









Hello. This is Hana Sato from Utah. 4 months has pasted, and I only have halfway to go! I can’t believe it. This time I’m going to tell you about the culture difference between US and Japan.

My host families are Spanish and my host brother that is also an exchange student is from Mozambique. So everyday I have new things to learn. Every evening, we have dinner together and the conversation that we make and the foods that are served, I feel the culture difference. In Japan, rice is the most common thing to eat but in Spain it’s bread or potatoes. I sometimes miss Japanese food, but I think positively and feel the culture difference.

I often feel culture difference in school as well. I’m taking US history, and that class is the most different class from Japan. The way that they teach students, they teach it like America is the best and greatest. Right now, we’re learning World War 2. During that they teach like Japan and Germany are worst and mean. Also, I’m taking Japanese class as an assistant teacher in my school. In that class I can see Japan from outside and see the difference of America and Japan. I’m teaching them Japanese but at the same time I can learn something new too.

From the conversation with my friends, I can also feel the culture difference. It’s a Utah original thing but the region of them is mostly LDS. Because of that my friends talk like God is the first thing to come. It was interesting from me as Japanese because Japan is a non-religious country.

I have 4 months to go, and I’ll probably feel culture difference a lot. I’ll try to absorb all of them when I go back to Japan. See you on my next report!