



こんにちは、楓恋です。お元気ですか。ここで2回目の留学報告をしているなんて信じられないです。ハロウィーンが終わって、クリスマスがもうすぐやってきます。ハロウィーンでの、家族の衣装テーマは”WRECK IT RALPH”で、私は”Vanelope”でした。私の初めてのトリック・オア・トリートはとても楽しくて、それにたくさんのお菓子をもらいました。でも真面目な話、これ以上太りたくありません。この3カ月間で5キロも太ったんですよ。チアリーディングの練習のあと、いつも友達と食べに出かけていたので、そのせいで太ったのはわかっているんですけどね。でも止められなかったんです。だってこの時が一番楽しかったのですから。私はチアリーディングの友達は皆好きですし、他にも良い友達がたくさんいるのですが、まだ親友と呼べる友達はいません。日本ではいつもたくさんの友達に囲まれていて、それを当然だと思っていたのですが、そうではないんですね。ときどき学校で少し疎外感を感じることがあります。自分の問題を友達にあまり話せないんです。でもホストマザーには何でも話せるので、恵まれています。彼女は私の本当のお母さんみたいです。


彼女はいつも私が悲しい時、話を聞いてくれます。彼女のハグはまるで魔法のようで、彼女が抱きしめてくれると、いつも元気になります。それから、私が泣いているとホストブラザーが私をギュッと抱きしめてくれて、そして”I LOVE YOU”と書いた手紙を私にくれるんです。これらすべてのことが私の宝物です。でも心配しないでくださいね。いつも泣いているわけではないので。この3ヵ月で泣いたのは2回だけですよ。日本にいる頃の私に比べると、私は確実に強くなりました。私は本当にこの家族のことをどんなに愛しているか、どれだけ感謝しているか言葉で説明できません。








<原 文> Hi, I’m Karen. How are you doing guys? I can’t believe I’ve done my study abroad report twice. Halloween has already finished and Christmas will come soon. Our family’s costume theme was “WRECK IT RALPH”, and I was “Vanelope” And my first trick or treating was so fun, and I got many candies. But seriously, I don’t want to get fat anymore. I’ve already gained five kilograms in three month. After cheerleading practice I always hang out to go to eat with my friends. I know this is one reason why I got fat. But I can’t stop it, because it is one of my favorite time a day. I like my cheerleader friends. And I have many nice friends but I don’t have very close friend yet. In Japan I always had many friends around me. I thought it took for granted, but it was not true. Sometimes I feel like I’m alone a little bit in school. I can’t speak a lot about my troubles to friends. But fortunately, I can talk everything about me to my host mother. She is like a real mother for me.


She always listens when my feel is sad. Her hug is like a magic, because after she hugged me, I always feel better. Also when I was crying, my host brother always hugs me very tight and he always give me a letter writes “I LOVE YOU”. Those are my precious. Please don’t worry guys, this mean is not I’m always crying, I just cried only two times in three months. I’m absolutely getting strong compere with myself in Japan.  I definitely can’t explain how much I love this family, how much appreciate to them.


It’s been 3 month since I came here, so I feel like I got used to life in this town. Obviously my dream is talking in English. And my host mother told me I was talking in English when I was sleeping. I was so happy when I heard it. It was a big moment I was improving my English skill. My host brother who is 6 years old is my little English teacher for me. He always teaching me many useful words, and if I ask him about word that I don’t know what is that mean is, he always teach me to use easy words. I’m so appreciating him. Also he is studying Japanese. I’m teaching about Japan, so he can write some HIRAGANA. He likes to learn about my culture.

This fall season I tried cheerleading, but next winter season I’m trying Basketball. I just want to challenge new things. Of course, I’m a horrible player yet. But my teammates are always encouraging me, helping me and teaching me many basics. I’m so appreciating them. I like this sport.

On January, I’m going to go to Florida with my host family during winter vacation. I really can’t wait it!

I’m enjoying being here every day. See you soon!


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