











こんな風にここでの生活を楽しんでいます。友達や先生は助けてくれるし、前にもお伝えしましたがホストファミリーは本当に優しいです。1年間もこの家に滞在できるなんてラッキーだと思います。本当に。そしてもうすぐ色々なイベントがやってきますね・・・待ちきれないです! 今回ちょっと短いですか?でもタペストラマとセンクルギビング、ハロウィン以外に特に何もなかったんです。今は12月を待ってるだけって感じです。そうです。それではさようなら。1月にまた送りますね。


Hello it’s Rio. How are you doing? I’d like to tell you guys how my life here is going.


On September I joined Tapestrama Cultural Festival that we can experience different cultures from all over the world. Many people came see dancing and enjoyed foods. I wore Yukata to perform Japanese traditional dance. Feeling people were looking at me curiously, I was little bit shy to be there. But after dancing, I felt refreshed and filled with a sense of accomplishment as people gave me smiles and warm craps. It was good experience for me. A few days after, my friend’s host mother told me something that surprised me. She told me that I am on newspaper! She bought me that newspaper. I looked the picture above the paragraph, and there was big picture that shows me dancing with two Japanese fans! I was happy as my host mother gave me a big hug. That was amazing feeling.


On October 10th, I and host mother went to Saskatoon, where my host sister and host brother have been living, to celebrate thanksgiving. There were 8 people including me, my host family, host mother’s sister, her husband, host brother’s girlfriend, host sister’s boyfriend, and me. I was nervous as it’s the first time to have supper with people who I hadn’t met before. That was kind of stressful, but it’s good memory. And, what I want to tell you the most is that the supper that host sister made was so delicious. So delicious.

Anyway, I enjoyed my first thanksgiving in my life.


I want to tell you how Halloween here was. On Friday before Halloween, I wore shark costume and spent time at the school. Some people spoke to me and I got new friends. I was happy as many people remembered me. That was good opportunity to have new friends. At first I was wondering if I was wrong to pay $48 for Halloween costume, but now I think it was good choice to buy my shark costume. When I wear it at home, my host mother calls me little sharky. I like this nickname. On Halloween day, I was carving pampkin and giving treat if children come. That was the first attempt at carving the pumpkin. I carved pumpkin and made Pikachu! I put my little Pikachu outside and put candle in it so that children can see it. That was so fun. I want to do this again. I will.


Anyway I enjoy my studying abroad here. My friends and teaches are so nice to help me if I need, my host family is obviously kind as I told you before. I’m very lucky to stay this house a whole year. Really. And there’re many upcoming events…oh my god I can’t wait!  Is this too short for two months? But it was just normal and nothing special except those three big events. And now I’m just waiting for December. That’s it. So, see you. I’ll send you another journal on January. Bye!


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