、日本語じゃなくて英語を話す環境に全然慣れなくて、話すのが怖い時もあって、そのせいで、友達作りにはすごーーーーく悩んで時間もかかりました。アメリカ来る前なんかは、アメリカでもすぐ友達できるっしょ!って思ってました。でも、学校初日からダメダメで学校でも家でも泣いてました。色んなこといっぱい考えちゃって、結局誰かに話しかけられるのを待って、自分から話しかけたり助けを求めたりしなかったんです。だからその時点で、はい。静かな子認定〜いぇ〜い。ですよ。友達を作るためのアドバイスを静かな子認定されたことのある経験者からどうぞ!っていう題があるとするならば、とりあえず自分の殻を破って頭おかしいくらい自分じゃなくなって話しかけることです。自分の殻を破って話すのがどれほど難しくて、勇気と時間が必要なのかはわかってます。でも、そうでもしないと誰も自分のことなんて誰も気にしません、空気です。だから私はこのままじゃダメだって危機感を感じたんでしょうね、とりあえず勇気を出して色んな人に話しかけたんです。そしたらあら不思議、意外とみんな普通なんです。日本からの留学生なんだよねって言ったら、え!日本からなの!?めっちゃクールじゃん!って。そこから少しずつだけど勇気が出て、友達も少しずつ増えていきました。最初はここじゃ絶対に友達できないわって思ってたクラスも、今では、ありさいぇーい!みたいなノリで話しかけてくれますしね(笑)日本人だから、アジア人だから、とか関係なく優しくしてくれたり仲良くしてくれる子はぜっっっっっったいにいます。これははっきり言いきれます。その子を見つけるまでは時間がかかるかもしれないけど、大丈夫です!私もすごく時間がかかりました。友達作りに悩んでた頃なんて、まさか自分が友達と遊びに行ったりお泊りしたり、love u って言ってくれたり、帰らないで、寂しい。って言ってくれる友達ができるなんてほんとにほんとに思ってなかったし、最後まで友達なしで帰るんだなぁ。何しに来たんだよ自分。この留学にいっぱいお金払ってくれたパパとママに申し訳ない。ってギャン泣きしてましたからね(笑)でも最後にはちゃんと成長を感じることが出来ました(笑)きっと友達作りに関しては留学に来て1番最初の大きい壁になると思います。そして、辛いこともたくさんあるけど、そんな辛いことにも負けないで乗り越えれば絶対に成長してます!だから、1年しかない貴重な留学生活、まずは楽しむをモットーに!たくさん辛い思いして、たくさん笑ってめいいっぱい楽しんでください!なにもかも自分次第です!


Hi everyone from Florida! I’m Arisa Watanabe. This is my last report. The time has gone by really fast. The theme is not decided at this time so I’m gonna write my feelings throughout my exchange student year, and give some advice for my juniors.

It’s the time to go back to Japan. I will able to meet my family and friends! When u read this report I may be already in Japan. I am so happy about it, but at the same time when I realize that I’m going home soon and my exchange student life is almost over, I feel kinda weird to go home. Because I’m used to living in America now actually. Before I came here I couldn’t be thinking that I am spending the time same as I did in Japan. I just can’t imagine that I will be in Japan after a week. At the beginning of this program I was scared to speak English. However now I can communicate with everyone with speaking English, and I can understand what they are talking about or what they want to say even though we don’t have same native language. I think English is a great language if u could speak!

As u can see, this is my last report. So I want to give some advice for my juniors who will go to America or Canada as a exchange student this year. All I want to say is “You are NOT being alone” and ”You need to talk to someone when you feel like you’re alone or things are becoming too much for you to think about”  I don’t want to make u guys scared for studying abroad because I know everyone has a dream, expectation and hope for it, but honestly this exchange year is not easy. I was really struggling with everything and I was crying tons of times like it will happen flooding around me lol, Definitely this year is the hardest in my life. Sometimes a little things make me sad even now. I know that u know exchange students are struggling with everything. I think it should be, but u should not take it all on yourself alone. You’re going away from your family and friends when u come here, and u will live without them, but u have friends who can listen ur feelings. Also now, the world is going to be global! So u can call, and u can see their face on ur phone even there is long distance between each other. Before came here people from company of studying abroad always tell us “Try not to call ur parents and friends as much as possible” I think that’s important, but it’s kinda hard to realize it all so if u felt u can’t take everything any longer u can call them! I think u have to do it before u expose. I’m pretty sure you will have hardships, but hopefully u will able to enjoy ur only one year precious exchange student life! 

