


It is now November. Time goes fast. We can see snow already, but it is not sticking to the ground yet as well as doing small preparations for Christmas. November 11th was Remembrance Day. People gather on this day when the peace treaties were signed to end the first world war to honor the men and women who fought and died during those 4 years of war, as well as honoring those who died in World War 2 as well as any other wars that have been fought in recent history since. I saw traditional costumes worn by police officers and pilots. That was fascinating. I heard a new instrument I have never heard before. They are called the bagpipes. I also enjoyed Halloween night. I went trick-or-treating for the first time with my friends who are also international students. I dressed up as a cat and I got a lot of candies and chocolate bars. I ate a lot of them already, and I think I am getting a little fat☹.

This time, the theme is “school life.” There are a lot of differences between school here in Canada and school in Japan, and a lot of these differences might surprise you. Let me share a few with you. First of all, we go to school every day by school bus. I think this is a really good system. Our school starts at 9:30am, and ends at 3:30pm. Secondly, there are some good programs here that I think Japan should adopt. There is a food cart in the morning for students that do not have enough time to eat or do not have enough money to eat breakfast. I like getting the cinnamon bagel on mornings I wake up late. Thirdly, students are free to choose classes based on their interests and requirements for tertiary education, so there is a wider variety of subjects to study such as philosophy, yoga, child studies, oceans, and so on. As you know, I love jellyfish so I will take Oceans second semester.

Our school has about 60 international students. I made friends with people from different countries like Vietnam, China, the Philippines, the Czech Republic, Poland, Spain and Brazil.

I love this school, my new friends, and my teachers. I’m learning new things every single day at school, and I would like to continue learning. I hope it helps my future. Here’s some pictures that I took at school.


11月になりました。カナダでは雪も降り始め、クリスマスの準備が始まっています。1111日はRemembrance Dayという第一次世界大戦終戦を思い出すための記念日となっています。警察や操縦士の方々はみな、伝統的な衣装を着て参加しています。また10月にはハロウィンなど、様々な文化にふれることができました。初めてのトリックオアトリートでは両手いっぱいのお菓子を手に入れることができました。今回のテーマは「学校生活」、日々たくさんの発見があるので皆さんにも共有したいと思います。
