やっと1stセミスターのテストが終わったのですが少し難しかったです。でも日本のテストの方が何十倍も苦労しているし、こっちのテストは全てマークシート式なので日本のよりかはストレスに感じませんでした。笑 だから来年留学するみんなならできるよ!頑張って!そういえば高校のフットボールのシーズンが終わってしまったのでマーチングも終わってしまいました…。いまでも寂しいです。私はシニアなのでマーチングでシニアナイトというフットボールのフィールド上で引退式のようなものにホストファミリーと出ました。いままでこんな盛大な引退式を見たこともなかったし出たこともなかったので、このハイランドマーチングバンドに入れたことに誇りに思います。マーチングが終わってオーディションを経ていまはコンサートバンドに所属していて、この前1stコンサートを終えていまは春のコンサートに向けて練習をしています。来年留学する人でバンドやクワイア、オーケストラなどのクラスやクラブに入れるのならぜひ入ってみてください。きっとみんな優しくていい人たちばかりだから友達作りやすいはずなので私のおすすめです!
田邊先生レポート待ってくれてありがとうございました。もう英語劇も本格的になっているのかな?5Fのみんなが素敵なBeauty and Beast完成させられるように先生たちサポートよろしくお願いします!本当は生で見たいくらい楽しみにしているよ!みんな頑張って!大好き!
Hey guys how are you doing? I’m doing well you know? I can’t believe passing the life in here already 5 months! Also those were very good memories and meaningful for me, such as the senior night, orchestra and band concert, the Halloween, the Veterans Day, the thanks-giving day, 1st semester exams, and Christmas! Also I recently hung out with my friends, which is the happiest lately. Sometimes my feeling was down but I was doing well than before. Probably I could get used to this life style and felt to improve my English skill little bit. I’ve noticed about the adaptability of human, it’s really amazing! haha
I’ve just finished the exams that were little hard for me. Keep in mind that Japanese exams are harder than exams in here incomparably! All exams in here are optical mark recognition even math, so why these aren’t harder than Japanese exams. Don’t worry guys who will come here next year! You can do it definitely! Anyway I had finished the season of marching band and football. I’m really sad and missing still now. During season of marching band I’ve experienced senior night that kind of retirement ceremony on football field with my host parents because I’m senior. I haven’t experienced such as big retirement ceremony before so I was proud to join the highland marching band in my life. I’m in the concert band now and already finished 1st concert last week and practicing to spring concert now. If you will be able to join club or class of band or orchestra or choir, you can get along with nice people! Those are my recommend.
I recently had chances to introduce to Japanese! There is my friend who had taken Japanese lesson in this summer, and we went to the Japanese lesson. Then I joined that class like a student, and I taught Japanese things. There were student who are interesting in Japan or will go to work in Japan soon, and everyone was studying Japanese hard. I was glad to know that and I wondered to want to extend Japanese culture to people from different countries more. Probably that awareness will be becoming important in the future. Also a teacher’s Japanese skill was like a native Japanese speaker because she had lived in Japan about 40 years, so I could enjoy talking Japanese with her so much! And other one, I gave presentation about the pacific war from Japanese side at American History class while we were focus on WW2. When I was asked to give a presentation by my AH teacher, I was very surprised at the same time nervous too. This is why I haven’t given presentation about it before also it mean American students will learn the pacific war form Japanese side through my presentation. However I doubted there will ever be this kind of chance again and I decided to give presentation about it. Maybe my English used in my presentation wasn’t everything be right, but my teacher some students and said me “Thanks to your presentation my view about Japanese during wartime was changed to better” so I’ve being satisfied by it.
I could spend good time big 2 holidays with my family and relatives, and I helped to prepare both holidays. Those were very fun for me also I could learn the American holiday’s history too. I like American people be important all holidays so much. There are many beautiful holidays and traditions in Japan too, so I want to be important those. In the Thanks giving, I had so much foods and special turkey and next day I woke up at 5:30 morning to go to Black Friday shopping! Black Friday is a kind of big bargain sale similar to Japanese New Year’s bargain sale, so I’ll be back to US on Black Friday defiantly! After the thanks giving we decorated for everything Christmas, and enjoyed it so much. I got a lot Christmas presents after several years it was like a dream. And then I presented Japanese snacks and tumblers to them too I hope they like my presents.
It’s about 5 months since I came here I’m feeling to improve English skill than before such as listening and writing. If I can study English hard, I’ll get great experience in my study trip. This amazing chance is once in my life. I’ll do my best every time without haste, but without rest.