Lastly I really really appreciate my family, friends and teachers because they were listening everything without looking annoyed and gave me great advices in this year. My exchange student year is finished at this time and I could finish without a lot of regrets. I could be more respectful person than I was. This experience was definitely helpful for my future. THANK YOU and LOVE YOU my family and friends with all my heart. See ya!

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 これは私が一昨年くらいに先輩のレポートで見たことなんですが、私も同じことを言おうと思います。実際楽しいことと、辛いことの割合は37くらいですヨ。最初は不安と心配で、慣れてきたころと最後である今、ストレスが溜まって泣くことが数え切れないくらいありました。むしろ日本に帰ることに不安や心配があるのかもしれないです。() 帰ったら待ち受けているのは受験勉強ですよ。() 今はあと1ヶ月楽しむことだけを考えます。

 さて、3月と4月ですが、これまた色々なことがありました。前回書いたように春休みはディズニーとカルフォルニアアドベンチャーに行きました。東京のディズニーと全然違いましたよ!乗り物系がすごく多いところや、まさかのホーンデッドマンションが落下系のものじゃなかったこと、カルフォルニアアドベンチャーで落下系のものに乗って写真を見たら私だけ魂抜けてた(なんか悟り開いた人)みたいになってたこと、crazyなジェットコースターに乗って見事に酔って気持ち悪くなったこと。濃い春休みでした。() 4日間の滞在予定だったのですが、ホストシスター(実際はホストニースですが)が結構深刻な風邪にかかり、3日目に帰宅。すべてのエリアを周ることなく帰宅、という事実にホストシスターに少し怒りを抱きましたが、エンジョイできたので良しとします。そんなこんなで3月はあっという間に過ぎていき、4月。私のホストマザーは実はgreen heart(私達の留学会社)で働いていて、短期留学生のエリアコーディネーターをしています。ということもあり、4月の初めに、フランスからの留学生グループが来ました。私達はそのうちの男の子、トーマスを一人ホストしました。私を含め4人の子供、それぞれの学校ということもあり、momdadも大忙し。そんな中、最初の土曜日、念願のグランドキャニオンに他のホストファミリー×2(生徒の名前はジョーとノエミ)&中国からの留学生、レイラと行くことができました。写真を撮りすぎて携帯のストレージはフルになりました。何度目かわかりませんが、パソコンにデータを移行しました() 次の土曜日はファームに行きました。今回は朝に行ったので、動物たちもお腹が空いてた様でたくさんふれあいました。私はウサギが断然お気に入りです!あのふわふわ感はやみつきですよ!あっという間に2週間が過ぎ、彼らは帰国。ああ2か月後は私だぁなんて考えながら涙の別れ。トーマスとは今でもメッセージのやり取りをしています。いつかフランスに訪れるときはトーマス、ジョー、ノエミにガイドでもお願いしようとホストブラザーのピーター、レイラと話しました()そしてあっという間に4月下旬、皆さんお待ちかね、プロムがやってきました。もちろん誰かからプロムポーズされるなんてロマンティックなことはなく、友達グループと行きました。三時間ほど時間をかけ準備し、ご飯へ。友達のうちの2人は男の子からプロムポーズ的なのをされていたみたいで写真を撮るときなんてもうハートが飛び交ってましたヨ()はよ付き合いなさい、という私にいやただの友達だからと言い張る彼女。見るからにカップルなんですよ!プロムの場所はどこかのホテルでダンスゾーンに行くと人々の熱気で暑くて暑くて。一番驚いたことはまさかのほとんどの女子は運動靴orサンダルということ。ヒールはただの写真用なんですね。もちろんそんなことを知らない私はヒールで踊りましたよ。足が死んだと思うくらい痛かったですよ。後輩のみなさん、プロムに行くときはなんか楽な靴を持ってっていくことをおすすめします。ヒールはただの写真用です!


