







8月末からは高校に通っています。友達も先生方もみんな優しくフレンドリーです。私を見かけると、“ノドカ!”と私の名前を呼んでくれるんですよ!私もこの数週間で必死に名前を覚えました。先日は友達と日本とアメリカのお菓子交換をしました!“ノドカが食べたことのないお菓子リスト”を作って何種類もプレゼントしてくれたんです! 授業やテストはすごく難しいですが、(特に人体解剖学とアメリカ史に苦戦しています…)友達がノートを見せてくれたり、先生方はランチタイムに勉強を教えてくれたり…と本当にたくさんの人に助けられてなんとか過ごしています。



日本を離れて、改めて自分、家族、将来…たくさんのことを考えました。日本、アメリカの家族、先生方、友達、私を支えてくれている全ての人に感謝の気持ちでいっぱいです。一日一日を大切にこれからもベストを尽くします!読んで下さりありがとうございました!これからだんだんと寒くなってくると思いますがお体大切になさって下さい。ではまた! 齊藤和花




Hello! This is Nodoka. How are you doing? I can’t believe that I have already been in America for two months! The trees in Ripley have changed to the colors of red, orange and yellow… It is really beautiful here.

  First, I would like to talk about my host family. There are nine people in my family, including me. I have my Dad, Mom, three younger sisters, two younger brothers and my older sister, who is an exchange student from Germany. When we go to drive somewhere, we have to split up and ride in two separate cars. Haha!  My dad and mom help me with my homework and help me study for tests. They always hug me before I go to bed. I love to hug! It is a wonderful feeling and I hug my family and friends! Haha! My family loves music and to sing along with loud music in the car. It’s one of my favorite things and I really appreciate that I have the opportunity to stay with them.

  I started school at the end of August. All of the teachers and students have been friendly and nice. They actually yell my name when they see me! I have memorized their names too. One day, my friends and I exchanged American and Japanese snacks. They actually made a list of snacks that I had never eaten before and gave them to me!

  My classes and tests have been really hard for me, especially Human Anatomy and U.S. History. However, a lot of people have helped me with my studies along the way. My friends show me their notebooks and the teachers tutor me at lunch time.

  I would also like to share about band class. I play the trumpet with the Ripley High School marching band!! I couldn’t actually march because the band already had their formation before I joined. Therefore, I play on the sidelines. Our marching band is amazing! There are 135 people in band and I have made a lot of friends. They are so nice. We practice at lunch time and afterschool. I felt very busy at first but they have taught me a lot. My band friends always invite me to go to dinner with them on Friday nights. So I am really thankful that I joined the band and that I get to spend time with my friends. It’s a lot of fun!!

  After I left Japan, I began to think a lot about my family and friends in Japan, as well as those in America. I would like to say “Thank you” to everyone who has cared for me. I will do my very best! Thank you for reading. The weather will be getting colder soon, so take care of yourself, have good health and I will see you soon!   Nodoka Saito


齊藤和花 北星レポート① 写真2  齊藤和花 北星レポート① 写真3 齊藤和花 北星レポート①