



私のホストファミリーは78歳のマザーと81歳のファザーでした。ですが、私は、セカンドハウスにいたのでファザーと話す機会はあまりありませんでした。ファミリーの息子さんの奥さんが日本人で、娘さんの高校卒業&さよならパーティーに招待していただきました。娘さんは今年、スペインに一年間留学するらしく、「お互い留学頑張ろうね!」と声をかけてもらいました。パーティーではたくさんの方とお話ができてとてもいい時間が過ごせました。私の、ファミリーとの一番の思い出は映画を観に行ったことです。MAMMA MIA! を字幕なしで見て半分程度しか理解できませんでした。でも、一年後には全部理解できるように頑張ります!





 Hello, guys. I’m Kiho Sekine. I’m in Owosso Michigan. I had three weeks orientation in Missouri. I had Monday to Friday, and Friday was the daytrip day. It was pretty good for me, because I could learn the words and phrases that can be used when I in trouble or problem. I could meet new people in each day. That was really fan time for me. I went to two university, and I told many interesting things from students and teachers. I felt like I want to go those university.

My host family were my host mother and father. However, I stayed at family’s second house. Therefore, I couldn’t talk my host father so much. I went to the party that their grandchild. She is Japanese American, so she can speak Japanese, too. She was like a translation function. I asked in things in Japanese and she told me English name of them. That is very helpful for me and I learned many words. Also, she introduced her friends for me and I could talk to them. I’m rally thank to her so much.

I’m in Michigan now. My host family are mother, father, younger brother, and sister who is in same grade, but one year older than me. Also, three dogs and one cat. They are so cute and very friendly, so I love them.

My school is Owosso High School. I think that it is little smaller than the urban school, but so nice school. Japanese food month will be held on September. My principal planed it, because for exchange students and the other American students. Exchange students can enjoy their own countries food, and American students can learn the other culture. I think it is good for everybody and I’m really looking forward to join it. I will be an ambassador on September. It will be a good experience!

 See you later!