 Hi guys. How’s going? This time the report gonna be final. It is too early to gone time. That so sad for me…. I’m not ready for leave. One year, sounds like long, but if you feel that, it so short. Well, this time the theme is free, so I’m gonna write down about review or something memory from this study abroad. It will be longer, I’m happy if you see it all.

 Honesty, there is not a lot of fun that your imagen. I could get fun, but I had trouble more than fun thing. One day, my friends quarrel about gender problem, because two of them are Bisexual. I wanted reconciliation them, but this culture is not in our culture, so I didn’t know how to do that. Like this, the culture is totally difference. I am high school student, but in here I was not high school student. These things and thinking grow up my mental and mind.

 Let’s talk about fun things! March and April, I had a so many events. In spring break, I visited California, and enjoyed Disney land and California Adventure. It seems bigger than Tokyo Disney land and had different rides and shows. There was a crazy roller coaster. I got sick. I was screaming all day so my throat hurt so much. We were planning stay there 4days, but my host sister got serious sick. Finally, we had to back 3rd day. I was so mad and sad, so I decided to back in future. In beginning April, we got exchange students group from French. Because my host mom work in Green Heart that is our study abroad company, and local coordinator of short study abroad. We hosted one boy, Thomas. Then there were 4 children, each school and each time. It was so busy for mom and dad. The firs Saturday, we went to Grand Canyon with other two host family. Noemi and Joe from French and Rella from China. We translate the original song that someone made for own country language. There were 4 language, Japanese(me), Chinese (Rella), French (Thomas, Joe, Noemi) and Vietnamese (my host brother Peter). It made me confuse. We took picture many times, so my stage was full. I moved pictures for my computer. I don’t know how many times I did it while I stay here. Next Saturday, we visited the Ostridge farm. That was second time for me. but last time we went to it afternoon, so almost animal was full. But this time we went to there morning, so all animal was hungry, so we could feed all animal. My favorite is definitely bunnies. They were so fluffy and soft. So cute! I never forget the texture. Like this, this two weeks was gone really quickly and time to go back for them. When I went airport, I thought I will be there two months after. I still not ready for leave. I felt like that, so we farewell with tears. I still have connection with Thomas. If I go to French, I will ask guide for Thomas. Well…end of April and prom coming. Unfortunately, I didn’t get prom pose. Then, I was regret not to make close guy friends. I went to that with my friends. Two of my friends bring boy…looks like really couple. They never said like that, but I think they should be couple. That is not jealousy! After take pictures, we went to prom place. That was not in school. Seems hotel or something nice place. While went to there, my friends changed their shoes, heal to tennis shoes or foot slaps. Almost girls wore like this. But I didn’t bring these shoes so was dancing with heel. Next day my leg was hurt so much. I suggest bring something rough shoes. The heel was just for pictures!! (certainly, the shoes were more expensive than shoes that I usually buy)

 Finally, my mental is most grow up in this study abroad. I understand how much I was pampered for my parents. In 6G, everyone said me “you have a great communication! you can do it!” … however, I couldn’t do well. Only change country and language, I didn’t made communication. I faced many trouble and broken emotion. Host family, family, teacher, friends, coordinator, counselor…etc so many people supported for me. I really apriciate them. I can stay there about 1 month. I’m going to enjoy the remaining time! Meet you 1 month later in Japan. Thank you for reading! See you later.

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Hi I’m Kurumi in New Hampshire. It’s already May! I still can’t believe it. The time goes by so fast.
So I don’t have theme for report this time.. I honestly don’t know what to say but I’m just gonna talk about what happened to me last two months. 
First, I changed my host family. I can’t tell you guys why I changed my host family because it’s a long long story but I was  crying at school and at house almost everyday. Yes I had very hard time. One day I was talking about my host family to my best friend and she said ‘I’ll host you. You can’t stay there anymore’ so I finally changed my host family. She literary saved my life. So now I’m having fun at school and with my host family.
Second, a girl from my school killed her self last month. It was and is incredibly sad and everyone was crying and screaming. And I hated it. I cried a lot too because I felt so lonely. I missed my family and friends in Japan so bad. And I realized how important my parents are for me and stuff. I’m so thankful for them. 
At last, I’m gonna tall about what I learned the most. It’s the relationship between people. I realized it after I changed my host family. I stayed at my old host family’s almost 8 months but after that, we don’t even talk, my ex host brothers seems they don’t like me and stuff like that. It makes me so sad. 
Other than that, I’m sure that my English is improving, and I think I can do everything by my self because I trust myself!
I have one more month left and I’ll try my best in America! Thank you for reading! I’ll see you guys in Japan:))

