





 この二か月の間にハロウィン、thanks giving、バレー・ホッケーの試合、ロデオ、そしてカーリングが始まったりたくさんの出来事がありました。そして2ヵ月前のレポート提出の1日後に高校が始まりました。初めの1週間はつらいこともたくさんありましたし、私が想像していたものとは少し違っていました。もちろん楽しかったこともたくさんありました。けれどそれが全てではなかったです。なのでこの期間に起きたことについて少しだけ書かせてください。








 ところでカナダではホッケーのシーズンがやってきました。ホッケーはカナダでほかのどんなスポーツよりもポピュラーで、私も挑戦したかったのですが、私の学校には男のホッケーしかないので今はカーリングチームに所属しています。ちょうど3週間前に始めたばかりで、日本で一度もやったこともないですが、カーリングは習得するのが簡単なスポーツなので上手くやっています。ただ、ロックが重いのとブラッシングがとても疲れます。でも私が日本に戻ったら「私カーリングできるよ?すごいでしょ?」とかっこいいことが言えます。笑 なので私はカーリングに誇りを持っています。




 おおよそ1ヵ月後にクリスマスです。12月に結婚式に行く予定もあります。ただブランドンは冬の間気温がマイナス40度まで下がることもあり、耐えられない確信があります。笑 それではみなさんさよなら!



Hello everyone! It’s been 3 months already. How time flies! Always time moves very quickly. Anyway it’ll be my second report. Hopefully you will enjoy it.

Many things happened during this two months, like Halloween, thanksgiving, volleyball game, hockey game, rodeo, and started curling. 2 months ago, after 1 day later I sent my first report, my school was started. First week of school was pretty hard time for me. Also It was quite different from I thought. But you know, of course there are many exciting things too. But I just want to say not that’s all. So let me tell you just a few things about happens during this period.

First, there is my favorite class, drama which is for improving our communication skill or self-expression skill with grade 9 people. We usually play many games in the class, but it’s not just a game. We usually have to speak or do something in front of the class. It’s a kind of fun, but it is also scary. Cause you know, to speak other language in front of many people who can speak English as first language needs such a big courage. Sometimes I cannot understand what’s the rule of the game, what are they talking about. But even when I’m in trouble, classmates help me to make clearly understandable. Actually some classmates give me smile and wave me when I walk corridor. Like this each small kindnesses makes me so happy.

Next, it was happen after school. One day, suddenly one boy talked to me in Japanese. I was surprised, but it was so glad. We also started to eat lunch with him and other 4 friends of the boy after that. One of the girl is my best friend now. I’m grateful to them so much. They steered my school life to good way.

However even if I can talk well with my host parents or my friends, sometimes I feel so powerless about my English skill. Cause most of textbook are written in academic English. (Academic English is the most difficult English word, when we part English words by level of difficulty.) Most of the time, I cannot read that. It is totally my false, so I just need to study more. But I always look up a word in an electronic dictionary, then forget, then look up again. I knew that is not good for me, but I kept this about for 1month. But when I was thinking about why I’m here, I realized that I have to change my mind, then I decided to study more hard. ooooooooo

Anyway in Canada, the Hockey season is coming! Hockey is the most popular sport in here. I wanted to try to hokey, but there is only for boy in my school, so I belong to curling team now. I just started to curl 3 weeks ago. I’ve never played before in Japan, but it is easy to learn. Just a few things, the rock is pretty heavy, and brushing makes me so tired. But you know, when I back to Japan, I can say ‘I can curl. I curled in Canada.’. It sounds pretty cool, right? So I take pride in doing that hahaha.

At the end, I would like to ask you ( I mean my underclassmen.) one question. Why do you want to study abroad? Why did you choose this way? Even if you cannot answer well, I think it’s not big problem. But just I want you to make sure that studying abroad for whole year is not simple thing. When I was in Japan, many people asked me why are you going to study abroad. All the time, my answer was ‘For study English.’, that’s all. Of course you know, it’s so important thing. But we can study English hard even staying in Japan, if you want. I was rethinking about why I’m here. The answer is for fun?, or for making many friends? I don’t think so. I know the answer is different depends on each person. Even now, I couldn’t find exactly the reason. But I found the reason in telling about Japan and learning about Canada. So I study hard. It will be good for me.

About 1 month later, Christmas will come! Also I’m going to go wedding on December. But in Brandon, my city will get 40 degrees during the winter. I’m sure that I’ll be dying. Anyway, take care everybody! -M

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