


Happy New Year!! I feel like 2024 was the fastest year ever. I wonder what I did last year. Anyway, the theme this time is “Cultural Differences.” I’d say it is impossible to count how many differences there are. Everything is different from ours, and I really enjoy it, but it sometimes hurt my feelings though because I do not know what to do. I’ll talk about the contrasts through the events, minds, and interests.

First of all, there are so many events that we usually don’t celebrate grandly. I was surprised that some houses started decorating for Christmas in November. At night, we can see the colorful lights and each house has their own individual characteristics, which I liked to see. In December, we bought presents for families and friends, and we put them under the Christmas tree. On the 25th, if the Christmas lights on the tree were off, then Santa had not come yet, but if they were on, then Santa had already come and left presents for us. I woke up that morning, and I saw the Xmas tree shining brightly. I was a good girl the whole time, so I got so many presents!! I love it, and I appreciated my host family for all the gifts and the time spent together. On the other hand, they don’t celebrate New Year like we do. Some people count down, and launch the fireworks at night. But they don’t do anything special. In Japan, most of us visit families or relatives and spend time together. But here, they do it around Xmas, so I found it’s sort of the opposite. This is quite interesting.

Secondly, I feel most of the people I know are carefree, and mindful. In my opinion, they can control their emotions, and know how to deal with stress. The teachers and my acquaintances are so nice to me. They show they care about our learning by carefully checking to see if we are following instructions and understanding the material. I sometimes stress out about something like an assignment, but they know what they can do first in order to help. That’s why they have peaceful attitudes in my opinion.

Thirdly, I found people that live in these rural areas like us are good at finding hobbies. Everything is far away, and it is hard to keep busy so they spend time having fun doing their hobbies. I thought knitting, and playing games are quite popular around my area. One thing I was surprised to see is that some people have authentic tools such as headsets to connect to the metaverse. I think it is a rare case to have them in Japan. The trend changes depending on the area, system, and countries.

I am sure there are more differences which I haven’t found yet. So, I’ll keep trying to discover new stuff, and enjoy them. Here’s some pictures that we took during the past two months.