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Hi guys this is Karen Araseki, currently staying in Troy, Kansas.  How’s everyone going? I have been so great recently!  So hard to believe this is gonna be my last report and I have 2 weeks left to go back to Japan. In this my 4th report, I will talk about what I  have got through my exchange year and recent event.  Hope you guys like it! Then let’s get start it!

Actually my school is already over since 1 week ago because I am a senior and especially,  our school is kinda earlier to be done school, so all I have to do is just waiting for graduation in 2 days later.  After we did with school, I went on trip with senior friends! It was so much fun! We went zip  line, shopping, amusement park, see play, and horse show!  I could get along with everybody who have not took same class  at school.  I didn’t bet this trip was gonna be so much fun! And I honestly think this experience become the funniest one ever since my exchange year. Before I came this trip, I was overthinking that whether this trip is gonna be fun because my best friend wasn’t coming. But I feel so blessed I join it because it was 100 times better than I was expecting! Thanks to me when decided to go this trip!

Okay so now I will talk about what I have learned through this exchange year. This is not that easy to talk all about it but I will try lol First, I have learned the importance to keep doing challenges. Not only for me, but also for everyone, it is difficult and makes people nervous to try something new.  On my 2nd or 3rd months since I came to America, everything seemed so difficult. Basically I was a self-confident person when I was in Japan lol I didn’t expect my exchange year was going to be tough as much I was feeling, and I didn’t think it is so difficult to make close friends. When I was in Ohio with about 20 Japanese people, there’s nothing struggle with. But then if I became alone in Kansas, I became so nervous lol I hesitated to talk to someone from me, to ask questions, and even to cheer during football game lol I have never known the me when I was in Japan, I have never experiencEd to become so quiet. But I wanted to make friends, so I tried. I joined basketball team though I’ve never played, I joined softball team too!  These sports especially basketball was so hard because I couldn’t understand 50% what coach was saying. But next softball season, it had been so great!  After every season done, there’s like a ceremony that celebrates scholarship stuffs and people who joined sports team. And at the ceremony, my basketball coach made a joke about me like “i don’t think Karen could understand50% what I was saying” so I said “i am sorry?” with kinda funny face because it made me kinda mad lol But my softball coach talked about me like “karen makes team smile” and he talked about my kinda funny good play for me lol  I was glad because I felt a difference between when I was playing basketball and when I was playing softball! My basketball coach said I couldn’t understand what he was saying, but the story from my softball coach was like about me when I was in Japan! I’ve been sad about i couldn’t be me, but I realized I came to be real me in America! It was not easy to overcome with my struggles, but when I feel I am getting used to it, it is not hard anymore! I will introduce my favorite sentence! “In any moments of decision, the best thing you can do is the right thing, the next best thing is the wrong thing, and the worst thing you can do is nothing at all”. Hope this makes you have courage!

Next, about my English! To be honest, my English isn’t perfect at all! There’s always worries  about English skills with study abroad sadly lol everyone will be struggled with it. I did it, sometimes i cried lol but it’s okay, anyways all we can do is just talking in English, using English, and listening English! Because there’s no way to get language skills though you feel sad! I have been learning Japanese for 17 years, but still my score at Japanese tests is not good! This is same as English! If you kept doing it, you will realize that growth! 

