







まずは学校について書きますね。私の学校は四学期制で約二か月半ごとに授業が変わっていきます。でもその二か月半は毎日同じ授業を四コマ90分で取らなければなりません。すでに一学期が終わったので学校生活の四分の一が終わったことになります。私は時間が過ぎるのが早いと思いました。二か月半の授業だったけど、最後の授業は先生方ともう一緒に授業ができないと思うとすごく悲しい気持ちになりました。そう思ったのは、自分は先生方にたくさん助けられ、楽にクラスにいれたからです。次の学期には、Fashion Design, World History ll, Geometry, Introduction to Business and Marketingの授業を受けます。日本にはない授業がたくさんありとても楽しみです。私が通っているDickinson High Schoolはメキシコ人やほかの国から移住している人が多いです。多くの人は私たち留学生のことを気にしません。話しかけてもあなたとは会話を続けたくないよっていうのが顔の表情やほかの子とのテンションの違いからわかります。だから私たちにとって友達を作ることは難しいです。友達作り、留学でしか経験できないことをしたくてチアリーダーのオーディションを受けました。内容は与えられたダンスを踊る、ジャンプ(技)をすることでした。無事受かることができ今はバスケットボールシーズンへのダンスの練習を放課後しています。これから試合で踊るのがとても楽しみです。


次に家族についてです。この二か月の間に私たちはSouth Dakota州とColorado州に旅行に行きました!South Dakotaでは車で入れる動物園に行ったり、ラッシュモア山をみたり、ビリヤードをして楽しみました。Coloradoではホストマザーの母と父に会って一緒にショッピングをしたり、博物館に行ったり、プールで遊んだりして楽しい週末を過ごしました。家族は私に現地のこととか仕事のこと家族のことを教えてくれます。たくさん聞いて質問しています。この前、英語前よりずっといいねと言われたのが嬉しかったです。楽しいことも多いけど最近初めてドイツからの留学生とぶつかりました。理由はお互いの勘違いでした。その時にお互いにどう思っているかすべて話して、これからどうするべきかも話して無事解決することができました。自分がどうするかでいい方向にもいくし悪い方向にもいくんだと、問題が解決してから思いました。


最後に友達についてです。私は信頼できる子が一人できました。友達の父が経営しているカフェでランチしたり、ショッピングしたり、映画を見たりして学校にいる時よりももっと仲良くなれました。ハロウィンは友達とコスチュームを着て近所にTrick or Treatをしてきました。たくさんのキャンディーをもらいました。太る一方です。(笑)





Hi, everyone. I heard from my friends that it already snowed in Hokkaido and North Dakota where I live in, first snow fell in Oct.28 too. It’s very cold every morning, so I talk with a exchange student from Germany. We are doing share room. And we talked  “We need a coat, we should buy some winter coat.” like that. But we can’t buy that yet. My host father said that -40 degrees was minimum temperature in last winter. I’ll do physical condition management by myself for cold winter. Please be careful not to catch a cold.


Two months passed since the last report and I had a lot of experiences.


At first I write about the school. My school is a fourth semester system and classes change every about two and half months. And we must take the same class every day for four top 90 minutes during two and half months. The first semester was already over so it means like a quarter of the school life was over. I felt that time goes by really fast. I felt sad when thought that I couldn’t teach the last class with a teacher anymore but only two and half months. Do you know why I thought like that because I was helped by a teacher and the class is comfortable for me. I take Fashion Design, World HistoryⅡ, Geometry and Introduction to Business and Marketing classes in the next term. A lot of few classes are in Japan so I’m looking forward to take classes. There are many people emigrating to from Mexico and other countries in Dickinson High School where I go to. They don’t care of us even as for white people. When I tried to talk to them, they showed me like “I don’t need conversation with you.” We can know from the expression of their faces and difference tension with other people. So it’s hard to make friends for us. I had audition of the cheerleader for making friends and I want to do what can experience only studying abroad. The content was doing dance given by coach and jumping. I was safety able to pass it. Now we practice the dance after school for basketball season. I’m looking forward to dancing in the game from now on.


Next I write about family. We went to South Dakota and Colorado for a trip during two months. We went to the zoo which can enter by car, saw the Mt. Rushmore and did billiard in South Dakota. We met mother and father of host mother and we went shopping, went to museum and played at pool. We could spend a nice time. My family can teach me about field, job and family so I hear it a lot and ask questions. I was glad that host mother said to me that my English became very good last time. Though it’s often fun, I quarreled with an exchange student from Germany for the first time recently. The reason was each other’s misunderstanding. At the time, we talked how do you think each other and what should we do from now. So we can solve the problem. I know that what do I do. I can go good direction or bad direction after solving the problem.


Finally I write about friends. I have friend that I can trust. We ate lunch at cafe, went to shopping and watched movie. So I can closer than time to in the school. We went to the neighborhood for trick or treat and wore the costume with my friends at Halloween. I got a lot of candy. I continue becoming fat. haha


A lot of feeling appeared for two months. I want to make feeling words in front of my trusting family. Did you think this report is long? Too much!! Thank you for reading my report. Alright then, bye~


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