追伸 間もなくクリスマスですね!皆さんが素敵なクリスマスと新年を迎えられることをお祈りしています。
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Hello everyone from Indiana! I’m Mayuko. How have you been? Only couple of days we had snow here thus far. Everyone who is around me always says, “It’s so cold as hell” but I don’t think so. It’s like still end of the fall for me.lol I’d like to talk about my memories from last report to recently. In Halloween, I became a witch and got a bunch of candies from many people. I’ve never gotten so many candies at once before. So I was full of happiness. In Thanksgiving day, I had a pretty nice time with people. I like this traditional holiday. I’ve always wanted to participate in Thanksgiving dinner. Lots of people gathered together and had a big dinner together. Also they thanked a lot of things. Of course I did too. So few days ago, I cut down a real Christmas tree and we decorated it. I can’t wait to celebrate Christmas with my family.
I’m member of youth group and I’m studying about Bible with lots of teens. That’s really wonderful and special time for me. I can’t express how much I’m spending splendid time there! Twice a week, we gather together in church and teacher’s house and we have a dinner together while talking about a lot of things, and after that we study about Bible. Thanks to Hokusei’s Bible class, I can understand what they talk about:) Sometimes we play some games for good relationship. The day before the Halloween, we stayed over at church. We played very scary game about 3hours (it’s like seek and hide) in the darkness, watched couple of Halloween movies, had a dinner and so on. It was so much fun to death.lol
I love this church with all my heart. We have time to say “peace be with you” to everybody while shaking our hands. People always say “peace be with you Mayuko” to me. They always make me so happy so I’m always full of gratitude to all people around me. Also I’m member of key club of school. Few days ago I participated in Food Pantry. I helped out distribution lots of foods for people. I noticed I like helping for someone so I felt I want to participate in more Food Pantry as a helper.
Speaking of my school life, half of semester will be over by this week. I enjoyed American school life with cheery people so far. I’m taking new classes from next semester but all of my teachers and classmates will change. so I’m beyond sad about that but I’m excited to meet new people. My feeling is so complicated now.lol
Final exams are just around the corner!! I have to study for them. So bye for now!!!
Ps. Christmas is coming up soon! I wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.