Thank you for reading my 4th report! Hope my reports help you even a little! I’m so hyped to see ya guys:) bye~

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こんにちは!令和になってから時空歪んでんのかな?って気づけば帰国まであと1週間でちょっと焦ってる廣川花音です(きっとこれ出る時はもう日本にいるんだろね)最近かのんは絶対言わないから。って友達に宣言してた「帰りたくない」を毎日連呼している自分自身に呆れつつ、そう思えるようになった自分に嬉しいなって感じます。ていうかねこの間授業の中で“If you would be loved, love and be lovable —Benjamin Franklin. “ って出てきて三度見したくらいびっくりしたのこれほど私が10ヶ月間で気づいた事を表す言葉他にあるかな、いやフランクリン今回のレポート題名をつけるならまさにこれだよ。あ、今なに言ってんだこいつって思いましたね。私も今自分なに言ってんだか分かんないけどなんか凄いこう今回ので伝えたい事を代弁してるみたいな、、、(伝われ)とりあえずこれ最後まで読んだらこの気持ちちょっと理解されるはず。あ、ちなみに意味は自分で調べてね、日本語訳すと一生目合わせられないくらい恥ずかしいから。あと最近のちょっとした悩みは一年あっという間だねって言ってもらった時の返事、正直言うとここまでくるのに時間の進みはのっろのろ長く感じてて、地獄に落ちたかのような目で何度もカレンダーをめくりました。ここに来てるだけで超恵まれてるじゃんって楽しいよって言い聞かせても沈んでくし、色々感じて一番落ちてた時期に親戚のおばさんがマザーと目配せして鼻で笑ってきた時は流石に限界で泣いたり、まあ人並みに辛い思いをして乗り越えた10ヶ月はどう頑張っても全てを書く事できないので一番沈んで1番あがった話だけします。どうしたら私みたいな思いをしなくて済むのかも考えてプラスするから、へーこんな留学したやつもいたんだ、くらいに読んでね(これから留学する人不安になったら困るから先に言うけど楽しい事もたっくさんあったよ)

何回考えても色んな事につまづく原因はいたってシンプルで、英語が話せないからなんですよね。よく話せなくても笑顔で入れば、感じ良くしたら乗り切れるって聞くし私もここくるまでそうだと思ってました。でもただ一回会う、じゃなくて毎日学校会って一緒に過ごすってなった時に私の英語力は笑顔だけでカバーしきれなかったしとにかく話せるようになるしか無いって、それでも最初の頃日本語に触れてる時間の方が長かったと思います。今思えば自分どれだけクズ何だろうって感じだけどその時はもう世界でひとりぼっちなのかなくらいの勢いで寂しかったから母国語が唯一の支えだったんです(言い訳) でも一回ずーんって沈んだら謎にやる気出て来て、そこからいっぱい勉強しました。実際最初の最初はわかんないんです、勉強って言ってもどっからやれば良いの?って語学ってゴールなくて果てしないしどこがわかんないってそんなの掘れば掘るほど出てくるよって。だからとにかく良いって聞く方法片っ端から試していました。自分に合う方法見つけるのにすーごい長い間かかったけど、ある時マザーや友達に伸びたねって言ってもらえたんです。私の中ではその一言がぼんってバネになってスムーズにいきました。自信がつくと今までの愛想笑いじゃなくて自分でもわかる明るい顔で人と話せて、話も弾んでまたそれに自信がプラスされて来ました。何がそんなに変わったんだろうって考えても語学と自信くらいしか原因私には分かんないけど、びっくりするくらいそこから友達も沢山増えて楽しくなりました。

