








次に部活のことについて話します。私はチア部に入っています。チアの練習は毎日放課後二時間ほどあります。今シーズンはバスケットのためのチアで男バスと女バスの試合のチアをしています。この前初めて試合でチアをしました。初めての試合はとても緊張してうまく笑えていたか覚えていません。笑 二回目の試合では初めて観客の前でスタンツをすることができました。みんながチアの歌を歌ってくれたり、拍手をしてくれてすごい嬉しかったのを今でも覚えています。これからも試合はまだまだあるのでチアのみんなと頑張ります。あと私が思ったことはスタンツとかみんなと協力するものをやることで信頼がもっと強くなることです。チアはボランティア活動があるのでおすすめです。


最後にクリスマスパーティーをチアの友達としたことです。友達の家に招待されてチアのほぼみんなが揃いました。みんなで夕食をたべて、ゲームをしました。中でも楽しかったのがホワイト・エレファント・プレゼント交換です。このプレゼント交換は買ったプレゼントではなくて、自分が持っているものの中で不要品をプレゼントとしてラッピングして持ち寄る交換です。ほかにも詳しいルールがあるので調べてみてください。笑 初めてこのプレゼント交換をして面白いプレゼントや良いプレゼントそれぞれあって楽しかったです。ちなみに私は新品のブランケットをゲットしました。このパーティーでもっとチアのみんなと仲良くなれて嬉しかったです。




Hi guys! How are you doing? I’m doing well. Now I’m spending winter break of only two weeks. There were both of Christmas and New Year holidays during two weeks. It was full schedule of event. How did everybody spend Christmas and New Year holidays?


First I talk about my winter break. My host family is dad, mom, brother, sister and exchange student from Germany. And brother who lives in Hawaii and sister who is joining army came back home when winter break began. The winter break to spend with a lot of sibling is fresh and fun for me.


I hand a present to each family on Christmas in America, so I got many presents from family. There were many presents under the Christmas tree before one week. They looked like can’t wait for presents and looked forward to opening presents. When they open presents, they looked excited like kids and was fun. There were wonderful dish and presents and was the love of family. I was able to express words of appreciation to family some other time.


Next I talk about club. I’m in the cheer club right now. We have about two hours practice of cheer after school every day. This season for basketball and we are doing cheer for boys game and girls game too. The first game, I was nervous so I don’t remember that I was smiling. haha. I could do my first performance in front of the audience on the second game. Almost everybody sang a school song and applauded a lot too. I was super happy and remember still now. I have a lot of game do my best with cheer leader from now. Because we have volunteer activity, a cheer club is recommended.


Finally I had Christmas party with friends of cheer. I was invited to the house of cheer girl and gathered almost all cheerleaders. We ate dinner and played games. It’s white elephant present exchange to have been the most fun in that. This present exchange don’t need to buy present, just bring thing that don’t use anymore. But we have to lapping as a present. This game has more rule so please check it. These have interesting presents and good presents. I could get good present! I got new blanket. I feel like I can get close to cheer girls. And this party was sooooo fun!


​​​​​​2015 is over. It means studying abroad life became half. Time goes by really fast from came to here. There was a lot of experience and great time. I want to spend time left without regret. Alright then, see you.

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