先月はホストファミリーとボストンへ旅行に行きました。ボストンはアメリカ史を学ぶには最適の場所です。Freedom Trailと呼ばれる観光地巡りもしました。ボストンらしい古い建物をたくさん見ることができて楽しかったです。私はアメリカ史が苦手ですがボストンは大好きです。アメリカ史の授業よりボストンの方がいいです(笑)またボストンレッドソックスでお馴染みのフェンウェイパークにも行き、球場内を回るツアーに参加しました。普段は立ち入ることのできない選手控室も見学できて大興奮でした。そしてボストンといえばハーバード大学。もちろん行ってきました。キャンパス内にいた学生全員、頭が良く見えました。本当に。ボストンでたくさんの場所を訪れ、美味しい料理を食べて、素敵な時間を過ごすことができました。今すぐにでもボストンに戻りたいです。ボストンは高価なものばかりですが(笑)
<原 文>
Hi! How are you doing? I’m doing good. I’m sorry to be late in sending my report. I have many things to tell you during these two months.
In the last report, I told you that I had not started my school yet but of course I have already started now. My school was scheduled to start September 1st but started September 16th. The reason why is my school teachers went on strike and the strike had been on for nearly two weeks. That is highly improbable in Japan so I was surprised. This happens sometimes in the United States. I think this is one of my good experiences.
My school gives me lots of homework so I’m swamped with homework every day. I’m studying harder than when I was in Japan. I think that the surrounding environment is important. lol Someone told me that the math in United States is easy but that is not true. That is a hard to catch up class but I will try with all of my might. By the way, my favorite class is drama. Drama class is like acting class and it is very fun. I made many friends through drama class. My friends are awesome. When I tell jokes, my friend says “Your joke killed me”. lol I love my friends.
I went to Boston, MA with my host family last month. Boston is good city to learn U.S. history. We did some sightseeing which is called the Freedom Trail. We saw many historic buildings and it was so much fun. I’m bad at U.S. history but I love Boston. Staying in Boston is better than U.S. history class. lol Also we went to Fenway Park tour which is the home of Boston Red Sox. We were able to see the room of the players so I was excited. We also visited Harvard University. It was huge and everyone at Harvard University seems very smart. We visited many places in Boston and ate delicious foods and spent a wonderful time. I really want to go back to Boston… Everything is expensive in Boston though. lol
Anyway, I’m doing good. I appreciate my awesome host family for everything! I’m a lucky girl to be a part of their family. So see you soon!