あとトータル8ヶ月くらいしたラクロスは自分の弱い所ダメな所を1番変えてくれた場所でしたね。不思議な事に学校生活はさっきの通り上手くいくようになったのにラクロスは色々試してどう頑張ってもずっと上手くいかなくて何が足りないんだろう?って感じでした。誰もいない放課後学校のトイレにこもって何回も泣いて、正直シーズン中ずっと辞めたかったし辞めますってメールも書いた事あるけど、それでもコーチに言わなかったのはラクロス自体が大好きになっちゃったのが原因。さらっと書いてるけどここで本当にいっっろんな事されて失敗して怖くなったりどっかひとりぼっちな気分で人生のどん底味わうって先輩に言われたけどこの事かなってくらい、誰に相談するものかも分かんないし辛い辛いを心で連呼して、そもそも40人弱選手いて学校で誰とも会わないってどんだけ大きいんだよこの学校って人のせいにした時期があったなぁ、でもなんかこんな沈んでても誰も気づいてないし、嫌な事するあの子は今頃楽しく生きてんでしょ、そう思ったら何か悔しいしもうどうなってもいいや、やるしかないじゃんって切り替えました。まずは初心者の自分がどれだけこの人達に追いつけるんだろうって練習に行く意味を作って今まで通り優しい子にも、そして目を逸らしてくる子も挨拶無視してくる子にもたまに心折れながら毎日話しかけるようにしました。そしたらだんだん試合に出れて、無視してた子も話しかけてくれるようになってLove youって毎日言ってくれる子達ができました。そうやって何ヶ月間もかかって少しずつだけど周りが変わって気づいたら、スーツケース入ってっていい?とか箱の中に隠れてついてくからいなくなんないで!って皆が集まってくれるようになってて練習中泣きそうでした。ああ、ここまでしがみついてきてよかったなあって。もう分かる通りチームメイトもこの場所自体も私はずっっと大っ嫌いで、でもこの日から言われるだけじゃなく自分から大好きだよって3割はお世辞だけど飛びついてハグしてみたらなんだろう、上手く言えないけどグッと近くなった気がしました。あ、好かれてないかもしれない・嫌いって思ってたのは自分の方で、もし嘘でも大好きだよって伝えたらもっと早く仲良くなれたのかなって思います。ps. 全然関係無いんだけど私のチームトーナメントで準優勝しました!そしてなんと先週most improve playerに選ばせて貰いました!きゃーーというよりもう、ぎゃああああです。すっごく嬉しいし新しい事に挑戦する事を選んで良かったと思います。

きっとアメリカで日本の友達のような友達を感じる事は難しいかもしれないし、最初は緊張して心の中で英語ができないハンデを自分はみんなより下だって謙虚に臆病になったりするかもしれないけど、私から言えるのはそんな事思ってたら時間捨てるよって事。自分は、、、って思ってても誰も自分の事なんてこれっっっぽっちも気にしてません。だったら自分は異国に1人で頑張ってるって自信を持つ事、Thank you, pleaseを忘れずにって研修で言われるけど私はlove youとかbroとかまあ色々言い方あるけどそういう愛情表現?は同じくらい大事だと思う。いやいやそんなの私日本の友達に頻繁に言うよって思うじゃん?正直数ヶ月前に出会ったアメリカのティーンネイジャーに“自分から”Hey bro!って少し勇気がいるんだよね(私だけかな)まあ最初のチキンを乗り越えたらもう大丈夫です。私今息を吐くようにlove youとか言ってます。この地に1人でいる今、Love youのハグはありえないくらい安心の力を持ってるんですよ。確かにこっちが言わなくても言ってくれる人はどこにでもいると思います。でもたまには自分から飛びつく事は何気ないけど簡単だけど本当に大事だと思う、全然言葉に出来ないけどなにかがガラって変わるんです。ネイティブじゃない・留学生だからって手加減はしてもらえないし、もしこの人が私の学校で日本語話してたらこっちはもっとオーバーリアクションで凄いって褒め称えて優しくゆっくり話してあげるのにって何回も思いました。でも同時に英語を使える事って日本の中にいたら凄いことだけど世界的には割と当たり前なんだってじゃあ話せない私やばいじゃんって気づけたし、3ヶ国語4ヶ国語話せる子達にも沢山会いました。盛ってないですよ本当に割と当たり前にいるんです。刺激なんて受け放題で視野も夢も膨らみます。日本にいる時と変わらないくだらない事も真面目な事も心からなんでも話せるベストフレンドが出来ました。もし私アナザースカイ出るなら絶対ここ選ぶわーってそんなどうでもいい妄想しちゃうくらいこの場所で掴んだものは私にとって持ちきれないほど重く大きいからやっぱり大っ嫌いだと思った場所も愛着わきますね。


Hello from Texas! It’s Kanon. How have you guys been. I passed nine a half mom since I started new life here and have just two weeks left. These days I often think about that how fast the time has gone! I can’t even imagine me I start Japanese life again two weeks later. Anyway,  I’m going to talk about what am i inspired, impressed and how do I get improved me in U.S. I hope it’s going to be resonated to someone’s heart, and be helpful for someone reading my report who attempt to go study abroad.

