







6時間後やっと着いて、オペラを観ました。人生初めてのオペラ、アメイジングでした!でも全てスペイン語で字幕は英語だったので理解するのが少し大変だったけどね。次の日、教会に行って歌いました。沢山のクワイアが集まってお互いの歌を聴きあいました。その時に生きてるっていいな〜と感じました。なぜか感動して涙が出そうでした。クリスマスではホールで町の人たちが集まってクリスマスの準備をしました。その時に学校のクワイアとして、 教会のクワイアとしてクリスマスソングを歌いました。さらには、フィリピンのクリスマスソングを歌ったんです!すごいでしょ!パスコは、クリスマスという意味ですよ!とっても素敵な経験をしています!






そして、12月4日は私の誕生日で沢山の人がお祝いしてくれました。本当は誕生日に学校行くのは嫌だったんだけど、行ったら思いの外沢山の人がおめでとうって沢山言ってくれました。クラスではクラスメイトみんなが歌ってくれたクラスもありました!とっても嬉しかった!一時間目に友達が走ってきてくれてお誕生日おめでと〜う!ってハグしてくれました!こっちの学校生活の中で一番たのしかった!!!次の日はバースデーパーティーをひらいてくれました!愛されてるな〜としみじみと感じて、プレゼントをあけている時に思わず泣いてしまいました笑 沢山プレゼントもらいました!そうやって感じれることが、幸せです。いるみはなんて幸せなんだろう!それから5Fのお友達が誕生日の動画 を作って送ってくれて、また泣いてしまいました。ありがとう!本当に素敵な家族と友達をもっています!!!


そしてやっぱりクリスマス!サンタさんは私を見つけてくれました!前日に弟たちの為にサンタのヘルパーになったにもかかわらず、なぜかドキドキして眠れなかったよ笑 小さい時の事を思い出しました。朝、弟たちが喜んでるのを見て私もウキウキしてました。ホストマザーが窓を見てごらん!と言うと、そこにはなんとサンタさんがいたんですよ!!!キッズよりもはしゃいでしまいました笑 沢山食べて、話して、カードゲームして!すてきなクリスマスでした!最高!!


2015年は宮坂いるみを変えていきレベルアップした宮坂いるみを作り上げていました。2016年はもっとパワーアップした宮坂いるみを作り上げていきます!どんな時も支えてくれて、笑わせてくれて、私に頑張る力をくれる私の友達、ファミリー、先生、先輩、すべての人に感謝しています!だいすきだよ! バーイ!


Hi guys this is Irumi! How are you doing? Also happy happy happy happy new year! You guys had fun last year? I had so much fun. Every single day in Canada was battle by myself also from today. It was fun but also hard to spend time. Anyhow I have many events that I wanna tell you guys! UKIUKI♥ It’s difficult to say Ukiuki in English. 


First,time these days finally I feel happy to go to school in Canada. It is because I joined choir club! The members are so nice and kind to me. It’s best time when I spend time like singing, talking, and being crazy with them. The most my favorite was music trip in Winnipeg! OH MY GOSH it was awesome days. We went to Winnipeg to sing at church and to see opera! It takes long long long time to go there from our place. And guess what guys! We were in trouble because the highway was closed. It means we couldn’t go the place that we wanna go and teacher thought we should go back school! But we don’t wanna go back and take a class, so we were trying to find the other way. Fortunately we found the other high way to go there! but it took LONG LONG LONG time more than usual like 6 hours because it was snowstorm.


But anyhow we could go there on time of opera. The way to go there, we were singing in the car! It was so much fun and my favorite time. I saw opera first time it was beautiful but hard to understand because they spoke Spanish. Next day we went to church. There were many choirs and showed to sing each other. This time I feel strong emotion I can’t represent. Our choir was smallest. In the Christmas, we sang Christmas song at the hall. As a church choir, I sang Filipino Christmas song with church choir. So I can sing Filipino song. I still remember one word, it’s a Pasko which mean Christmas in Filipino. In my town, there are many Filipino and I like them!!


HALLOWEEM!! I dressed Halloween costume at school but I was not wearing good one, so I tried to be good one next day real Halloween. then I was chosen a winner of Halloween costume by GPI haha. Also I went trick or treat with my brothers and their friends. We were walking and running long time, so I had MANY treats and I still have it.


We had Remembrance Day in November 11th. It was praying for army World war 1 including other war. Our school has an event for it and our choir was singing a song for many armies. Also in my art class, we draw many pictures for this day. I don’t like fighting or war, so I feel sad. 


December 4th, It was MY BIRTHDAY! In fact, I was not happy to go to school in my bday before go. The day was the happiest school day ever! Many people said me HAPPY BIRTH DAY IRUMI!! Also they were singing in couple classes. In my first class, my friends suddenly ran and came my class, then they gave me hug. Was surprise and so happy. Next day, I have my birthday party with my love people! They gave me LOTS of presents and I was so so so happy. Then I was crying haha. I won’t forget about this day. Also my friends of 5F made movie for me. Thank you! I have nice family and friends!


And final, Christmas! Santa found me and gave me LOTS of presents! I was happy to send this Christmas with my love family. My brothers were super excited. Also we saw Santa! how lucky! I ate too many food played cards game. It was so much fun day!


I hope we have nice year! Love you guys! Bye


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