First of all, I would like to talk about my English. Honestly I couldn’t even speak much when I was in last August. One day, Someone asked me “How have you been up to?” but I didn’t even know what does it mean, how do I respond it. My English was like that level so I went through hardly experience ever. I would be disappointed to me every day and so hard to get used to be everything of here. However a few things which I found in every day was getting changed my life. First, I quit to bear cry, because a lot of people who are strong say “sometimes showing weakness is a sign of strength” and totally I agree with that because I could do nothing without help but I used to be embarrassed to ask to help. If there is anyone feel embarrassing to ask help there is exactly none of things embarrassing. Hesitating doesn’t have mean. I became to be parson who admit own weaknesses then, ask someone if I need help and I learned that I’d better to try everything anyway if I would fail that. These things brought many things and improve me. Actually I’m not perfect but I made progress in English like now. I do not want to lost it never so I constantly strive to further improve.

I’ll talk about my mind next. Not to mention I’ve learned English, I started learn other language these days. One of the reasons was my friends. Although I don’t know why but some of friends can speak French, Spanish, Germany as well as English, i think Texas has a lot of people from other country as a matter of course. Can you believe some guys can speak three-four languages. they seem so cool and inspired me a lot while I was impacted that if I got some languages besides English, I can connect to much more people in the world. I talked in the report last time, I know listening many the story of the people who has a far different background especially not Japanese carry new things and sometimes it’s literally far my concept, generation idea. So I want to be able to talk to a bunch of people. I’m sure that It will help me to make progress more.

I’ll appreciate it if you give me to talk one more thing about how i had been for two months from last report. So my lacrosse season has been over as last on last months and I had banquet on last weekend. Actually lacrosse was not only the most hardly thing in my study abroad life and also the best reason why i became stronger than last year. I was quiet, afraid to talk with girls( American teenagers) and be honest I was nerves about going to practice every day at first because I didn’t have a lot of friends there. I know some girls are nice to me and they were always helping me and I know some girls look like they don’t like me such as turned eyes away, because I was quiet and English skill was poor. But saying family to quit that was impossible me because my family are glad that I play lacrosse and I love lacrosse. That’s just reason why I didn’t quit lacrosse. I just like lacrosse and I want to play lacrosse. That was once reason. But it’s not only reason now. One day, I thought what am I doing, why am I sticking on problems and do I feel difficult to do everything. Because I can’t speak English and I didn’t even try to talk. That’s all. Then, replaced the crying time on the bed to studying English time. My English skill was getting to improve and I got confidence that’s why increased the time to be smile. I think that changed my mentality problems. Now, I love each of them of lacrosse girls, I like myself as be in team and playing lacrosse. I definitely know that lacrosse life changed myself. And I found one more thing to go through well. It is just say Love you. You know it is easy but it was not to me at first but after I did that everyone of people in team were getting to nice to me and one day, they said me “don’t leave here” “Even if i leave here, they will get into in my bag back and follow me to Japan” “Love you” they gave me a lot of massage I got be glad.

By the way, it was happy mom’s day two days ago. I can’t express how do I love my mom in Japan, Missouri, Texas. I appreciate three of them. I can’t have done all of things without them. Thank you mom. I love y’all.

Fortunately, I have been busy these day because of hang out with friends and spend time with family and packing to go back to Japan lol. Two weeks ago, I went to prom with friends. It was literally fun and I will never forget that time. Prom is the most biggest school event and its kind of similar to Fall formal party. Actually, all of things about last fall formal party on last November was not in good memories but my first and last prom rewrite that memories. I gave and got hugging a lot. There was not only a opportunity to dance and see friends but also the opportunity to say Thank you and I’m glad I met you to them.

In one week, I’ll do my best to further improve and enjoy lest of the time with family and friends. And even if the view changed, food changed, culture changed, the land I stand changed and live changed, the things which I have to do will not change. I should keep doing best wherever I am. I really appreciate my all
of family in the world to give me opportunity to get a lot of precious things. Actually I can’t say all of time in my study abroad life was awesome because you know I had been through hard with my poor English and weakness, but I definitely can say it’s going to help and support myself if I got being in some trouble in my life from now on. Everything what I had been in Missouri for three weeks and had been in Texas for nine months are precious memories to me… they would not change the place as my best memory ever. Thank you guys for reading. I can’t wait to see you soon! Bye.

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